All Stories

  1. Cultural Consultation in Context: A Comparison of the Framing of Identity During Intake at Services in Montreal, London, and Paris
  2. The Politics of Diversity: Pluralism, Multiculturalism and Mental Health
  3. Mental health of resettled Syrian refugees: a practical cross-cultural guide for practitioners
  4. Transmitted trauma as badge of honor: Phenomenological accounts of Holocaust descendant resilient vulnerability
  5. Thinking Through Other Minds: A Variational Approach to Cognition and Culture
  6. Ontologies of life: From thermodynamics to teleonomics
  7. Cultural Clinical Psychology and PTSD
  8. Mental health for refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons: A call for a humanitarian agenda
  9. Culture and depression in global mental health: An ecosocial approach to the phenomenology of psychiatric disorders
  10. Associations between omega-3 fatty acids and 25(OH)D and psychological distress among Inuit in Canada
  11. Culture and psychopathology
  12. Mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of Syrians affected by armed conflict
  13. Caring for a newly arrived Syrian refugee family
  14. The National Institute of Mental Health Research Domain Criteria
  15. Mental wellness in Canada’s Aboriginal communities: striving toward reconciliation
  16. “Learning how to deal with feelings differently”: Psychotropic medications as vehicles of socialization in adolescence
  17. A qualitative study on the ethics of transforming care: examining the development and implementation of Canada’s first mental health strategy
  18. Mindfulness in cultural context
  19. Expanding care for perinatal women with depression (EXPONATE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an intervention package for perinatal depression in primary care
  20. Advancing Suicide Prevention Research With Rural American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
  21. Re-Visioning Psychiatry
  22. The health and well-being of Indigenous youth
  23. Toward a new architecture for global mental health
  24. Clinician Reasoning in the Use of Cultural Formulation to Resolve Uncertainty in the Diagnosis of Psychosis
  25. Changing Rates of Suicide Ideation and Attempts Among Inuit Youth: A Gender-Based Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors
  26. A Village Possessed by “Witches”: A Mixed-Methods Case–Control Study of Possession and Common Mental Disorders in Rural Nepal
  27. What kind of science for psychiatry?
  28. Rethinking Historical Trauma
  29. Cultural Consultation
  30. Language Barriers in Mental Health Care: A Survey of Primary Care Practitioners
  31. Erratum
  32. Culture and Global Mental Health
  33. Local responses to trauma: Symptom, affect, and healing
  34. Somatoform Disorders
  35. Cultures of the Internet: Identity, community and mental health
  36. Embracing Uncertainty as a Path to Competence: Cultural Safety, Empathy, and Alterity in Clinical Training
  37. 50 years of Transcultural Psychiatry
  38. A psychological autopsy study of suicide among Inuit in Nunavut: methodological and ethical considerations, feasibility and acceptability
  39. Cultural Psychiatry: Research Strategies and Future Directions
  40. Cultural competence and evidence-based practice in mental health: Epistemic communities and the politics of pluralism
  41. Changing patterns in suicide among young people
  42. Rethinking cultural competence
  43. Music Listening and Mental Health: Variations on Internalizing Psychopathology
  44. Influence of the DSM‐IV Outline for Cultural Formulation on multidisciplinary case conferences in mental health
  45. Using the Cultural Formulation to Resolve Uncertainty in Diagnoses of Psychosis Among Ethnoculturally Diverse Patients
  46. Economic Stress Scale
  47. Re-Socializing Psychiatry
  48. The Future of Critical Neuroscience
  49. Multicultural Medicine and the Politics of Recognition
  50. Defining and Delimiting Trauma-Related Dissociation: A View from Cultural Psychiatry
  51. Prevalence and social determinants of suicidal behaviours among college youth in India
  52. Unikkaartuit: Meanings of Well-Being, Unhappiness, Health, and Community Change Among Inuit in Nunavut, Canada
  53. Neuroscience as Cultural Intervention: Reconfiguring the Self as Moral Agent
  54. Spiritual reconfigurations of self after a myocardial infarction: Influence of culture and place
  55. Common mental health problems in immigrants and refugees: general approach in primary care
  56. Evidence-based clinical guidelines for immigrants and refugees
  57. From Brain Image to the Bush Doctrine: Critical Neuroscience and the Political Uses of Neurotechnology
  58. Trauma and Disasters in Social and Cultural Context
  59. From Complicity to Advocacy: The Necessity of Refugee Research
  60. Peace, Conflict, and Reconciliation: Contributions of Cultural Psychiatry
  61. Psychic Centrality: Reflections on Two Psychohistoriographic Cultural Therapy Workshops in Montreal
  62. Endurance is to be shown at the first blow: Social representations and reactions to traumatic experiences in the Gaza Strip.
  63. Endurance is to be shown at the first blow: Social representations and reactions to traumatic experiences in the Gaza Strip.
  64. Bidimensional measurement of acculturation in a multiethnic community sample of first-generation immigrants.
  65. Erratum to: Therapeutic Processes and Perceived Helpfulness of Dang-Ki (Chinese Shamanism) from the Symbolic Healing Perspective
  66. Therapeutic Processes and Perceived Helpfulness of Dang-Ki (Chinese Shamanism) from the Symbolic Healing Perspective
  67. Cultural Adaptation of Psychological Trauma Treatment for Children
  68. Cultural Formulation Guidelines
  69. More antidepressants for African Americans with coronary heart disease? Maybe—maybe not
  70. Nightmares, Neurophenomenology and the Cultural Logic of Trauma
  71. Editorial: From Amrita to Substance D: Psychopharmacology, Political Economy, and Technologies of the Self
  72. Cultural neuroscience and psychopathology: prospects for cultural psychiatry
  73. Family participation in treatment, post-discharge appointment and medication adherence at a Nigerian psychiatric hospital
  74. Empathy and Alterity in Cultural Psychiatry
  75. The Cultural Context of Clinical Assessment
  76. Training Clinicians in Cultural Psychiatry: A Canadian Perspective
  77. Training Researchers in Cultural Psychiatry: The McGill-CIHR Strategic Training Program
  78. Use of an Expanded Version of the DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation on a Cultural Consultation Service
  79. Culture and the Metaphoric Mediation of Pain
  80. The Medical Anthropology of Sensations
  81. Toward a Medical Anthropology of Sensations: Definitions and Research Agenda
  82. Insight and Psychosis: Comparing the Perspectives of Patient, Entourage and Clinician
  83. Dissociative Experience and Cultural Neuroscience: Narrative, Metaphor and Mechanism
  84. Perceived stigmatisation of young mothers: An exploratory study of psychological and social experience
  85. Cultural Models and Somatic Syndromes
  86. Editorial: Refugees and Forced Migration: Hardening of the Arteries in the Global Reign of Insecurity
  87. Psychotherapy and the Cultural Concept of the Person
  88. GPs' strategies in intercultural clinical encounters
  89. Voices of Trauma
  90. Understanding Trauma
  91. Breastfeeding and the cultural configuration of social space among Vietnamese immigrant woman
  92. Public Pressure, Private Protest: Illness Narratives of West Indian Immigrants in Montreal with Medically Unexplained Symptoms
  93. The McGill Illness Narrative Interview (MINI): An Interview Schedule to Elicit Meanings and Modes of Reasoning Related to Illness Experience
  94. Drs. Miresco and Kirmayer Reply
  95. Culture and Psychotherapy in a Creolizing World
  96. The Persistence of Mind-Brain Dualism in Psychiatric Reasoning About Clinical Scenarios
  97. Beyond the ‘New Cross-cultural Psychiatry’: Cultural Biology, Discursive Psychology and the Ironies of Globalization
  98. Abnormal illness behaviour: physiological, psychological and social dimensions of coping with distress
  99. Toward a Medicine of the Imagination
  100. Religious Practice and Psychological Distress: The Importance of Gender, Ethnicity and Immigrant Status
  101. The Role of Afro-Canadian Status in Police or Ambulance Referral to Emergency Psychiatric Services
  102. Somatoform Disorders: Time for a New Approach in DSM-V
  103. Culture and Sleep Paralysis
  104. Inuit Interpretations of Sleep Paralysis
  105. Culture, Context and Experience in Psychiatric Diagnosis
  106. The cultural diversity of healing: meaning, metaphor and mechanism
  107. Perceived stigma in functional somatic syndromes and comparable medical conditions
  108. Sociosomatic theory in Vietnamese immigrants' narratives of distress
  109. Cultural consultation in psychiatric practice
  110. Knowledge Structures in Illness Narratives: Development and Reliability of a Coding Scheme
  111. Healing Traditions: Culture, Community and Mental Health Promotion with Canadian Aboriginal Peoples
  112. Failures of imagination: The refugee's narrative in psychiatry
  113. Correlates of illness worry in chronic fatigue syndrome
  114. Predictors of somatic symptoms in depressive disorder
  115. Psychological correlates of functional status in chronic fatigue syndrome
  116. The refugee’s predicament
  117. Le dilemme du réfugié
  118. Determinants of the diagnosis of psychological problems by primary care physicians in patients with normal GHQ-28 scores
  119. Behavioral medicine approaches to somatoform disorders.
  120. Behavioral medicine approaches to somatoform disorders.
  122. Hypochondriacal concerns in a community population
  123. Sapir's Vision of Culture and Personality
  124. Epidemiology.
  125. The Place of Culture in DSM-IV
  126. Culture and context in the evolutionary concept of mental disorder.
  127. The Fate of Culture in DSM-IV
  128. Cultural psychiatry
  129. Latent Variable Models of Functional Somatic Distress
  130. Inuit Attitudes Toward Deviant Behavior: A Vignette Study
  131. Improvisation and authority in illness meaning
  132. Improvisation and authority in illness meaning
  133. Somatoform disorders: Personality and the social matrix of somatic distress.
  134. Somatoform disorders: Personality and the social matrix of somatic distress.
  135. Culture and psychiatric epidemiology in Japanese primary care
  136. Healing and the invention of metaphor: The effectiveness of symbols revisited
  137. Sleep disturbance in primary care patients with fatigue
  138. Social Constructions of Hypnosis
  139. Fatigue in primary care
  140. Cultural variations in the response to psychiatric disorders and emotional distress
  141. Word magic and the rhetoric of common sense: Erickson's metaphors for mind
  142. Somatization and the Social Construction of Illness Experience
  143. Social and Cultural Lives of Immune Systems
  144. Failures of Imagination: How evaluation boards assess the claims of refugees and asylum seekers
  145. How to promote interdisciplinary research on psychological trauma
  146. Re-Visioning Psychiatry: Toward an Ecology of Mind in Health and Illness
  147. Reflections: The Community Life of Objects – Beyond the Academic Clinic
  148. Introduction
  149. Wrestling with the Angels of History
  150. Commentary
  151. Culture and Mental Illness: Social Context and Explanatory Models
  153. Introduction: Inscribing Trauma in Culture, Brain, and Body
  154. Preface
  155. Trauma, Culture, and Myth: Narratives of the Ethiopian Jewish Exodus
  156. Introduction: Ireland and modernity
  157. Empathy and Alterity in Psychiatry
  158. Trauma in Context: Integrating Biological, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives