What is it about?

The effect of combined acidic soil management was tested for two seasons on soil health, soil hydraulic properties and wheat productiviry.

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Why is it important?

There is scarce literature in the management of acidic Nitisols using lime, manure and inorganic fertilizers, and its effect on soil health, soil hydraulic conditions and crop productivity is not studied yet.


This publication can play paraamout role for scholars, practitioners, and farmers. It is the output of well designed field experiment, which considers farmers plot size, treatments took into acount resource avibility and farmer themselves involved in the experiment. In my view, participatory and controled experimwnt like our paper is mandatory for productivity boosting.

Dr. Desale Kidane Asmamaw
Bahir Dar University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effect of integrated soil fertility management on hydrophysical soil properties and irrigated wheat production in the upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Soil and Tillage Research, July 2022, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2022.105384.
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