All Stories

  1. Deficit Irrigation: A Review from Ethiopia
  2. Effect of deficit irrigation and soil fertility management on wheat production and water productivity in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
  3. Integrated acidic soil management improve soil health and wheat productivity
  4. Spatial and temporal simulation of groundwater recharge and cross-validation with point measurements in volcanic aquifers with variable topography
  5. Deficit irrigation
  6. Comparative analysis of groundwater conditions on rain-fed and irrigated agriculture in the upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
  7. Landuse dynamics and soil erosion rate in the humid region of Ethiopia
  8. Understanding farmer's perception of major challenges in soil and water management
  9. Land management effect on ecosystem services
  10. Runoff, sediment load and land use/cover change relationship: the case of Maybar sub-watershed, South Wollo, Ethiopia
  12. Assessment of the Impact of Small-Scale Irrigation on Household Livelihood Improvement at Gubalafto District, North Wollo, Ethiopia
  13. Farmers’ perception of soil erosion and participation in soil and water conservation activities in the Gusha Temela watershed, Arsi, Ethiopia
  14. A critical review of integrated river basin management in the upper Blue Nile river basin: the case of Ethiopia
  15. Rainwater harvesting: An option for dry land agriculture in arid and semi-arid Ethiopia