A Large Randomized Individual and Group Intervention Conducted by Registered Dietitians Increased Adherence to Mediterranean-Type Diets: The PREDIMED Study
Itziar Zazpe, Ana Sanchez-Tainta, Ramon Estruch, Rosa María Lamuela-Raventos, Helmut Schröder, Jordi Salas-Salvado, Dolores Corella, Miquel Fiol, Enrique Gomez-Gracia, Fernando Aros, Emilio Ros, Valentina Ruíz-Gutierrez, Pablo Iglesias, Manuel Conde-Herrera, Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 2008, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jada.2008.04.011