What is it about?

A significant portion of scientific research is focused on elucidating perplexing experimental outcomes. Nonetheless, many of the confounding results and phenomena that are disseminated can often be resolved by invoking well-established and straightforward principles. Errors in published materials frequently stem from a misinterpretation of these foundational concepts. It is imperative to recognize that these basic principles retain their value and relevance in contemporary, rigorous research endeavors. Notably, the research community frequently showcases remarkable findings today, yet these advances are frequently underpinned by fundamental theories that were developed long ago, even if this connection is not immediately apparent. Paradoxically, if a profound understanding is achieved by expanding upon these basic principles, the work may be deemed too foundational for publication. We aspire to foster a greater appreciation for delving into the realms of fundamental theory and its applications, with the aim of capturing the attention of researchers and enhancing their ability to address novel challenges through the lens of foundational principles. Hence, research dedicated to evaluating and extending published data or results holds immense value, particularly considering the vast amount of published data that remains inadequately explained. It is worth acknowledging that such endeavors are currently regarded as outdated and rudimentary since their solutions typically emanate from fundamental principles. This work seeks not only to provide clarity on aspects of basic crystallography but also to emphasize that research grounded in fundamental theory remains pertinent in modern research. It plays a crucial role in comprehending existing published materials, consolidating prior work, or initiating new research endeavors. While "flashy" and "attention-grabbing" work may be evaluated based on the impact factor of the journal in which it is published, substantial research that offers profound understanding derived from rudimentary principles should be assessed based on its enduring significance in the annals of scientific history, serving as a criterion for excellence.

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Why is it important?

There is a prevailing notion that research in traditional fields constitutes a form of rudimentary science, predicated on the assumption that researchers possess a strong foundation in fundamental principles. Nevertheless, the actuality remains that a critical and open-minded approach toward conventional theories remains highly relevant in contemporary research. Such an approach can catalyze meaningful changes in how results are interpreted, foster genuine comprehension, mitigate errors in publications, and root out academic misconduct. The basic, straightforward, and foundational concepts found in classical textbooks from earlier eras hold considerable value. They serve as a consistent, effective, and indispensable framework for scrutinizing previously published materials. While experimental research primarily focuses on the documentation of novel data and phenomena, reviews, in stark contrast, offer fresh perspectives on existing findings, often by accentuating the significance of fundamental theory. 梳理这段历史,会发现这些重大原始创新在刚面世时都遭到了业界的质疑和抵制,差点夭折。 这不是个例,浮栅晶体管、异质结、绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)、微机电系统(MEMS)、浸没式光刻等重大发明都遭到过抵制。 为什么这些发明一开始都不受待见呢?芯片的发展离不开持续的创新和超越,然而创新越大,对传统的叛逆和颠覆也越大,因而遭到传统势力的抵制就越大。 中国科学报,2023-09-16 第3版 读书 When delving into this historical period, it becomes apparent that these groundbreaking original innovations faced skepticism and opposition within the industry upon their initial emergence, nearly teetering on the brink of extinction. This phenomenon is not an isolated occurrence; major breakthroughs like floating-gate transistors, heterojunctions, insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), immersion lithography, and others have also confronted resistance. What prompted this initial lack of acceptance for these inventions? The advancement of semiconductor technology hinges on ongoing innovation and breakthroughs. However, the greater the innovation, the more it challenges and disrupts established norms, resulting in heightened resistance from traditional forces. Published in China Science Daily, September 16, 2023, 3rd Edition, Book Review. https://news.sciencenet.cn/dz/dzzz_1.aspx?dzsbqkid=39253 https://news.sciencenet.cn/dz/upload/2023/9/20239156508226.pdf https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1044 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1037 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1040 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1036 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1026 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1046


In a certain sense, the academic community resembles a faction-ridden "martial arts world," where academic authorities wield power akin to "sect leaders," and ordinary scholars lack the strength to challenge their viewpoints. As the number of erroneous papers being published increases and more researchers follow the trend, everyone becomes a beneficiary, tacitly allowing these incorrect viewpoints to continue propagating. — Science and Technology Daily, 2018-10-18, Page 01: Today's Headlines, Deception Spanning Over a Decade: Academic "Masters" in the Field of Stem Cells Fall from Grace Reviews can be broadly categorized into two types, both of which hold significant value for scientists. The first type involves conducting a comprehensive and organized survey based on extensive experimental data, prioritizing empirical evidence over theoretical insights. The second type, on the other hand, focuses on elucidating existing theories or developing novel ones by critically analyzing previously published materials. This latter category occupies a somewhat intermediate position between a research paper and a traditional review and can be aptly termed a "research review." Considering the substantial volume of papers published annually, a considerable number of them contain errors stemming from neglecting fundamental principles of physics. Consequently, research reviews play a crucial role in the scientific community. They aim to reevaluate any problematic work, shedding light on obscure aspects, rectifying inaccuracies, or fostering new insights through the lens of foundational theories. While a significant portion of researchers is enthusiastic about reporting fresh experimental findings, this can be accomplished swiftly and relatively effortlessly with the aid of state-of-the-art equipment. In contrast, a minority is more inclined towards utilizing their experimental data to clarify existing theories or forge new ones. This latter form of endeavor is often arduous, time-intensive, and demands a robust grounding in scientific knowledge. Nevertheless, in contemporary times, the former type of research has gained ascendancy, resulting in the prevalence of reporting experimental results while contributions to theoretical advancements are conspicuously sparse within the literature. This noticeable asymmetry can be attributed to the allure of experimental results, which, often presented in captivating formats, tend to captivate attention and are perceived as more substantial. Theoretical work, in contrast, may appear unexciting and overly foundational, as genuine understanding typically originates from the fundamental tenets of science established long ago.

Yue Liu
Shenyang Normal University

学术圈某种意义上像是个派系林立的“江湖”,学术权威如同“教主”一样,普通学者没有力量反抗其观点。 随着发表的错误论文越来越多,跟风研究的越来越多,大家都成了既得利益者,就默许了这些错误的观点继续流传下去。 ———— 科技日报,2018-10-18 第01版:今日要闻,骗了全世界十余年 干细胞“学术大牛”走下神坛 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1614619477235832974&wfr=spider&for=pc https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1614619476870888302 https://www.rmzxb.com.cn/c/2018-10-18/2193148.shtml

Professor Ying Liu
Shenyang Normal University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Clarifications of concepts concerning interplanar spacing in crystals with reference to recent publications, SN Applied Sciences, March 2020, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/s42452-020-2498-5.
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