All Stories

  1. Wave mechanics of microwave absorption in films: A short review
  2. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption in Films: Multilayered Films
  3. Review of Wave Mechanics Theory for Microwave Absorption by Film
  4. Recognizing Problems in Publications Concerned with Microwave Absorption Film and Providing Corrections: A Focused Review
  5. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption in Films: Part 3 – Multilayered Films
  6. [Commentary] Comments on: “A perspective on impedance matching and resonance absorption mechanism for electromagnetic wave absorbing” by Hou et al. [Carbon 222 (2024) 118935]
  7. Corrections of Common Errors in Current Theories of Microwave Absorption Caused by Confusing Film and Material
  8. A theoretical exploration of impedance matching coefficients for interfaces and films
  9. Wave mechanics of microwave absorption in films - Distinguishing film from material
  10. Fundamental theory of microwave absorption for films of porous nanocomposites: role of interfaces in composite fillers
  11. Review of: "Some Considerations on the Speed of Light"
  12. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption Films: Part 2 - Distinguishing Film from Material
  13. The wave mechanics for microwave absorption film-Part 3: Film with multilayers
  14. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption Films: Part 1 - Insights and Review
  15. The wave mechanics for microwave absorption film-Part 3: Film with multilayers
  16. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption Films: Part 3 - Multilayered Films
  17. Review of: "The Compton Wavelength Is the True Matter Wavelength, Linked to the Photon Wavelength, While the de Broglie Wavelength Is Simply a Mathematical Derivative"
  18. The Wave Cancellation Theory for Microwave Absorption Films
  19. The wave mechanics for microwave absorption film – Part 2: The difference between film and material
  20. The wave mechanics for microwave absorption film-Part 1: A short review
  21. The wave mechanics for microwave absorption film-Part 3: Film with multilayers
  22. Revolutionary Shift in Impedance Matching Theory for Microwave Absorption I
  23. Revolutionary Shift in Impedance Matching Theory for Microwave Absorption II
  24. The Theory of Film Differs Significantly from Material Theory I
  25. The Theory of Film Differs Significantly from Material Theory II
  26. Reflection Loss is a Parameter for Film, not Material
  27. Microwave absorption of film explained accurately by wave cancellation theory
  28. Microwave absorption of film explained accurately by wave cancellation theory
  29. Photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride with g-C3N4/Ag/AgBr composites
  30. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption Films --Energy Conservation
  31. The Established Microwave Absorption Mechanism for Films Has Been Overturned
  32. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption Films -- The Quarter-Wavelength Theory Overturned
  33. Natural Mathematical Derivation of the Gibbs-Duhem Equation
  34. Natural Mathematical Derivation of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation Related to ΔG and ∂G/∂ξ
  35. The problems in the quarter-wavelength model and impedance matching theory in analysising microwave absorption material
  36. The Quarter-Wavelength Theory of Microwave Absorption Has Been Debunked I
  37. The Quarter-Wavelength Theory of Microwave Absorption Has Been Debunked II
  38. Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption Films -- Application
  39. Ionic liquid assisted preparation of phosphorus-doped g-C3N4 photocatalyst for decomposition of emerging water pollutants
  40. Clarifications of rudements in crystallography
  41. Construction of 1D Ag-AgBr/AlOOH Plasmonic Photocatalyst for Degradation of Tetracycline Hydrochloride
  42. Relationship derived by different but connected approaches
  43. New procedure in characterizing Microwave absorption
  44. An investigation into “reflection loss”
  45. Characterization microwave absorption with more rigorous method
  46. Microwave absorption and reflection loss
  47. Characterizing Materials Using Reflection Loss Is Not Feasible
  48. Parameter set applicable to microwave absorption
  49. Three different methods for calculating interplanar spacing in a lattice
  50. Preparation and characterizations of Ba1−xPbxFe12O19/polypyrrole composites
  51. Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Absorption
  52. Several Theoretical Perspectives of Ferrite-Based Materials—Part 2: Close Packing Model for Crystal Structure
  53. Several Theoretical Perspectives of Ferrite-Based Materials-Part 3: Crystal Structure and Synthesis
  54. Preparation and characterizations of active carbon/barium ferrite/polypyrrole composites
  55. Increasing microwave absorption efficiency in ferrite based materials by doping with lead and forming composites
  56. A mathematical approach to chemical equilibrium theory for gaseous systems IV: a mathematical clarification of Le Chatelier’s principle
  57. A mathematical approach to chemical equilibrium theory for gaseous systems—III: $$\hbox {Q}_\mathrm{p}$$ Q p , $$\hbox {Q}_\mathrm{c}$$ Q c , and $$\hbox {Q}_{\mathrm{x}}$$ Q x
  58. A comparative study of Fe3O4/polyaniline composites with octahedral and microspherical inorganic kernels
  59. The handedness structure of octahedral metal complexes with chelating ligands
  60. Anodic Polarization Curves Revisited
  61. A mathematical approach to chemical equilibrium theory for gaseous systems—I: theory
  62. A mathematical approach to chemical equilibrium theory for gaseous systems—II: extensions and applications
  63. Correlation between Fourier series expansion and Hückel orbital theory
  64. Preparation, characterizations and magnetic properties of doped barium hexaferrites BaFe12-2x Mn x Sn x O19 (x = 0.0–1.0)
  65. Optimizing the methods of synthesis for barium hexagonal ferrite—An experimental and theoretical study
  66. Connections between Concepts Revealed by the Electronic Structure of Carbon Monoxide
  67. Correlations between two sets of angular relation equations
  68. Structure Information of Barium Hexaferrite and Strategies for its Syntheses
  69. Magnetic Properties of Mn/Co/Sn Substituted Barium Hexaferrites Synthesized by an Improved Co-Precipitation Method
  70. Improved Synthesis Methods for Barium Hexaferrite
  71. Preparation and magnetic properties of barium ferrites substituted with manganese, cobalt, and tin
  72. A New Method for Obtaining Russell−Saunders Terms
  73. Preparation and magnetic properties of La–Mn and La–Co doped barium hexaferrites prepared via an improved co-precipitation/molten salt method
  74. Preparation, characterization and magnetic properties of the doped barium hexaferrites BaFe12−2xCox/2Znx/2SnxO19, x=0.0–2.0
  75. Efficiency and purity control in the preparation of pure and/or aluminum-doped barium ferrites by hydrothermal methods using ferrous ions as reactants
  76. Correlation between regioselectivity and site charge in propene polymerisation catalysed by metallocene
  77. Comparison of the Sol-gel Method with the Coprecipitation Technique for Preparation of Hexagonal Barium Ferrite
  78. The crucial importance of agostic interactions in intermediates formed in propylene polymerization using neutral salicyladiminato palladium(II) and nickel complexes as catalysts
  79. Intermediate ion stability and regioselectivity in propene polymerization using neutral salicyladiminato nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes as catalysts
  80. A DFT study of propylene polymerization using neutral salicyladiminato nickel(II) and palladium(II) as catalysts
  81. Where Should the Nuclei Be Located?