All Stories

  1. Orangutan Optimization Algorithm: An Innovative Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Approach for Solving Engineering Optimization Problems
  2. Spider-Tailed Horned Viper Optimization: An Effective Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Engineering Applications
  3. Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications
  4. Scheduling Theory and Algorithms for Sustainable Manufacturing
  5. Special Issue: “Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications”
  6. Special Issue on Scheduling Theory and Algorithms for Sustainable Manufacturing
  7. Sales Training Based Optimization: A New Human-inspired Metaheuristic Approach for Supply Chain Management
  8. On the Recursive Representation of the Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem and Its Extension
  9. UCapsNet: A Two-Stage Deep Learning Model Using U-Net and Capsule Network for Breast Cancer Segmentation and Classification in Ultrasound Imaging
  10. Fossa Optimization Algorithm: A New Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm for Engineering Applications
  11. A Completely Different and Innovative Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Approach for Effectively Solving Complex Optimization Problems Across Various Domains
  12. Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Scheduling Problems: Some Models and Algorithms
  13. Discrete Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
  14. Mathematical Methods for Operations Research Problems
  15. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
  16. Scheduling of Automated Wet-Etch Stations with One Robot in Semiconductor Manufacturing via Constraint Answer Set Programming
  17. Optimal Scheduling for Automated Wetetch Stations with One Robot in Semiconductor Manufacturing via Constraint Answer Set Programming
  18. Minimizing the makespan on two parallel machines with a common server in charge of loading and unloading operations
  19. Recent Advances of Disсrete Optimization and Scheduling
  20. Frilled Lizard Optimization: A Novel Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems
  21. Special Issue “Recent Advances of Discrete Optimization and Scheduling”
  22. Special Issue: “2022 and 2023 Selected Papers from Algorithms’ Editorial Board Members”
  23. Ensemble Heuristic–Metaheuristic Feature Fusion Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Tabular Data
  24. Special issue "Discrete optimization: Theory, algorithms and new applications"
  25. Frilled Lizard Optimization: A Novel Bio-Inspired Optimizer for Solving Engineering Applications
  26. Magnificent Frigatebird Optimization: A New Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Approach for Solving Optimization Problems
  27. GastroFuse-Net: an ensemble deep learning framework designed for gastrointestinal abnormality detection in endoscopic images
  28. A Heuristic Framework for Assessing the Efficiency of Multi-branch Banks Under Big Data Conditions
  29. Using the Novel Wolverine Optimization Algorithm for Solving Engineering Applications
  30. Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
  31. A sustainable multi-objective model for the hazardous waste location-routing problem: A real case study
  32. EHMFFL: Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Feature Fusion Learning Algorithm for Heart Disease Diagnosis
  33. Acoustic Monitoring in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks using Energy-efficient Artificial Fish Swarm-based Clustering Protocol (EAFSCP)
  34. Scheduling: Algorithms and Applications
  35. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
  36. Special Issue “Scheduling: Algorithms and Applications”
  37. Mathematical Modeling and Exact Optimizing of University Course Scheduling Considering Preferences of Professors
  38. Mathematical Circuit Root Simplification Using an Ensemble Heuristic–Metaheuristic Algorithm
  39. Mathematical Modeling and Exact Optimizing of University Course Scheduling COnsidering Preferences of Professors
  40. Sustainable Phosphorus Fertilizer Supply Chain Management to Improve Crop Yield and P Use Efficiency Using an Ensemble Heuristic–Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm
  41. Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
  42. Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
  43. LX-BBSCA: Laplacian biogeography-based sine cosine algorithm for structural engineering design optimization
  44. Designing a Renewable and Sustainable Phosphorus Fertilizer Supply Chain Network using an Ensemble Knowledge-based Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm
  45. Solving train scheduling problems as a job shop: A brief review
  46. Social Media’s Role in Achieving Marketing Goals in Iran during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  47. Special Issue “1st Online Conference on Algorithms (IOCA2021)”
  48. Home Health Care Planning with the Consideration of Flexible Starting/Ending Points and Service Features
  49. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
  50. The 1st International Electronic Conference on Algorithms
  51. The 1st International Electronic Conference on Algorithms (IOCA 2021)
  52. A robust optimization approach for a cellular manufacturing system considering skill-leveled operators and multi-functional machines
  53. Special Issue “2021 Selected Papers from Algorithms’ Editorial Board Members”
  54. A Stochastic Multi-Objective Model for a Sustainable Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design in the Automotive Industry
  55. Special Issue “Mathematical Methods for Operations Research Problems”
  56. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
  57. Branch Less, Cut More and Schedule Jobs with Release and Delivery Times on Uniform Machines
  58. A Bi-Objective Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Model with Considering Nurse Downgrading Costs
  59. 2020 Selected Papers from Algorithms’ Editorial Board Members
  60. A Polynomial Algorithm for Sequencing Jobs with Release and Delivery Times on Uniform Machines
  61. Multicriteria Optimization - Pareto-Optimality and Threshold-Optimality
  62. A Brief Look at Multi-Criteria Problems: Multi-Threshold Optimization versus Pareto-Optimization
  63. A Bi-Objective Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Model with Considering Nurse Downgrading Costs
  64. Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization
  65. Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization
  66. A metric approach for scheduling problems with minimizing the maximum penalty
  67. On the Dual and Inverse Problems of Scheduling Jobs to Minimize the Maximum Penalty
  68. Graph-Theoretic Problems and Their New Applications
  69. Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness for Scheduling Equal-Length Jobs on a Single Machine
  71. Graph-Theoretic Problems and Their New Applications
  72. Exact and Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms
  73. A control approach to scheduling flexibly configurable jobs with dynamic structural-logical constraints
  74. Proactive Scheduling and Reactive Real-Time Control in Industry 4.0
  75. Polynomially Solvable Subcases for the Approximate Solution of Multi-machine Scheduling Problems
  76. Special Issue on Exact and Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms
  77. On Neighborhood Structures and Repair Techniques for Blocking Job Shop Scheduling Problems
  78. A genetic algorithm for total graph coloring
  79. Integrated detection of disruption scenarios, the ripple effect dispersal and recovery paths in supply chains
  80. Blockchain-oriented dynamic modelling of smart contract design and execution in the supply chain
  81. Editorial of a special issue
  82. Scheduling of operating rooms in hospitals
  83. Two-Machine Job-Shop Scheduling with Equal Processing Times on Each Machine
  84. Correction: Ungson, Y. et al. Filling of Irregular Channels with Round Cross-Section: Modeling Aspects to Study the Properties of Porous Materials. Materials 2018, 11, 1901
  85. The vehicle routing and scheduling problem with cross-docking for perishable products under uncertainty: Two robust bi-objective models
  86. Heuristic Algorithms to Maximize Revenue and the Number of Jobs Processed on Parallel Machines
  87. Minimizing the Makespan on Two Identical Parallel Machines with Mold Constraints
  89. On Scheduling Problems with Forbidden Stack-Overflows
  90. A Permutation-Based Heuristic Method for the Blocking Job Shop Scheduling Problem
  91. The Optimality Box and Region for Single-Machine Scheduling of a Set of Jobs with Uncertain Durations
  94. Filling of Irregular Channels with Round Cross-Section: Modeling Aspects to Study the Properties of Porous Materials
  95. Editorial of a Special Issue
  96. Algorithms for Scheduling Problems
  97. A genetic algorithm for hybrid job-shop scheduling problems with minimizing the makespan or mean flow time
  98. This is the editorial of an open access special issue with 11 papers in the scheduling area.
  99. Incorporating supplier selection and order allocation into the vehicle routing and multi-cross-dock scheduling problem
  100. A Permutation-Based Neighborhood for the Blocking Job-Shop Problem with Total Tardiness Minimization
  101. Optimality box in uncertain data
  102. Flexible job shop scheduling with lot streaming and sublot size optimisation
  103. Material handling tools for a discrete manufacturing system: A comparison of optimization and simulation
  104. Approaches to modeling train scheduling problems as job-shop problems with blocking constraints
  105. A finite characterization and recognition of intersection graphs of hypergraphs with rank at most 3 and multiplicity at most 2 in the class of thresholds graphs
  106. A new effective dynamic program for an investment optimization problem
  107. Graphs with maximal induced matchings of the same size
  108. Integrated demand-responsive scheduling of maintenance and transportation operations in military supply chains
  109. Scheduling jobs with equal processing times on a single machine: minimizing maximum lateness and makespan
  110. Schedule robustness analysis with the help of attainable sets in continuous flow problem under capacity disruptions
  111. Recent advances on modelling of structures of multi-component mixtures using a sphere packing approach
  112. On a generalized single machine scheduling problem with time-dependent processing times**Supported by RFBR grants 13-01-12108, 15-07-07489, 15-07-03141 and DAAD grant A/1400328
  113. Tessellation for modeling
  114. Minimizing the makespan for the two-machine scheduling problem with a single server: Two algorithms for very large instances
  115. A dynamic model and an algorithm for short-term supply chain scheduling in the smart factory industry 4.0
  116. Minimising interference for scheduling two parallel machines with a single server
  117. Minimizing total weighted completion time approximately for the parallel machine problem with a single server
  118. Guest Editorial
  119. A new graphical approach for solving single-machine scheduling problems approximately
  120. Scheduling unrelated machines with two types of jobs
  121. A Graphical Approach to Solve an Investment Optimization Problem
  122. Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for the two-machine scheduling problem with a single server
  123. Block models for scheduling jobs on two parallel machines with a single server
  124. Reducing efficiently the search tree for multiprocessor job-shop scheduling problems
  125. Minimizing maximum lateness of jobs with naturally bounded job data on a single machine in polynomial time
  126. A note on the paper ‘Single machine scheduling problems with financial resource constraints: Some complexity results and properties’ by E.R. Gafarov et al.
  127. Erratum to: Minimizing total tardiness on parallel machines with preemptions
  128. Solving a job-shop scheduling problem by an adaptive algorithm based on learning
  129. The Stability Box for Minimizing Total Weighted Flow Time under Uncertain Data
  130. A Graphical Approach for Solving Single Machine Scheduling Problems Approximately
  131. Makespan Minimization for a Two-Machine Scheduling Problem with a Single Server
  132. Single machine total tardiness maximization problems: complexity and algorithms
  133. Measures of problem uncertainty for scheduling with interval processing times
  134. Guest Editorial
  135. Soft due window assignment and scheduling of unit-time jobs on parallel machines
  136. A Graphical Approach to Solve Combinatorial Problems: Algorithms and Some Computational Results
  137. A polynomially solvable case of a single machine scheduling problem when the maximal job processing time is a constant
  138. Calculation of the stability radius of an optimal line balance
  139. Near to Optimal Size Selection in Combinatorial Circuits
  140. Polynomial algorithms for scheduling jobs with two processing times on unrelated machines
  141. Search on the enumeration tree in the multiprocessor job-shop problem
  142. Graphs with Maximal Induced Matchings of the Same Size
  143. Approximability results for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with a single type of resources
  144. Transforming a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the single machine total tardiness maximization problem into a polynomial one
  145. A note on a single machine scheduling problem with generalized total tardiness objective function
  146. The dominance digraph as a solution to the two-machine flow-shop problem with interval processing times
  147. The complexity of dissociation set problems in graphs
  148. Single machine scheduling problems with financial resource constraints: Some complexity results and properties
  149. Parallel machine problems with equal processing times: a survey
  150. Batching for work and rework processes on dedicated facilities to minimize the makespan
  151. Algorithms for some maximization scheduling problems on a single machine
  152. Minimizing total weighted completion time with uncertain data: A stability approach
  153. Scheduling with multiple servers
  154. Foreword to the thematical issue devoted to the seventieth anniversary of Academician V.S. Tanaev
  155. Minimizing total tardiness on parallel machines with preemptions
  156. Minimizing the number of machines for scheduling jobs with equal processing times
  157. Preemptive scheduling on uniform machines to minimize mean flow time
  158. A graphical realization of the dynamic programming method for solving
  159. Algorithms for special cases of the single machine total tardiness problem and an application to the even–odd partition problem
  160. A comparison of scheduling algorithms for flexible flow shop problems with unrelated parallel machines, setup times, and dual criteria
  161. On a parallel machine scheduling problem with equal processing times
  162. Hierarchical Scheduling of Mobile Robots in Production-Transportation Supply Chains
  163. On the Complexity of Dissociation Set Problems in Graphs
  164. Partial job order for solving the two-machine flow-shop minimum-length problem with uncertain processing times
  165. Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times
  166. Hamiltonian properties of triangular grid graphs
  167. Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for minimizing mean flow time in an open shop
  168. Heuristic constructive algorithms for open shop scheduling to minimize mean flow time
  169. Using Simulated Annealing for Open Shop Scheduling with Sum Criteria
  170. Metaheuristic approaches for the two-machine flow-shop problem with weighted late work criterion and common due date
  171. Algorithms for flexible flow shop problems with unrelated parallel machines, setup times, and dual criteria
  172. Problem F2∥Cmax with forbidden jobs in the first or last position is easy
  173. Complexity of shop-scheduling problems with fixed number of jobs: a survey
  174. A note on the two machine job shop with the weighted late work criterion
  175. Cost minimizing scheduling of work and rework processes on a single facility under deterioration of reworkables
  176. Batching work and rework processes with limited deterioration of reworkables
  177. Mathematics of Economics and Business
  178. Book Review: Michael L. Pinedo (2005): ISBN 0-387-22198-0, Springer, New York
  181. A comparison of solution procedures for two-machine flow shop scheduling with late work criterion
  182. The two-machine flow-shop problem with weighted late work criterion and common due date
  183. Positive half-products and scheduling with controllable processing times
  184. Metaheuristics for Late Work Minimization in Two-Machine Flow Shop with Common Due Date
  185. Mean flow time minimization with given bounds of processing times
  186. Scheduling with common due date, earliness and tardiness penalties for multimachine problems: A survey
  187. On the complexity and some properties of multi-stage scheduling problems with earliness and tardiness penalties
  188. Open shop scheduling problems with late work criteria
  189. Two-Machine Flow Shop Scheduling with Nonregular Criteria
  190. Flow Shop Scheduling with Late Work Criterion – Choosing the Best Solution Strategy
  191. Two-machine open shop scheduling with secondary criteria
  192. Heuristics for hybrid flow shops with controllable processing times and assignable due dates
  193. Scheduling Problems and Mixed Graph Colorings
  194. Local search heuristics for two-stage flow shop problems with secondary criterion
  195. Complexity results for parallel machine problems with a single server
  196. A heuristic algorithm for minimizing mean flow time with unit setups
  197. Heuristic algorithms for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with a common due date, release dates, and linear earliness and tardiness penalties
  198. Minimizing total flow time in a two-machine flowshop problem with minimum makespan
  199. Single Machine Preemptive Scheduling to Minimize the Weighted Number of Late Jobs with Deadlines and Nested Release/Due Date Intervals
  200. Complexity of mixed shop scheduling problems: A survey
  201. On the Solution of 2-Machine Flow Shop Problems With a Common Due Date
  202. Scheduling with Deadlines and Nested Processing Intervals for a Single Machine
  203. Total Late Work Criteria for Shop Scheduling Problems
  204. A comparison of heuristic algorithms for flow shop scheduling problems with setup times and limited batch size
  205. On the application of insertion techniques for job shop problems with setup times
  206. Heuristics for generalized shop scheduling problems based on decomposition
  207. Stability Radius of an Optimal Schedule: A Survey and Recent Developments
  208. Parallel machine scheduling problems with a single server
  209. Optimal makespan scheduling with given bounds of processing times
  210. Stability of an optimal schedule in a job shop
  211. A polynomial approximation scheme for problem F2/rj/Cmax
  212. Improving local search heuristics for some scheduling problems. Part II
  213. Single machine scheduling with deadlines, release and due dates
  214. Stability of a schedule minimizing mean flow time
  215. Heuristics for permutation flow shop scheduling with batch setup times
  216. Improving local search heuristics for some scheduling problems—I
  217. Adaptive scheduling algorithm based on mixed graph model
  218. Book reviews
  219. Polynomial time algorithms for special open shop problems with precedence constraints and unit processing times
  220. A Heuristic Decomposition Algorithm for Scheduling Problems on Mixed Graphs
  221. A Heuristic Decomposition Algorithm for Scheduling Problems on Mixed Graphs
  222. A polynomial algorithm for an open shop problem with unit processing times and tree constraints
  223. Insertion techniques for the heuristic solution of the job shop problem
  224. On the solution of determinantal systems of linear inequalities
  225. Optimal schedules with infinitely large stability radius∗
  226. A strongly polynomial algorithm for a new class of linear inequalities1
  227. single Machine Preemptive Scheduling With Special Cost Functions1
  228. Book reviews
  229. A polynomial algorithm for the [n/m/0, tij = 1, tree/Cmax] open shop problem
  230. Scheduling unit time open shops to minimize the weighted number of late jobs
  231. On the heuristic solution of the permutation flow shop problem by path algorithms
  232. Constructive heuristic algorithms for the open shop problem
  233. A branch and bound algorithm for minimizing weighted completion times with deadlines
  234. On the combinatorial structure of the permutation flow shop problem
  235. Some relations between neighbourhood graphs for a permutation problem
  236. A locally optimal insertion heuristic for a one-machine scheduling problem
  237. Zu einigen Nachbarschaftsstrukturen fiir Iterationsverfahren zur naherangsweisen Lösung spezieller Reihenfolgeprohleme
  238. On the method of interchanging networks for permutation problems
  239. The job - shop problem - modelling by latin rectangles, exact and heuristic solution
  240. Stability of Optimal Line Balance with Given Station Set