All Stories

  1. Artificial intelligence and smart solutions for air pollution and water quality index assessment: A review of recent works
  2. Reduced Bayesian Optimized Stacked Regressor (RBOSR): A highly efficient stacked approach for improved air pollution prediction
  3. Recent trends in sustainable biodiesel production using heterogeneous nanocatalysts: Function of supports, promoters, synthesis techniques, reaction mechanism, and kinetics and thermodynamic studies
  4. Monitoring chloride, sulfite, phosphate and cycle of concentration in palm oil mill boiler using statistical process control analysis
  5. Model development for turbine energy yield, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide from gas turbine power plant
  6. Improving model prediction of PM2.5 and PM10 using combination of features selection and machine learning approach
  7. Bio-jet fuel: An overview of various feedstock and production routes
  8. Process simulation and stochastic multiobjective optimisation of homogeneously acid-catalysed microalgal in-situ biodiesel production considering economic and environmental criteria
  9. Phosphate Removal with pH‐Responsive Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles
  10. Production of hydrogen and value-added carbon materials by catalytic methane decomposition: a review
  11. Advanced catalysts and effect of operating parameters in ethanol dry reforming for hydrogen generation. A review
  12. Application of artificial neural network to predict water flux from pre-treated palm oil mill effluent using direct contact membrane distillation
  13. Analysing Different Dynamically Modelled Data Structures and Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict PM2.5 Concentration in China
  14. Mechanistic model-based control of biodiesel production processes: a review of needs and scopes
  15. Feedstocks, catalysts, process variables and techniques for biodiesel production by one-pot extraction-transesterification: a review
  16. Low‐density polyethylene tubular reactor control using neural Wiener model predictive control
  17. Design and retrofitting of ultrasound intensified and ionic liquid catalyzed in situ algal biodiesel production
  18. Comparing Different Pre-processing Techniques and Machine Learning Models to Predict PM10 and PM2.5 Concentration in Malaysia
  19. Modeling of low density polyethylene tubular reactor using nonlinear block-oriented model
  20. Intensification and analysis of ethyl levulinate production process having a reactive distillation through vapor recompression and bottom flash techniques
  21. Unified View of Magnetic Nanoparticle Separation under Magnetophoresis
  22. Designing real time model mobile monitoring system for model predictive control in a nonlinear continuous stirred tank reactor
  23. Temperature control of low density polyethylene (LDPE) tubular reactor using Model Predictive Control (MPC)
  24. Minimizing loop interaction in Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) system using partial decoupler approach
  25. Low density polyethylene tubular reactor control using state space model predictive control
  26. Prediction of water quality index (WQI) using support vector machine (SVM) and least square-support vector machine (LS-SVM)
  28. Quasi steady state approximation in enzymatic biopolymerization reactor
  29. Optimization study on the CO2 and H2S removal in natural gas using primary, secondary, tertiary and mixed amine
  30. Prediction of equilibrium water dew point of natural gas in TEG dehydration systems using Bayesian Feedforward Artificial Neural Network (FANN)
  31. Modeling and nonlinearity studies of low density polyethylene (LDPE) tubular reactor
  32. Kinetics of Low Field Gradient Magnetophoresis in the Presence of Magnetically Induced Convection
  33. Forecasting of Water Quality Index (WQI) using machine learning
  34. Estimation of oil and gas properties in petroleum production and processing operations using rigorous model
  35. Experimental investigation the effect of nanoparticles on micellization behavior of a surfactant: Application to EOR
  36. Evaluation of the ability of the hydrophobic nanoparticles of SiO2in the EOR process through carbonate rock samples
  37. Computational intelligent strategies to predict energy conservation benefits in excess air controlled gas-fired systems
  38. Modeling of true vapor pressure of petroleum products using ANFIS algorithm
  39. Estimation of natural gases water content using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
  40. Estimation of water content of natural gases using particle swarm optimization method
  41. A new empirical correlation for prediction of carbon dioxide separation from different gas mixtures
  42. Analysis of bio diesel production using heterogeneous catalyst
  43. Improving the prediction of adsorption factor using FANN
  44. Operator Training Simulator (OTS) for FAME Plant
  45. Multi-loop Control System Design for Biodiesel Process using Waste Cooking Oil
  46. Magnetophoresis of superparamagnetic nanoparticles at low field gradient: hydrodynamic effect
  47. Correction: Magnetophoresis of superparamagnetic nanoparticles at low field gradient: hydrodynamic effect
  48. Utilizing machine learning in xylose production using local biomass
  49. Multi input single output model predictive control of non-linear bio-polymerization process
  50. Fabrication and Characterization of Crystalline Cupric Oxide (CuO) Films by Simple Immersion Method
  51. Transesterification of waste cooking palm oil by MnZr with supported alumina as a potential heterogeneous catalyst
  52. Highly active alumina-supported Cs–Zr mixed oxide catalysts for low-temperature transesterification of waste cooking oil
  53. Plantwide Control of biodiesel production from waste cooking oil
  54. Hybrid Model for Biopolymerization Process (ε-Caprolactone to Polycaprolactone)
  55. Multi-objective optimization of two alkali catalyzed processes for biodiesel from waste cooking oil
  56. Synthesis of fatty acid methyl esters via the methanolysis of palm oil over Ca3.5xZr0.5yAlxO3 mixed oxide catalyst
  57. Kinetics and modeling of pepsin soluble collagen (PSC) extraction from the skin of malaysian catfish (Hybrid Clarias sp.)
  58. Comprehensive review on Operating Training Simulator in chemical industry
  59. Techno-Economic Analysis of an Alkali Catalyzed Biodiesel Production Using Waste Palm Oil
  60. Influence of impurities on biodiesel production from Jatropha curcas L. by supercritical methyl acetate process
  61. Feed-forward neural network modeling and optimization using genetic algorithm: Enzymatic hydrolysis of xylose production
  62. A hybrid of back propagation neural network and genetic algorithm for optimization of collagen extraction from Malaysian cultured catfish (Hybrid Clarias sp.)
  63. Biodiesel production by non-catalytic supercritical methyl acetate: Thermal stability study
  64. Comparative Study between Candida antarctica Lipase B and Pseudomonas floroscens as Catalyst for Polycaprolactone Production
  65. Dempster-Shafer method as a tool in selective combination in multiple neural networks
  66. Biopolycaprolactone molecular weight prediction based on neural network technique in a batch reactor
  68. Modeling of Polycaprolactone Production from ε-Caprolactone Using Neural Network
  69. Compressive Strength Prediction of Concrete Recycled Aggregates made from Ceramic Tiles using Feedforward Artificial Neural Network (FANN)
  70. Optimum parameters for fault detection and diagnosis system of batch reaction using multiple neural networks
  71. Nonlinear Process Modeling of “Shell” Heavy Oil Fractionator using Neural Network
  72. Multiple Input-Single Output (MISO) Feedforward Artificial Neural Network (FANN) Models for Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column
  73. Neural network based soft sensor for prediction of biopolycaprolactone molecular weight using bootstrap neural network technique
  74. Candida antarctica as catalyst for polycaprolactone synthesis: effect of temperature and solvents
  75. Modeling and Nonlinearity Studies of Industrial i-Butane/n-Butane Distillation Column
  76. Feedforward artificial neural network to improve model predictive control in biological processes
  77. Comparison and optimisation of biodiesel production from Jatropha curcas oil using supercritical methyl acetate and methanol
  79. Mutual Solubility Study in Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Tocopherols from Crude Palm Oil Using CO2 Solvent
  80. Comprehensive review in modeling and control of polymerization process
  81. Neural network acted as a soft sensor for biopolymer quality ( Mwt)
  82. Parameters optimization of rice husk ash (RHA)/CaO/CeO2 sorbent for predicting SO2/NO sorption capacity using response surface and neural network models
  83. Nonlinear process modeling of fructosyltransferase (FTase) using bootstrap re-sampling neural network model
  84. Solubility of β-Carotene from Crude Palm Oil in High-Temperature and High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide
  85. Review on multiple Neural Networks Application
  86. Review on how the FANN improve the model prediction control
  87. Auto selective combination in multiple neural networks combination
  88. MIMO Neural Network Model for Pilot Plant Distillation Column
  89. Selective combination of multiple neural networks for improving model prediction in nonlinear systems modelling through forward selection and backward elimination
  90. Supercritical fluid extraction of β-carotene from crude palm oil using CO2
  91. Extraction of Fish Oil by Fractionation through Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
  92. Mutual solubility study for 94.2:5.8 of ethanol to octane with supercritical carbon dioxide solvent
  93. Phase equilibrium studying for the supercritical fluid extraction process using carbon dioxide solvent with 1.35 mole ratio of octane to ethanol mixture
  94. Selective combination in multiple neural networks using correlation analysis
  95. Selective combination using forward selection in multiple neural networks combination
  96. Multiple Neural Networks (MNN) Model for Model Predictive Control
  97. Data fusion in multiple neural networks combination
  98. Selective combination using Bayes Rule in multiple neural networks combination
  99. Multiple neural network (MNN) : Combination Method
  100. Multiple neural networks (MNN) combination using Bayesian method
  101. Improving long range prediction for nonlinear process modelling through combining multiple neural networks