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  1. Optimizing reduced frequency using genetic algorithms for plasma flow control to achieve drag reduction on a circular cylinder
  2. Effect of Plasma Actuation on Impact, Dynamics, and Evaporation of Water Droplet on a Room-temperature Surface
  3. Heat transfer characteristics of plasma actuation in different boundary-layer flows
  4. Flow Separation Control over an Airfoil Using Plasma Co-Flow Jet
  5. Airfoil Performance Enhancement with a Novel Flow Control Method of SDBD Plasma Co-Flow Jet
  6. Flow Control over a Cylinder Using Duty-Cycle Plasma Actuation
  7. Thermal Characteristics of Plasma Actuators in Turbulent Boundary Layer
  8. Optimization of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Icing Control
  9. Coupled Aerodynamic and Thermal Effects for Steady and Unsteady Plasma Actuation
  10. Icing control using the AC-SDBD plasma actuator
  11. An experimental and numerical study of laminar separation on elliptic airfoil at low Reynolds numbers
  12. Experimental Study of Anti-icing and Deicing on a Cylinder by DBD plasma actuation
  13. Optimization of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Conical-Forebody Flow Control
  14. Separation Control Using Plasma Actuator on an Elliptic Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
  15. Conical Forebody Flow Control Using Thick Dielectric Barrier Plasma Actuators
  16. Pressure Characteristics over 20 deg Cone Forebody at Alpha 35 deg and Re (0.1-0.9)×106
  17. Phase-Locked Schlieren of Periodic Nanosecond-Pulsed DBD Actuation in Quiescent Air
  18. Nanosecond-SDBD Actuation over a Conical Forebody at Wind Speed 72 m/s and Angle of Attack 45 degree
  19. Pressure Investigations over a Conical Forebody under Duty-Cycled Plasma Actuations
  20. Effect of Voltage and Frequency on Starting Repetitive Nanosecond Pulsed DBD
  21. Plasma Laminar-Separation-Bubble Control over Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
  22. Pressures over a Conical Forebody under Repetitive Nanosecond Pulse SDBD Actuations
  23. Starting Flow by Repetitive Nanosecond Pulsed DBD Actuation at Microseconds and Milliseconds in Quiescent Air
  24. Comparison of Velocities Driven by Repetitive Nanosecond Pulses to AC Result