All Stories

  1. Large-Eddy Simulation of Reacting Flow in a Turbine Stage
  2. Simulation of Multi-Injector H2-O2Rocket Combustion Instability
  3. Development of a Pressure-Based Solution Method for Dense Gas Flow
  4. ANN Models for Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties in Dense Gas Flow
  5. Thermal effect on the flow induced by a single-dielectric-barrier-discharge plasma actuator under steady actuation
  6. Numerical Investigation of Diffusion Flame in Transonic Flow with Large Pressure Gradient
  7. Turbulent Accelerating Combusting Flows with a Methane-Vitiated Air Flamelet Model
  8. Machine-Learning Models for Loss and Deviation Angle of Compressor Cascades
  9. Design Optimization of Multi-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor Using Machine Learning Models
  10. Flow induced by a pair of plasma actuators on a circular cylinder in still air under duty-cycle actuation
  11. Numerical simulation of the flow around a square cylinder under plasma actuator control
  12. Simulation of flow induced by single-dielectric-barrier-discharge plasma actuator using a high-order flux-reconstruction scheme
  13. Implicit Time-Spectral Method for Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes Computations of Turbulent Flows
  14. Non-classical Isentropic Flow Behavior of a Bethe-Zel' dovich-Thompson Gas
  15. Optimal Tolerance Allocation in Blade Manufacturing by Sensitivity-Based Performance Impact Evaluation
  16. Vortices Induced by a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuator Under Burst-Mode Actuation
  17. Nonlinear Combustion Instability in a Multi-Injector Rocket Engine
  18. Wing Flutter Prediction by a Small-Disturbance Euler Method on Body-Fitted Curvilinear Grids
  19. Simulation of NACA0015 flow separation control by burst-mode plasma actuation
  20. Body Force Calculation of Steady-State Plasma Flow with Accurate Pressure Measurement
  21. On the Accuracy of Harmonic Methods and a New Similarity Rule for Unsteady Transonic Flow
  22. Resonance Prediction and the Limitations for Linear Methods
  23. Vorticity Dynamics and Flow Statistics Near the Edge of High-Speed Multi-Stream Jets
  24. Parametric study of burst mode on vortex structure induced by DBD plasma actuator
  25. Unsteady Flow Characteristics of a Double-side Sliding Pulsed Discharge Plasma Actuation
  26. Fully Implicit Chebyshev Time-Spectral Method for General Unsteady Flows
  27. Diesel, Spark-Ignition, and Turboprop Engines for Long-Duration Unmanned Air Flights
  28. Performance Impact of Manufacturing Variations for Multistage Steam Turbines
  29. Unsteady Navier-Stokes Computations on GPU Architectures
  30. Flutter Study of NACA 64A010 Airfoil Using URANS and e^N Transition Models Coupled with an Integral Boundary Layer Code
  31. Multiple Equilibrium Points of Airfoil Flutter in Viscous Flow
  32. Flow Simulations of The Dynamics of a Perturbed Solid-Body Rotation Flow
  33. An experimental and numerical study of laminar separation on elliptic airfoil at low Reynolds numbers
  34. Optimization of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Conical-Forebody Flow Control
  35. Simulation of Body Force Effect on Steady and Unsteady Flow Induced by DBD Plasma Actuator
  36. Separation Control Using Plasma Actuator on an Elliptic Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
  37. Conical Forebody Flow Control Using Thick Dielectric Barrier Plasma Actuators
  38. PIV-Estimated DBD Plasma-Actuator Thrust Verified by Measurement in Quiescent Air
  39. Quiet Nozzle Concepts for Three-Stream Jets
  40. Pressure Characteristics over 20 deg Cone Forebody at Alpha 35 deg and Re (0.1-0.9)×106
  41. Laminar-Separation-Bubbles Flow Control over Airfoil Using SDBD Plasma Actuator
  42. Phase-Locked Schlieren of Periodic Nanosecond-Pulsed DBD Actuation in Quiescent Air
  43. Nanosecond-SDBD Actuation over a Conical Forebody at Wind Speed 72 m/s and Angle of Attack 45 degree
  44. Pressure Investigations over a Conical Forebody under Duty-Cycled Plasma Actuations
  45. CFD Validation of PIV-based Estimation of DBD Plasma-Actuation Force
  46. Effect of Voltage and Frequency on Starting Repetitive Nanosecond Pulsed DBD
  47. Plasma Laminar-Separation-Bubble Control over Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
  48. Pressures over a Conical Forebody under Repetitive Nanosecond Pulse SDBD Actuations
  49. Starting Flow by Repetitive Nanosecond Pulsed DBD Actuation at Microseconds and Milliseconds in Quiescent Air
  50. Endwall contouring, optimization, adjoint
  51. Towards a Low-Cost Wavepacket Model of the Jet Noise Source
  52. Computational Analysis of Conical Forebody Flow at High Alpha with Transitional Model
  53. Reduction of Radiation Efficiency in High-Speed Jets
  54. Comparison of Pressures Driven by Repetitive Nanosecond Pulses to AC Result
  55. Establishment of Mapping Relationship between Plasma Actuator Parameters and Body Force based on Neural Networks
  56. Comparison of Velocities Driven by Repetitive Nanosecond Pulses to AC Result
  57. Flow Control over a Conical Forebody Using Pulsed Nanosecond Discharge Actuators