All Stories

  1. Sector and Country Effects of Carbon Reduction and Firm Performance
  2. The ESG Framework and the Energy Industry
  3. The ESG Framework and the Energy Industry: Demand and Supply, Market Policies, and Value Creation
  4. Centralisation of cash management: still advisable?
  5. What Drives Women Entrepreneurs in Tourism in Tanzania?
  6. U.S., Anglo-Saxon European, and non-Anglo-Saxon European cash holdings around the financial crisis
  7. Corporate liquidity in normal and crisis times: what is the best yardstick?
  8. Rondom zakendoen en risicobeheer: kasgeld in Nederlandse bedrijven
  9. Carbon Emissions Reduction and Corporate Financial Performance: The Influence of Country-Level Characteristics
  10. Hydrogen Infrastructure Project Risks in The Netherlands
  11. Firm performance and diversification in the energy sector
  12. Stock Market Reactions to Financing and Payment Decisions for European Mergers and Acquisitions
  13. The Financing Decision of Oil and Gas Companies: The Role of Country Level Shareholder Protection
  14. Do mergers and acquisitions increase default risk? Evidence from the European market
  16. Het belang van werkkapitaalbeheer
  17. Energy Technology and Valuation Issues
  18. Energy Economics and Financial Markets
  19. Financial Aspects in Energy
  20. Value Creation from Wood-Based Energy Sources
  21. SEPA: How Come and What’s Up?
  22. Van Nutricia tot Numico: