All Stories

  1. One size does not fit all: Responsible investor motivation and investment performance
  2. Integration of the international carbon market: A time-varying analysis
  3. The finance perspective on fossil fuel divestment
  4. The art of valuation: Using visual analysis to price classical paintings by Swedish Masters
  5. Leveraging keystone agents in extractive industries to advance sustainability
  6. Public Financial Institutions and Climate Change
  7. Competition and bank dividends
  8. Catalyzing the transformation to sustainable finance
  9. Rebalancing climate finance: Analysing multilateral development banks' allocation practices
  10. External carbon costs and internal carbon pricing
  11. Unlocking the unsustainable rice-wheat system of Indian Punjab: Assessing alternatives to crop-residue burning from a systems perspective
  12. Carbon Intensity and the Cost of Equity Capital
  13. Movers and Shakers: Stock Market Response to Induced Seismicity in Oil and Gas Business
  14. Shareholders and the environment: a review of four decades of academic research
  15. Shocks, stocks and ratings: The financial community response to global environmental and health controversies
  16. A meta-analysis of the relationship between companies’ greenhouse gas emissions and financial performance
  17. Impact investments: a call for (re)orientation
  18. An Efficiency Perspective on Carbon Emissions and Financial Performance
  19. The financial impact of fossil fuel divestment
  20. Shocks and fish stocks: The effect of disasters and policy announcements on listed fishing companies' market value
  21. Deposit Insurance and Bank Dividend Policy
  22. Does bank capitalization matter for bank stock returns?
  23. Under his thumb the effect of president Donald Trump’s Twitter messages on the US stock market
  24. Accounting and accountability in the Anthropocene
  25. Environmental Responsibility
  26. Leverage points in the financial sector for seafood sustainability
  27. Sustainability and bank risk
  28. The power of friends and neighbors: a review of community energy research
  29. Responsibility and Performance Relationship in the Banking Industry
  30. Sovereign bond yield spreads and sustainability: An empirical analysis of OECD countries
  31. Sudden stops of international fund flows: Occurrence and magnitude
  32. Finance and the Earth system – Exploring the links between financial actors and non-linear changes in the climate system
  33. The Spot-Forward Relationship in the Atlantic Salmon Market
  34. Sustainable Business Practices—An Environmental Economics Perspective
  35. Comparing active and passive socially responsible US investment funds.
  36. Surges of international fund flows
  37. Fossil Fuel Divestment and Portfolio Performance
  38. CEO risk-taking incentives and socially irresponsible activities
  39. Cyclical behavior of international fund flows
  40. Bank Capitalization and the Cross-Section of Bank Stock Returns
  41. Impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on Systemic Risk: A Counterfactual Analysis
  42. Correction to: The Opportunity Cost of Negative Screening in Socially Responsible Investing
  43. Are International Fund Flows Related to Exchange Rate Dynamics?
  44. Investor response to appointment of female CEOs and CFOs
  45. Cross-border investment expenditure spillovers in European gas infrastructure
  46. Why Finance Should Care about Ecology
  47. Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Proposals
  48. Modular evaluation method for subsurface activities (MEMSA). A novel approach for integrating social acceptance in a permit decision-making process for subsurface activities
  49. European Pension Funds and Sustainable Development: Trade-Offs between Finance and Responsibility
  50. Analysing Systemic Risk in the Chinese Banking System
  51. Corrigendum to ‘A plant-level analysis of the spill-over effects of the German Energiewende’ [Appl. Energy 183 (2016) 1259–1271]
  52. Environmental and Financial Performance of Fossil Fuel Firms: A Closer Inspection of their Interaction
  53. A plant-level analysis of the spill-over effects of the German Energiewende
  54. Financing energy transformation: The role of renewable energy equity indices
  55. Subsurface activities and decision support systems
  56. Firm Type, Feed-in Tariff, and Wind Energy Investment in Germany: An Investigation of Decision Making Factors of Energy Producers Regarding Investing in Wind Energy Capacity
  57. Challenging obduracy: How local communities transform the energy system
  58. A comparison of cost-benefit analysis of biomass and natural gas CHP projects in Denmark and the Netherlands
  59. The Effects of Corporate and Country Sustainability Characteristics on The Cost of Debt: An International Investigation
  60. The Financial Impact of Terrorist Attacks on the Value of the Oil and Gas Industry: An International Review
  61. Distributed energy generation techniques and the competitive fringe effect in electricity markets
  62. Toward a theory of responsible investing: On the economic foundations of corporate social responsibility
  63. The Opportunity Cost of Negative Screening in Socially Responsible Investing
  64. An empirical analysis of excess interbank liquidity: a case study of Pakistan
  65. ESG Integration and the Investment Management Process: Fundamental Investing Reinvented
  66. Power to the people: Local community initiatives and the transition to sustainable energy
  67. Energy Innovations and the Economy: An Historical Overview
  68. Energy Technology and Valuation Issues
  69. Carbon prices and firms' financial performance: an industry perspective
  70. The relationship between European electricity markets and emission allowance futures prices in phase II of the EU (European Union) emission trading scheme
  71. Are international fund flows pro- or counter-cyclical?
  72. Modeling natural gas price volatility: The case of the UK gas market
  73. Testing uncovered interest rate parity using LIBOR
  74. Leading Indicators of Currency Crises: Are They the Same in Different Exchange Rate Regimes?
  75. Sudden Stops and Currency Crashes
  76. Not Under Our Back Yards? A case study of social acceptance of the Northern Netherlands CCS initiative
  77. Indicators of responsible investing
  78. Measuring Risk in Energy Markets
  79. Designing a Decision Support System for Subsurface Activities.
  80. The impact of renewable energy on electricity prices in the Netherlands
  81. The liquidity of energy stocks
  82. Is the journal Ecological Economics really in itself a poor and misleading guide to what ecological economics is about? A reply to “Influencing the perception of what and who is important in ecological economics”
  83. The relationship between size, growth and profitability of commercial banks
  84. The Impact of Earthquakes on the Domestic Stock Market
  85. The relationship between the Renminbi future spot return and the forward discount rate
  86. Ownership Concentration and CSR Policy of European Multinational Enterprises
  87. Corporate Social Responsibility Policies of Commercial Banks in Developing Countries
  88. The Drivers of Responsible Investment: The Case of European Pension Funds
  89. Drivers of Socially Responsible Investing: A Case Study of Four Nordic Countries
  90. Oil price shocks and European industries
  91. The curse of the haven: The impact of multinational enterprise on environmental regulation
  92. Environmental and ecological economics in the 21st century: An age adjusted citation analysis of the influential articles, journals, authors and institutions
  93. Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management: Evidence from Asian Economies
  94. Does Ownership Type Matter for Corporate Social Responsibility?
  95. The sustainability of green funds
  96. Revisions of international firms’ energy reserves and the reaction of the stock market
  97. Corporate social responsibility in the international insurance industry
  98. Stocks and energy shocks: The impact of energy accidents on stock market value
  99. Incentives for subcontractors to adopt CO2 emission reporting and reduction techniques
  100. Linking responsible investments to societal influence: Motives, assessments and risks
  101. Assessing SRI fund performance research: Best practices in empirical analysis
  102. “Is the concept of a green economy a useful way of framing policy discussions and policymaking to promote sustainable development?”
  103. Responsible Investment in Times of Turmoil
  104. Does Money Grow on Trees? The Diversification Properties of U.S. Timberland Investments
  105. The Environmental Performance of Dutch Government Bond Funds
  106. The impact of bank ownership concentration on impaired loans and capital adequacy
  107. Scoring on the stock exchange? The effect of football matches on stock market returns: an event study
  108. ‘What would be the three key preconditions for jumpstarting or scaling up the transfer of environmentally sound technologies for climate change to developing countries?’
  109. A note on the interaction between corporate social responsibility and financial performance
  110. The stocks at stake: Return and risk in socially responsible investment
  111. Environmental regulation and MNEs location: Does CSR matter?
  112. Experts address the question: “How can sustainable land management contribute to mitigating climate change?”
  113. Corporate Social Responsibility in the International Banking Industry
  114. Oil Risk in Oil Stocks
  115. Stakeholder relations and financial performance
  116. Sustainable development and socially responsible finance and investing
  117. Corporate Governance and International Location Decisions of Multinational Enterprises
  118. Financial and Social Performance of Socially Responsible Investments in the Netherlands
  119. Legal Restrictions and Investment Growth
  120. Banking on the Equator. Are Banks that Adopted the Equator Principles Different from Non-Adopters?
  121. Book Review
  122. Joint Default Probabilities and Sovereign Risk
  123. Cultural Values and International Differences in Business Ethics
  124. Experts address the question: How has the globalization of industrial supply chains impacted sustainable development in developing countries?
  125. Finance as a Driver of Corporate Social Responsibility
  126. Financial Development, Inflation Uncertainty and Growth Volatility
  127. What drives socially responsible investment? The case of the Netherlands
  128. Style and Performance of Dutch Socially Responsible Investment Funds
  129. Book review: Age F.P. Bakker and Bryan Chapple (eds.), Capital Liberalization in Transition Countries ? Lessons from the Past and for the Future, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham/Northampton MA, 2003, 200 p. GBP 59.95 (ISBN 1 84376 345 1)
  130. How Important are Foreign Banks in the Financial Development of European Transition Countries?
  131. Announcement effects of bank mergers in Europe and the US
  132. Sovereign Risk and Financial Crises
  133. Country Risk Analysis: Principles, Practices and Policies
  134. Borrowing green: economic and environmental effects of green fiscal policy in The Netherlands
  135. Size, Growth, and Variance among the World's Largest Non-merged Banks
  136. A critique on the theory of financial intermediation
  137. Financial regulation and financial system architecture in Central Europe
  138. Negative Ames-test of cis-di(thiocyanato)-N,N'-bis(4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine)Ru(II), the sensitizer dye of the nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cell
  139. The Diversification Potential of Tropical Timber Plantation Investment Funds
  140. Environmental, developmental and financial risks of tropical timber plantation investment funds
  141. Financial reform: Theory and experience
  142. Book reviews
  143. On the theory of international financial intermediation
  144. The distribution of Seigniorage in The Netherlands
  145. The economic organisation of a financial system
  146. Reviews
  147. Why do Firms Do Good? Evidence from Managerial Efficiency
  148. Socially Responsible Investing and Management Style of Mutual Funds in the Euronext Stock Markets
  149. Call for Papers Track on Responsible Investments, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5-8 July, 2009
  150. Stakeholders and Stocks; Assessing the Interaction between International Companies’ Stakeholder Performance and Their Stock Market Returns
  151. Financial Crises and Bank Earnings Volatility: The Role of Bank Size and Market Concentration
  152. Does Money Grow on Trees? The Diversification Properties of US Timberland Investments
  153. Does Money Grow on Trees? The Diversification Properties of US Timberland Investments
  154. The Cost of Socially Responsible Portfolios: Testing for Mean-Variance Spanning
  155. The Effects of Corporate and Country Sustainability Characteristics on the Cost of Debt: An International Investigation
  156. The Effects of Corporate and Country Sustainability Characteristics on the Cost of Debt: An International Investigation
  157. A Comparative Study of Banks’ balance sheets in the European Union and European Transition Countries, 1995–2003
  158. Chapter 11 Price limits in Asia-Pacific financial markets: The case of the Shanghai stock exchange
  159. Analysis of Global Competitors’ Reaction to Mega Merger Announcements by an MNC: The Case of the Citicorp–Travelers Merger