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  1. Structural and functional analyses of viral H2 protein of the vaccinia virus entry fusion complex
  2. Structural and functional analysis of vaccinia viral fusion complex component protein A28 through NMR and molecular dynamic simulations
  3. Widespread Distribution and Evolution of Poxviral Entry-Fusion Complex Proteins in Giant Viruses
  4. FAM21 is critical for TLR2/CLEC4E-mediated dendritic cell function againstCandida albicans
  5. Role of Lipid Rafts in Pathogen-Host Interaction - A Mini Review
  6. Vaccinia virus-based vaccines confer protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 virus in Syrian hamsters
  7. NMR assignments of vaccinia virus protein A28: an entry-fusion complex component
  8. Experimental Evolution To Isolate Vaccinia Virus Adaptive G9 Mutants That Overcome Membrane Fusion Inhibition via the Vaccinia Virus A56/K2 Protein Complex
  9. Vaccinia viral A26 protein is a fusion suppressor of mature virus and triggers membrane fusion through conformational change at low pH
  10. Ionization of Submicrometer-Sized Particles by Laser-Induced Radiofrequency Plasma for Mass Spectrometric Analysis
  11. Reply to “Bioinformatics Analysis of Differential Innate Immune Signaling in Macrophages by Wild-Type Vaccinia Mature Virus and a Mutant Virus with a Deletion of the A26 Protein”
  12. Vaccinia virus entry pathway regulates cellular innate immune responses
  13. Glycosaminoglycans-Specific Cell Targeting and Imaging Using Fluorescent Nanodiamonds Coated with Viral Envelope Proteins
  14. Coherent Brightfield Microscopy Provides the Spatiotemporal Resolution To Study Early Stage Viral Infection in Live Cells
  15. Vaccini virus traffics in HeLa cells requires WASH complex
  16. Vaccinia Viral Protein A27 Is Anchored to the Viral Membrane via a Cooperative Interaction with Viral Membrane Protein A17
  17. Crystal Structure of Vaccinia Viral A27 Protein Reveals a Novel Structure Critical for Its Function and Complex Formation with A26 Protein
  18. Structure of Vaccinia virus A27
  19. Integrin  1 Mediates Vaccinia Virus Entry through Activation of PI3K/Akt Signaling
  20. The Lipid Raft-Associated Protein CD98 Is Required for Vaccinia Virus Endocytosis
  21. Vaccinia Mature Virus Fusion Regulator A26 Protein Binds to A16 and G9 Proteins of the Viral Entry Fusion Complex and Dissociates from Mature Virions at Low pH
  22. Imaging of Vaccinia Virus Entry into HeLa Cells
  23. Synthesis of 3-O-sulfonated heparan sulfate octasaccharides that inhibit the herpes simplex virus type 1 host–cell interaction
  24. Vaccinia Virus A25 and A26 Proteins Are Fusion Suppressors for Mature Virions and Determine Strain-Specific Virus Entry Pathways into HeLa, CHO-K1, and L Cells
  25. A Turn-like Structure “KKPE” Segment Mediates the Specific Binding of Viral Protein A27 to Heparin and Heparan Sulfate on Cell Surfaces
  26. Disulfide Bond Formation at the C Termini of Vaccinia Virus A26 and A27 Proteins Does Not Require Viral Redox Enzymes and Suppresses Glycosaminoglycan-Mediated Cell Fusion
  27. Poxvirus Host Range Protein CP77 Contains an F-Box-Like Domain That Is Necessary To Suppress NF-κB Activation by Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha but Is Independent of Its Host Range Function
  28. Vaccinia Virus WR53.5/F14.5 Protein Is a New Component of Intracellular Mature Virus and Is Important for Calcium-Independent Cell Adhesion and Vaccinia Virus Virulence in Mice
  29. A Novel Cellular Protein, VPEF, Facilitates Vaccinia Virus Penetration into HeLa Cells through Fluid Phase Endocytosis
  30. Vaccinia Virus 4c (A26L) Protein on Intracellular Mature Virus Binds to the Extracellular Cellular Matrix Laminin
  31. The Envelope G3L Protein Is Essential for Entry of Vaccinia Virus into Host Cells
  32. A Poxvirus Host Range Protein, CP77, Binds to a Cellular Protein, HMG20A, and Regulates Its Dissociation from the Vaccinia Virus Genome in CHO-K1 Cells
  33. Vaccinia Virus Proteome: Identification of Proteins in Vaccinia Virus Intracellular Mature Virion Particles
  34. Laser‐Induced Acoustic Desorption Mass Spectrometry of Single Bioparticles
  35. Effects of a Temperature Sensitivity Mutation in the J1R Protein Component of a Complex Required for Vaccinia Virus Assembly
  36. The Oligomeric Structure of Vaccinia Viral Envelope Protein A27L is Essential for Binding to Heparin and Heparan Sulfates on Cell Surfaces: A Structural and Functional Approach Using Site-specific Mutagenesis
  37. Vaccinia Virus Penetration Requires Cholesterol and Results in Specific Viral Envelope Proteins Associated with Lipid Rafts
  38. The cowpox virus host range gene, CP77, affects phosphorylation of eIF2 α and vaccinia viral translation in apoptotic HeLa cells
  39. An External Loop Region of Domain III of Dengue Virus Type 2 Envelope Protein Is Involved in Serotype-Specific Binding to Mosquito but Not Mammalian Cells
  40. Role of the Serine-Threonine Kinase PAK-1 in Myxoma Virus Replication
  41. Vaccinia Virus J1R Protein: a Viral Membrane Protein That Is Essential for Virion Morphogenesis
  42. Structural Analysis of the Extracellular Domain of Vaccinia Virus Envelope Protein, A27L, by NMR and CD Spectroscopy
  43. Molecular Chaperone Hsp90 Is Important for Vaccinia Virus Growth in Cells
  44. Vaccinia Virus Envelope H3L Protein Binds to Cell Surface Heparan Sulfate and Is Important for Intracellular Mature Virion Morphogenesis and Virus Infection In Vitro and In Vivo
  45. Vaccinia Virus Envelope D8L Protein Binds to Cell Surface Chondroitin Sulfate and Mediates the Adsorption of Intracellular Mature Virions to Cells
  46. Cell Surface Proteoglycans Are Necessary for A27L Protein-Mediated Cell Fusion: Identification of the N-Terminal Region of A27L Protein as the Glycosaminoglycan-Binding Domain
  47. A27L Protein Mediates Vaccinia Virus Interaction with Cell Surface Heparan Sulfate
  48. Apoptosis and host restriction of vaccinia virus in RK13 cells
  49. Isolation and characterization of a Chinese hamster ovary mutant cell line with altered sensitivity to vaccinia virus killing
  50. Isolation of a monoclonal antibody which blocks vaccinia virus infection
  51. Enrichment of Insertional Mutants Following Retrovirus Gene Trap Selection
  52. Characterization of vaccinia virus growth factor biosynthetic pathway with an antipeptide antiserum
  53. The genome of Shope fibroma virus, a tumorigenic poxvirus, contains a growth factor gene with sequence similarity to those encoding epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor alpha.