All Stories

  1. Federated Learning in Large Model Era: Vision-Language Model for Smart City Safety Operation Management
  2. Well log prediction in the oilfields of China
  3. Customer Volume Prediction using Fusion of Shared-Private Dynamic Weighting over Multiple Modalities
  4. An Evolutive Frequent Pattern Tree-based Incremental Knowledge Discovery Algorithm
  5. Dynamic Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based on Graph Convolution Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning
  6. A Trustworthy Safety Inspection Framework Using Performance-Security Balanced Blockchain
  7. A Survey of Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence for Social Computing
  8. Public Opinion Dynamics in Cyberspace on Russia–Ukraine War: A Case Analysis With Chinese Weibo
  9. A broad learning-based comprehensive defence against SSDP reflection attacks in IoTs
  10. Semi-asynchronous personalized federated learning for short-term photovoltaic power forecasting
  11. Anti-jamming heart rate estimation using a spatial–temporal fusion network
  12. Cloud-Based Framework for Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data Segmentation and Query
  13. The Adaptive Personalized Federated Meta-Learning for Anomaly Detection of Industrial Equipment
  14. Dynamic-Fusion-Based Federated Learning for COVID-19 Detection
  15. Generate classical Chinese poems with theme-style from images
  16. A Streaming Cloud Platform for Real-Time Video Processing on Embedded Devices
  17. Blockchain-Based Federated Learning for Device Failure Detection in Industrial IoT
  18. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Hybrid Human–Artificial Intelligence for Social Computing
  19. Video anomaly detection and localization using motion-field shape description and homogeneity testing
  20. uBaaS: A unified blockchain as a service platform
  21. Neural Aesthetic Image Reviewer
  22. Edge Computing-Based ID and nID Combined Identification and Resolution Scheme in IoT
  23. A Literature Review: Geometric Methods and Their Applications in Human-Related Analysis
  24. Embedded Deep Learning for Ship Detection and Recognition
  25. Modeling IoT Equipment With Graph Neural Networks
  26. Refined Spatial Network for Human Action Recognition
  27. Prediction of Sphingomonas Protein Coding Regions Based on 3-Base Periodicity Analysis Method
  28. Multi-source data fusion using deep learning for smart refrigerators
  29. Deep Learning based Real-Time Fine-grained Pedestrian Recognition using Stream Processing
  30. Perceiving Commerial Activeness Over Satellite Images
  31. Urban Perception of Commercial Activeness from Satellite Images and Streetscapes
  32. Improved Dual-Protected Ring Signature for Security and Privacy of Vehicular Communications in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
  33. LSTM-Based Analysis of Industrial IoT Equipment
  34. The Establishment and Analysis of the Risk Event Assessment System in Urban Traffic Environment
  35. Emotion Recognition from Chinese Speech for Smart Affective Services Using a Combination of SVM and DBN
  36. Abnormal Gait Detection in Surveillance Videos with FFT-Based Analysis on Walking Rhythm
  37. CPSFS: A Credible Personalized Spam Filtering Scheme by Crowdsourcing
  38. A Load-Aware Pluggable Cloud Framework for Real-Time Video Processing
  39. Resource requests prediction in the cloud computing environment with a deep belief network
  40. Healthcare4VideoStorm: Making Smart Decisions Based on Storm Metrics
  41. A Deep Awareness Framework for Pervasive Video Cloud
  42. A Distributed Video Management Cloud Platform Using Hadoop
  43. XVCL: XML-based variant configuration language
  44. Software Evolution with XVCL
  45. Architecturally Reconfigurable Development of Mobile Games
  46. Software Evolution with XVCL