All Stories

  1. SDTU-Net: Stepwise-Drop and Transformer-Based U-Net for Subject-Sensitive Hashing of HRRS Images
  2. Securing Smart UAV Delivery Systems Using Zero Trust Principle-Driven Blockchain Architecture
  3. A Federated Multi-Modal Learning Framework Powered by Distributed Ledgers for Cyber-safe and Efficient UAV Delivery Systems
  4. A Tale of Two Cities: Data and Configuration Variances in Robust Deep Learning
  5. Modeling and exploring the evolution of the mobile software ecosystem: How far are we?
  6. Exploring Blockchains Interoperability: A Systematic Survey
  7. BDFL: A Blockchain-Enabled FL Framework for Edge-based Smart UAV Delivery Systems
  8. Fine-Grained Online Energy Management of Edge Data Centers Using Per-Core Power Gating and Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling
  9. Towards Better ML-Based Software Services: An Investigation of Source Code Engineering Impact
  10. Optimizing Performance in Federated Person Re-Identification through Benchmark Evaluation for Blockchain-Integrated Smart UAV Delivery Systems
  11. VSP-Fuse: Multifocus Image Fusion Model Using the Knowledge Transferred From Visual Salience Priors
  12. Revolutionizing Virtual Shopping Experiences: A Blockchain-Based Metaverse UAV Delivery Solution
  13. Formal Security Analysis on dBFT Protocol of NEO
  14. Transparent Registration-Based Encryption through Blockchain
  15. SoK: DAG-based Blockchain Systems
  16. Spatio-temporal data-driven detection of false data injection attacks in power distribution systems
  17. Transformer-Based Subject-Sensitive Hashing for Integrity Authentication of High-Resolution Remote Sensing (HRRS) Images
  18. Attack Detection in Automatic Generation Control Systems using LSTM-Based Stacked Autoencoders
  19. Adapting New Learners and New Resources to Micro Open Learning via Online Computation
  20. Digging into primary financial market: The issues of primary financial market issuance and investigations from the perspective of blockchain
  21. A Hybrid Incentive Mechanism for Decentralized Federated Learning
  22. Blockchain Enables Your Bill Safer
  23. Online Characterization and Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Wide-Area Monitoring Systems
  24. DeDa: A DeFi-enabled Data Sharing and Trading System
  25. Software engineers' response to public crisis
  26. i-Bond: A Next Generation Bond’s Issuing Service System
  27. Internet of Things – ICIOT 2021
  28. How Can We Provide Additively Manufactured Parts with a Fingerprint? A Review of Tagging Strategies in Additive Manufacturing
  29. AAU-Net: Attention-Based Asymmetric U-Net for Subject-Sensitive Hashing of Remote Sensing Images
  30. Modeling Multi-Layer Access Control Policies of a Hyperledger-Fabric-Based Agriculture Supply Chain
  31. An instance-oriented performance measure for classification
  32. Capability-based IoT access control using blockchain
  33. Applying blockchain for primary financial market: A survey
  34. Trust Management for Reliable Cross-Platform Cooperation Based on Blockchain
  35. Towards Interconnected Blockchains
  36. C_CART: An instance confidence-based decision tree algorithm for classification
  37. Patterns for Blockchain-Based Payment Applications
  38. Bottleneck-Aware Resource Allocation for Service Processes
  39. ServiceNet
  40. Anonymous Blockchain-based System for Consortium
  41. Fact and Fiction: Challenging the Honest Majority Assumption of Permissionless Blockchains
  42. Mutual Information and Feature Importance Gradient Boosting: Automatic byte n‐gram feature reranking for Android malware detection
  43. Blockchain-Based Federated Learning for Device Failure Detection in Industrial IoT
  44. Edge Learning for Surveillance Video Uploading Sharing in Public Transport Systems
  45. BIDI: A classification algorithm with instance difficulty invariance
  46. Object Versioning for Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis
  47. A Blockchain-Based Containerized Edge Computing Platform for the Internet of Vehicles
  48. Customizable Reliable Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Cyber-Physical Social Networks
  49. A Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning Model for Privacy Preservation: System Design
  50. ChainSim: A P2P Blockchain Simulation Framework
  51. HFM++: An Enhanced Holographic Factorization Machine for Recommendation
  52. A Deep Recommendation Framework for Completely New Users in Mashup Creation
  53. BHDA - A Blockchain-Based Hierarchical Data Access Model for Financial Services
  54. Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Impacts of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grids: An Overview
  55. Analytics on Health of Mobile Software Ecosystem Based on the Internal Operating Mechanism
  56. Ponzi Contracts Detection Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Network
  57. Statistical Techniques-based Characterization of FDIA in Smart Grids Considering Grid Contingencies
  58. Multi-focus image fusion based on L1 image transform
  59. Public and private blockchain in construction business process and information integration
  60. Exposing Android Event-Based Races by Selective Branch Instrumentation
  61. Design Pattern as a Service for Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity
  62. Real-Time Optimization of Dynamic Speed Scaling for Distributed Data Centers
  63. Statistical Detection Of Collective Data Fraud
  64. Decentralized Real-Time Optimization of Voltage Reconfigurable Cloud Computing Data Center
  65. Software Architecture for Blockchain-based Trade Certificate Systems
  66. Frequency-Reconfigurable Cloud Versus Fog Computing: An Energy-Efficiency Aspect
  67. BBM: A Blockchain-Based Model for Open Banking via Self-sovereign Identity
  68. Security Analysis on dBFT Protocol of NEO
  69. Attention-Based High-Order Feature Interactions to Enhance the Recommender System for Web-Based Knowledge-Sharing Service
  70. Deep-Cross-Attention Recommendation Model for Knowledge Sharing Micro Learning Service
  71. FabricGene: A Higher-Level Feature Representation of Fabric Patterns for Nationality Classification
  72. Security Analysis on Tangle-Based Blockchain Through Simulation
  73. STRIP
  74. Byte2vec: Malware Representation and Feature Selection for Android
  75. DUSKG: A fine-grained knowledge graph for effective personalized service recommendation
  76. From ideal to reality: segmentation, annotation, and recommendation, the vital trajectory of intelligent micro learning
  77. Pipeline provenance for cloud‐based big data analytics
  78. Multi-objective Optimisation of Online Distributed Software Update for DevOps in Clouds
  79. Cost-Efficient Stream Processing on the Cloud
  80. Crossover Service Fusion Approach Based on Microservice Architecture
  81. A Landscape of Cryptocurrencies
  82. A RESTful architecture for data exploration as a service
  83. Precise Static Happens-Before Analysis for Detecting UAF Order Violations in Android
  84. Building Secure SRAM PUF Key Generators on Resource Constrained Devices
  85. Particle Swarm Optimization of Real-Time PID Controllers
  86. An Energy-Efficient Transmission Strategy for Cache-Enabled Wireless Networks With Non-Negligible Circuit Power
  87. APDP: Attack-Proof Personalized Differential Privacy Model for a Smart Home
  88. Crawled Data Analysis on Baidu API Website for Improving SaaS Platform (Short Paper)
  89. Per-Dereference Verification of Temporal Heap Safety via Adaptive Context-Sensitive Analysis
  90. A Study of Contemporary System Performance Testing Framework
  91. Urban Traffic Analysis Using Social Media Data on the Cloud
  92. Performance Analysis of Large-Scale Distributed Stream Processing Systems on the Cloud
  93. (WIP) Evaluation of a Cloud-Based System for Delivering Adaptive Micro Open Education Resource to Fresh Learners
  94. Elevated incidence of monozygotic twinning is associated with extended embryo culture, but not with zona pellucida manipulation or freeze-thaw procedure
  95. Spatio-temporal context reduction
  96. Live path control flow integrity
  97. A Lightweight Security and Privacy-Enhancing Key Establishment for Internet of Things Applications
  98. CTOM: Collaborative Task Offloading Mechanism for Mobile Cloudlet Networks
  100. Pregnancy outcomes of PCOS overweight/obese patients after controlled ovarian stimulation with the GnRH antagonist protocol and frozen embryo transfer
  101. MLaaS: A Cloud-Based System for Delivering Adaptive Micro Learning in Mobile MOOC Learning
  102. A Novel Perceptual Hash Algorithm for Multispectral Image Authentication
  103. Malytics: A Malware Detection Scheme
  104. Temporal-Sparsity Aware Service Recommendation Method via Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Techniques
  105. Live Path CFI Against Control Flow Hijacking Attacks
  106. Data Service API Design for Data Analytics
  107. A Heuristic Approach for New-Item Cold Start Problem in Recommendation of Micro Open Education Resources
  108. A Simulation Approach for Studying Behavior and Quality of Blockchain Networks
  109. Examine Manipulated Datasets with Topology Data Analysis: A Case Study
  110. Learning Latent Byte-Level Feature Representation for Malware Detection
  111. A Study of Contemporary System Performance Testing Framework
  112. Machine-Learning-Guided Typestate Analysis for Static Use-After-Free Detection
  113. A Framework of MLaaS for Facilitating Adaptive Micro Learning through Open Education Resources in Mobile Environment
  114. A Distributed Deployment Algorithm of Process Fragments With Uncertain Traffic Matrix
  115. TruXy: Trusted Storage Cloud for Scientific Workflows
  116. Ontological Learner Profile Identification for Cold Start Problem in Micro Learning Resources Delivery
  117. Blockchain Based Data Integrity Service Framework for IoT Data
  118. Assisting Open Education Resource Providers and Instructors to Deal with Cold Start Problem in Adaptive Micro Learning: A Service Oriented Solution
  119. Body composition substudy of the SECOND-LINE study
  120. Extracting Fine-Grained Service Value Features and Distributions for Accurate Service Recommendation
  121. ProductRec: Product Bundle Recommendation Based on User's Sequential Patterns in Social Networking Service Environment
  122. Towards Massive Data and Sparse Data in Adaptive Micro Open Educational Resource Recommendation: A Study on Semantic Knowledge Base Construction and Cold Start Problem
  123. Empirically characteristic analysis of chaotic PID controlling particle swarm optimization
  124. Ovarian response prediction in controlled ovarian stimulation for IVF using anti-Müllerian hormone in Chinese women
  125. An adaptive prediction approach based on workload pattern discrimination in the cloud
  126. Efficient Keyword Search for Building Service-Based Systems Based on Dynamic Programming
  127. ARA-Assessor: Application-Aware Runtime Risk Assessment for Cloud-Based Business Continuity
  128. Organizing Online Computation for Adaptive Micro Open Education Resource Recommendation
  129. Predicting the Evolution of Service Value Features from User Reviews for Continuous Service Improvement
  130. SwingDB: An Embedded In-memory DBMS Enabling Instant Snapshot Sharing
  131. Handbook of Research on End-to-End Cloud Computing Architecture Design
  132. Build security into pub/sub middleware
  133. Realizing IoT service’s policy privacy over publish/subscribe-based middleware
  134. Choice of Software Development Methodologies: Do Organizational, Project, and Team Characteristics Matter?
  135. Profiling and Supporting Adaptive Micro Learning on Open Education Resources
  136. Model-Based Minimum Privacy Disclosure Recommendation for Authorization Policies
  137. Facilitating Secure Sharing of Personal Health Data in the Cloud
  138. Automated memory leak fixing on value-flow slices for C programs
  139. SafeProtect: Controlled Data Sharing With User-Defined Policies in Cloud-Based Collaborative Environment
  140. The Blockchain as a Software Connector
  141. K-PRSCAN: A clustering method based on PageRank
  142. PBCP: A Process-based Bussiness Collaboration Platform
  143. Automated Policy Combination for Secure Data Sharing in Cross-Organizational Collaborations
  144. A Secure Integrated Platform for Rapdily Formed Multiorganisation Collaborations
  145. Towards Bringing Adaptive Micro Learning into MOOC Courses
  146. Automated Policy Combination for Data Sharing across Multiple Organizations
  147. Cloud Docs: Secure Scalable Document Sharing on Public Clouds
  148. MLaaS: A Cloud System for Mobile Micro Learning in MOOC
  149. ReputationNet: Reputation-Based Service Recommendation for e-Science
  150. Self Protecting Data Sharing Using Generic Policies
  151. Drawing micro learning into MOOC: Using fragmented pieces of time to enable effective entire course learning experiences
  152. Optimizing Workload Category for Adaptive Workload Prediction in Service Clouds
  153. Numerical simulation of a new two-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equation in non-homogeneous porous media
  154. Protecting and Analysing Health Care Data on Cloud
  155. Domain-aware reputable service recommendation in heterogeneous manufacturing service ecosystem
  156. Cloud Based Toolbox for Image Analysis, Processing and Reconstruction Tasks
  157. Synergistic delivery of gold nanorods using multifunctional microbubbles for enhanced plasmonic photothermal therapy
  158. An Architectural Evaluation for Scientific Workflow Service Deployment in a Virtual Laboratory
  159. Secure Multiparty Data Sharing in the Cloud Using Hardware-Based TPM Devices
  160. A platform for secure monitoring and sharing of generic health data in the Cloud
  161. Cost-oriented proactive fault tolerance approach to high performance computing (HPC) in the cloud
  162. Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2013 Workshops
  163. Security, Privacy and Trust in Cloud Systems
  164. A Novel Equitable Trustworthy Mechanism for Service Recommendation in the Evolving Service Ecosystem
  165. Galaxy + Hadoop: Toward a Collaborative and Scalable Image Processing Toolbox in Cloud
  166. Secure and Controlled Sharing of Data in Distributed Computing
  167. Secure Data Sharing in the Cloud
  168. Energy Efficient Fault Tolerance for High Performance Computing (HPC) in the Cloud
  169. Cloud Computing for High Performance Image Analysis on a National Infrastructure
  170. A survey of fault tolerance mechanisms and checkpoint/restart implementations for high performance computing systems
  171. A Mobile Cloud with Trusted Data Provenance Services for Bioinformatics Research
  172. Mirror, Mirror, on the Web, Which Is the Most Reputable Service of Them All?
  173. Biomedical image analysis and processing in clouds
  174. A Performance Evaluation of Public Cloud Using TPC-C
  175. Data Provenance and Data Management in eScience
  176. A Proactive Fault Tolerance Approach to High Performance Computing (HPC) in the Cloud
  177. A performance evaluation of distributed database architectures
  178. ReputationNet: A Reputation Engine to Enhance ServiceMap by Recommending Trusted Services
  179. A Financial Compensation Based Transaction Management Model for Service-Oriented Business Collaborations
  180. Business Process Engine Simulator
  181. A Fault Tolerance Framework for High Performance Computing in Cloud
  182. A configurable UI framework for easy composition visualisation of web services at semantic level.
  183. A Consolidated Process Model for Identity Management
  184. Accountability for Service Compliance
  185. A MapReduce-Based Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Large Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
  186. A Secure Storage Service in the Hybrid Cloud
  187. Secure Connectivity for Intra-cloud and Inter-cloud Communication
  188. Modelling Collaborative Services for Business and QoS Compliance
  189. DIaaS: Data Integrity as a Service in the Cloud
  190. Feedback loop mechanisms based particle swarm optimization with neighborhood topology
  191. Dynamic Business Collaborations Through Contract Services
  192. Facilitating Biodefense Research with Mobile-Cloud Computing
  193. A Service-Oriented User Interface for the Next Generation Web
  194. Dynamic Business Collaborations Through Contract Services
  195. A Test-bed for the Evaluation of Business Process Prediction Techniques
  196. A Mobile Web Service Middleware and Its Performance Study
  197. A Smart User Interface for Service-Oriented Web
  198. mBOSSS+: A Mobile Web Services Framework
  199. Accountability as a Service for the Cloud
  200. A Mobile Learning System for Syndromic Surveillance and Diagnosis
  201. Accountability as a Service for the Cloud: From Concept to Implementation with BPEL
  202. An Application-Level Data Transparent Authentication Scheme without Communication Overhead
  203. End-to-End Service Support for Mashups
  204. TrustStore: Making Amazon S3 Trustworthy with Services Composition
  205. Managing Web Services: An Application in Bioinformatics
  206. A Contract-Based Accountability Service Model
  207. Supporting Bioinformatic Experiments with a Service Query Engine
  208. A Contract Language for Service-Oriented Dynamic Collaborations
  209. A Service-Oriented Architecture to enable virtual storage services: a dynamic collaboration context
  210. Finite difference approximations for the fractional Fokker–Planck equation
  211. Secure and Conditional Resource Coordination for Successful Collaborations
  212. Facilitating Dynamic Collaborations with eContract Services
  213. Composing Adaptive Web Services on COTS Middleware
  214. WS-CCDL: A Framework for Web Service Collaborative Context Definition Language for Dynamic Collaborations
  215. Message from the SEASS Workshop Chairs
  216. WSLA+: Web Service Level Agreement Language for Collaborations
  217. Achieving simultaneous distribution control and privacy protection for Internet media delivery
  218. Yet Another Performance Testing Framework
  219. ADI-Euler and extrapolation methods for the two-dimensional fractional advection-dispersion equation
  220. Cooperative Data Management Services Based on Accountable Contract
  221. Performance Evaluation and Modeling of Web Services Security
  222. Explicitly Controlling the Fair Service for Busy Web Servers
  223. An Infrastructure Virtualisation SOA for VNO-based Business Models
  224. User-Controlled Collaborations in the Context of Trust Extended Environments
  225. Virtual Storage Services for Dynamic Collaborations
  226. Auto-tune design and evaluation on staged event-driven architecture
  227. A Performance Evaluation of Web Services Security
  228. Evaluation and Modeling of Web Services Performance
  229. Performance prediction of component-based applications
  230. A low energy, high-luminosity, high-resolution double-focusing magnetic beta-ray spectrometer for measuring neutrino rest mass
  231. The Radioactive Decay of 44gSc and 44mSc
  232. Facilitating Biodefense Research with Mobile-Cloud Computing
  233. A predictive performance model to evaluate the contention cost in application servers
  234. Evaluating the scalability of Enterprise JavaBeans technology
  235. A Technology and Process Analysis for Contemporary Identity Management Frameworks
  236. Cost of Using Cloud Computing
  237. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering