All Stories

  1. Make Interaction Situated: Designing User Acceptable Interaction for Situated Visualization in Public Environments
  2. VirtuWander: Enhancing Multi-modal Interaction for Virtual Tour Guidance through Large Language Models
  3. C2Ideas: Supporting Creative Interior Color Design Ideation with a Large Language Model
  4. PlantoGraphy: Incorporating Iterative Design Process into Generative Artificial Intelligence for Landscape Rendering
  5. IntentTuner: An Interactive Framework for Integrating Human Intentions in Fine-tuning Text-to-Image Generative Models
  6. TypeDance: Creating Semantic Typographic Logos from Image through Personalized Generation
  7. Understanding the Impact of Referent Design on Scale Perception in Immersive Data Visualization
  8. The Contemporary Art of Image Search: Iterative User Intent Expansion via Vision-Language Model
  9. The Rich, the Poor, and the Ugly: An Aesthetic-Perspective Assessment of NFT Values
  10. LOOP Meditation: Enhancing Novice's VR Meditation Experience with Physical Movement
  11. NFTeller: Dual-centric Visual Analytics for Assessing Market Performance of NFT Collectibles
  12. Does Where You are Matter? A Visual Analytics System for COVID-19 Transmission Based on Social Hierarchical Perspective
  13. Storytelling in Frozen Frontier: Exploring Graphic-Based Approach for Creating Interactive Story Maps in Antarctica
  14. Creative and Progressive Interior Color Design with Eye-tracked User Preference