All Stories

  1. Identity-Preserving Face Swapping via Dual Surrogate Generative Models
  2. Suitable and Style-consistent Multi-texture Recommendation for Cartoon Illustrations
  3. ProSpect: Prompt Spectrum for Attribute-Aware Personalization of Diffusion Models
  4. Learning to Generate Wire Sculpture Art from 3D Models
  5. A Unified Arbitrary Style Transfer Framework via Adaptive Contrastive Learning
  6. Creative and Progressive Interior Color Design with Eye-tracked User Preference
  7. Structure-aware Video Style Transfer with Map Art
  8. Language-driven Diversified Image Retargeting
  9. Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning
  10. Generating Virtual Wire Sculptural Art from 3D Models
  11. Animating still natural images using warping
  12. Optimized binarization for eggshell carving art
  13. Fast Accurate and Automatic Brushstroke Extraction
  14. Animation Video Resequencing with a Convolutional AutoEncoder
  15. Generation of Photorealistic QR Codes
  16. Hair modeling from a single anime-style image
  17. Content enhanced word art with depth perception
  18. Figure-ground image generation using contour matching and rigid shape deformation