All Stories

  1. Family relationships during first-generation succession in family businesses
  2. A Pszichológiai Alapszükségletek a Munkában Kérdőív pszichometriai mutatóinak és validitásának vizsgálata
  3. Profiles of perceived physical features and emotional experiences in favorite places: Discovering ambivalent place preferences
  4. Számít-e, ha közös a cél? Párok személyes terveire vonatkozó közös értékelés, megküzdés és élmény szerepe a párkapcsolati elégedettségben
  5. Egészséggel kapcsolatos célok Crohn-betegek körében.
  6. Improving disease management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: the potential role of self-concordant health goals
  7. Az Interkulturális Érzékenység Skála magyar változatának pszichometriai vizsgálata orvostanhallgatók és pszichológia szakos hallgatók mintáján
  8. Flourishing Together: The Longitudinal Effect of Goal Coordination on Goal Progress and Life Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships
  9. Health Psychology Services for People in Disadvantaged Regions of Hungary: Experiences from the Primary Health Care Development Model Program
  10. Well-being in patients with breast cancer and healthy women: The role of expected and actual support for personal projects
  11. A kapcsolatok szabályozási folyamatainak szerepe a családi vállalkozások utódlása során : Egy kvalitatív kutatás tapasztalatai
  12. Health Psychology Services for People in Disadvantaged Regions of Hungary: Experiences from the Primary Care Development Model Program
  13. Intercultural Sensitivity Scale--Hungarian Short Version
  14. Partners' internal stress and well‐being : The role of dyadic coping and problem resolution
  15. Finding a Secure Place in the Home during the First COVID-19 Lockdown: A Pattern-Oriented Analysis
  16. Medical educators' experiences on medically unexplained symptoms and intercultural communication—an expert focus group study
  17. Assessing meaningful work among Hungarian employees: testing psychometric properties of work and meaning inventory in employee subgroups
  18. Cooperation and conflict in romantic partners’ personal projects: the role of life domains
  19. Striving for autonomy in everyday diabetes self-management—qualitative exploration via grounded theory approach
  20. Fiatal felnőttek egészségcéljainak vizsgálata: A cél megközelítő-elkerülő orientációjának személyes kontextusa és a célokhoz társuló szubjektív tapasztalatok
  21. Dyadic Coping in a Stressful Personal Project Inventory
  22. Cardiovascular disease risk perception in a Hungarian community sample: psychometric evaluation of the ABCD Risk Perception Questionnaire
  23. Kötődési stílus, kapcsolati és szexuális elégedettség: emlőrákos és egészséges nők összehasonlító vizsgálata
  24. Environmental self-regulation in favourite places of Finnish and Hungarian adults
  25. Preferred ways of giving birth in non-pregnant and pregnant nulliparous women: the role of control beliefs
  26. A társas támogatás és az egészséges életmód összefüggései
  27. Attitudes Toward Technologies of the Near Future: The Role of Technology Readiness in a Hungarian Adult Sample
  28. Examining the associations of autonomy and directive support given and received with relationship satisfaction in the context of goals that romantic partners have for one another
  29. Dyadic coping in personal projects of romantic partners: assessment and associations with relationship satisfaction
  30. How do partners cope with chronic illness at home – an experience mapping approach
  31. Stress and Dyadic Coping in Personal Projects of Couples – A Pattern-Oriented Analysis
  32. Hungarian Psychotherapists’ Experiences of the Cooperation with Spiritual Directorsand Pastoral Counselors: A Qualitative Study
  33. The positive role of hope on the relationship between loneliness and unhappy conditions in Hungarian young adults: How pathways thinking matters!
  34. Munkával kapcsolatos motivációk és elégedettség – Személyorientált elemzés
  35. Diádikus stressz és megküzdés – elméleti modellek és alkalmazások
  36. A Grounded Theory (GT) módszertana
  37. Loss of Hope and Suicide Risk in Hungarian College Students
  38. A Revised Version of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales for Labour and Delivery (MHLC-LD-R)
  39. Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales for Labour and Delivery--Revised Version
  40. Epilepsziás betegek életminőség-vizsgálata a megküzdési stratégiákkal és a betegségészleléssel összefüggésben
  41. Spirituality in Psychotherapy
  42. Enhanced living environments from the viewpoint of socioecological psychology
  43. Factors affecting quality of life in Hungarian adults with epilepsy: A comparison of four psychiatric instruments
  44. Does optimism weaken the negative effects of being lonely on suicide risk?
  45. Family Support as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Loneliness and Suicide Risk in College Students
  46. Self-Determination Theory and the Emerging Fields of Relationship Science and Niche Construction Theory
  47. Future orientation and suicide risk in Hungarian college students: Burdensomeness and belongingness as mediators
  48. Validity of the Frequency of Suicidal Ideation Inventory in Hungarian adults
  49. Examining Optimism and Hope as Protective Factors of Suicide Risk in Hungarian College Students: Is Risk Highest Among Those Lacking Positive Psychological Protection?
  50. Development and psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Home Scale
  51. Psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS-H)
  52. Hungarian version of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES-H): An alternative translation, structural invariance, and validity
  53. Psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS-H)
  54. Spiritualität in der psychodramatischen Praxis
  55. An Ecumenical, Interdisciplinary, and Integrating Specialization Program in Pastoral Counseling in East Central Europe
  57. „Érezd magad otthon!”