All Stories

  1. A Constrained Spectral Approximation of Subgrid‐Scale Orography on Unstructured Grids
  2. MS-GWaM: A Three-Dimensional Transient Gravity Wave Parametrization for Atmospheric Models
  3. Stratospheric Gravity Waves Impact on Infrasound Transmission Losses Across the International Monitoring System
  4. Crucial role of obliquely propagating gravity waves in the quasi-biennial oscillation dynamics
  5. The effect of transient lateral internal gravity wave propagation on the resolved atmosphere in ICON/MS-GWaM
  6. Formation and modulation of ice clouds by gravity waves
  7. A constrained spectral approximation of subgrid-scale orography on unstructured grids
  8. Impact of small-scale gravity waves on tracer transport
  9. Interaction of cirrus clouds and gravity waves: towards a coupled representation in coarse resolution model
  10. Validation of an orographic source in a Lagrangian gravity wave parameterization
  11. Atmospheric Gravity Waves: Processes and Parameterization
  12. Crucial role of obliquely propagating gravity waves in the quasi-biennial oscillation dynamics
  13. Theory for the description of the effect of short-wavelength waves in weather and climate models
  14. Cirrus cloud formation by gravity waves
  15. MS-GWaM - A three dimensional transient parameterization for internal gravity waves in atmospheric models
  16. Simulation of the quasi-biennial oscillation using a fully 3D transient gravity-wave parameterization
  17. The impact of subgrid-scale gravity waves on the Brewer-Dobson circulation
  18. Towards an implementation of topography in a next-generation gravity-wave parameterisation
  19. Quantifying the impact of gravity waves on infrasound propagation using high-resolution global models for atmospheric specifications
  20. Atmospheric Dynamics
  21. Towards a transient gravity wave parametrization in atmospheric models
  22. Toward a Numerical Laboratory for Investigations of Gravity Wave–Mean Flow Interactions in the Atmosphere
  23. Interaction Between Stratospheric Kelvin Waves and Gravity Waves in the Easterly QBO Phase
  24. Toward Transient Subgrid-Scale Gravity Wave Representation in Atmospheric Models. Part I: Propagation Model Including Nondissipative Wave–Mean-Flow Interactions
  25. Toward Transient Subgrid-Scale Gravity Wave Representation in Atmospheric Models. Part II: Wave Intermittency Simulated with Convective Sources
  26. A semi-implicit pseudo-incompressible flow solver for diabatic dynamics: Baroclinic-wave life cycles 
  27. Interaction between equatorial stratospheric Kelvin waves and gravity waves in a QBO phase
  28. Reappraising the appropriate calculation of the potential temperature
  29. Numerical investigation of inertia gravity-wave activity in the differentially heated rotating annulus: The impact of boundary conditions
  30. An application of WKBJ theory for triad interactions of internal gravity waves in varying background flows
  31. Reappraising the appropriate calculation of a common meteorological quantity: potential temperature
  32. Reappraising the appropriate calculation of a common meteorological quantity: Potential Temperature
  33. A Parametrization for Triad Interactions of Internal Gravity Waves in Varying Background Flows for WKBJ Ray-Tracing Methods
  34. Generation of inertia-gravity waves in idealized baroclinic-wave life cycles: Explicit vs. semi-implicit time stepping in a finite-volume solver for the pseudo-incompressible equations
  35. Intermittency of gravity waves modelled by a transient gravity-wave parametrization coupled with convective sources
  36. Mountain wave parametrization in a transient gravity wave model
  37. Planetary geostrophic Boussinesq dynamics: barotropic flow, baroclinic instability and forced stationary waves
  38. Towards the implementation of a transient gravity wave drag parameterization in atmospheric models
  39. A new laboratory experiment to study gravity waves emission in the atmosphere
  40. Planetary geostrophic Boussinesq dynamics: Barotropic flow, baroclinic instability and forced stationary waves
  41. Efficient Modeling of the Interaction of Mesoscale Gravity Waves with Unbalanced Large-Scale Flows: Pseudomomentum-Flux Convergence versus Direct Approach
  42. Recent progress in modeling imbalance in the atmosphere and ocean
  43. Climate Dependence in Empirical Parameters of Subgrid-Scale Parameterizations using the Fluctuation–Dissipation Theorem
  44. Interactions between Mesoscale and Submesoscale Gravity Waves and Their Efficient Representation in Mesoscale-Resolving Models
  45. Stochastic subgrid‐scale parametrization for one‐dimensional shallow‐water dynamics using stochastic mode reduction
  46. Spontaneous inertia–gravity wave emission in the differentially heated rotating annulus experiment
  47. Finite-amplitude gravity waves in the atmosphere: travelling wave solutions
  48. Stochastic Parameterization: Toward a New View of Weather and Climate Models
  49. The interaction between synoptic‐scale balanced flow and a finite‐amplitude mesoscale wave field throughout all atmospheric layers: weak and moderately strong stratification
  50. The Interaction between Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Large-Scale Flows: An Efficient Description beyond the Nonacceleration Paradigm
  51. Parameterization of stochastic multiscale triads
  52. The interaction between gravity waves and solar tides in a linear tidal model with a 4‐D ray‐tracing gravity‐wave parameterization
  53. Parametrization of stochastic multiscale triads
  54. Erratum
  55. Validation of Large-Eddy Simulation Methods for Gravity Wave Breaking
  56. The interaction between gravity waves and solar tides: Results from 4‐D ray tracing coupled to a linear tidal model
  57. Finite-volume models with implicit subgrid-scale parameterization for the differentially heated rotating annulus
  58. Benchmarking in a rotating annulus: a comparative experimental and numerical study of baroclinic wave dynamics
  59. Direct Numerical Simulation of Breaking Atmospheric Gravity Waves
  60. On the construction of a direct numerical simulation of a breaking inertia-gravity wave in the upper mesosphere
  61. Gravity wave emission in an atmosphere-like configuration of the differentially heated rotating annulus experiment
  62. On the application of Wentzel–Kramer–Brillouin theory for the simulation of the weakly nonlinear dynamics of gravity waves
  63. Range of validity of an extended WKB theory for atmospheric gravity waves: one-dimensional and two-dimensional case
  64. Fluctuation–Dissipation Supplemented by Nonlinearity: A Climate-Dependent Subgrid-Scale Parameterization in Low-Order Climate Models
  65. A Conservative Integration of the Pseudo-Incompressible Equations with Implicit Turbulence Parameterization
  66. Subgrid-scale closure for the inviscid Burgers-Hopf equation
  67. Stochastic closure for local averages in the finite-difference discretization of the forced Burgers equation
  68. Secondary Instabilities in Breaking Inertia–Gravity Waves
  69. On the impact of middle-atmosphere thermal tides on the propagation and dissipation of gravity waves
  70. Regime of Validity of Soundproof Atmospheric Flow Models
  71. Gravity waves, scale asymptotics and the pseudo-incompressible equations
  72. Mechanisms controlling the diurnal solar tide: Analysis using a GCM and a linear model
  73. Modal and Nonmodal Perturbations of Monochromatic High-Frequency Gravity Waves: Primary Nonlinear Dynamics
  74. Gravity-wave breaking: Linear and primary nonlinear dynamics
  75. The Primary Nonlinear Dynamics of Modal and Nonmodal Perturbations of Monochromatic Inertia–Gravity Waves
  76. Optimal Growth in Inertia–Gravity Wave Packets: Energetics, Long-Term Development, and Three-Dimensional Structure
  77. Shear and Static Instability of Inertia–Gravity Wave Packets: Short-Term Modal and Nonmodal Growth
  78. On the role of optimal perturbations in the instability of monochromatic gravity waves
  79. The dependence of the nonmigrating diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere on stationary planetary waves
  80. Primitive-Equation-Based Low-Order Models with Seasonal Cycle. Part I: Model Construction
  81. Primitive-Equation-Based Low-Order Models with Seasonal Cycle. Part II: Application to Complexity and Nonlinearity of Large-Scale Atmosphere Dynamics
  82. A Two-Layer Model with Empirical Linear Corrections and Reduced Order for Studies of Internal Climate Variability
  83. On the Closure Problem in the Reduction of Complex Atmospheric Models by PIPs and EOFs: A Comparison for the Case of a Two-Layer Model with Zonally Symmetric Forcing
  84. Principal Interaction Patterns in Baroclinic Wave Life Cycles
  85. Cosmic-ray particle transport in weakly turbulent plasmas. Part 2. Mean free path of cosmic-ray protons
  86. Interplanetary transport of solar electrons and protons: Effect of dissipative processes in the magnetic field power spectrum
  87. Cosmic-ray particle transport in weakly turbulent plasmas. Part 1. Theory