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  1. Age‐related behavioral changes from young to old age in male mice of a C57BL/6J strain maintained under a genetic stability program
  2. Transcriptomic evidence for immaturity induced by antidepressant fluoxetine in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
  3. Genome-wide association study identifies a novel locus associated with psychological distress in the Japanese population
  4. Transcriptomic immaturity inducible by neural hyperexcitation is shared by multiple neuropsychiatric disorders
  5. Open source code for behavior analysis in rodents
  6. Obligatory roles of dopamine D1 receptors in the dentate gyrus in antidepressant actions of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine
  7. Comprehensive behavioral analysis and quantification of brain free amino acids of C57BL/6J congenic mice carrying the 1473G allele in tryptophan hydroxylase‐2
  8. Comprehensive behavioral analysis of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase knockout mice
  9. Relationships between the acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition in C57BL/6J mice: a large-scale meta-analytic study
  10. Immature-like molecular expression patterns in the hippocampus of a mouse model of dementia with Lewy body-linked mutant β-synuclein
  11. Behavioral effects of long-term oral administration of aluminum ammonium sulfate in male and female C57BL/6J mice
  12. Comprehensive behavioral analysis of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (Tdo2 ) knockout mice
  13. Loss of X-linked Protocadherin-19 differentially affects the behavior of heterozygous female and hemizygous male mice
  14. Ts1Cje Down syndrome model mice exhibit environmental stimuli-triggered locomotor hyperactivity and sociability concurrent with increased flux through central dopamine and serotonin metabolism
  15. Decreased cohesin in the brain leads to defective synapse development and anxiety-related behavior
  16. Transcriptomic immaturity of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in patients with alcoholism
  17. QRFP-Deficient Mice Are Hypophagic, Lean, Hypoactive and Exhibit Increased Anxiety-Like Behavior
  18. Distribution of Silver Nanoparticles to Breast Milk and Their Biological Effects on Breast-Fed Offspring Mice
  19. Mice that lack the C-terminal region of Reelin exhibit behavioral abnormalities related to neuropsychiatric disorders
  20. Cohort Removal Induces Changes in Body Temperature, Pain Sensitivity, and Anxiety-Like Behavior
  21. Gomafu lncRNA knockout mice exhibit mild hyperactivity with enhanced responsiveness to the psychostimulant methamphetamine
  22. Disruption of the Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome Gene Aldh3a2 in Mice Increases Keratinocyte Growth and Retards Skin Barrier Recovery
  23. Circadian Gene Circuitry Predicts Hyperactive Behavior in a Mood Disorder Mouse Model
  24. Comprehensive behavioral analysis of RNG105 (Caprin1) heterozygous mice: Reduced social interaction and attenuated response to novelty
  25. Comprehensive behavioral phenotyping of a new Semaphorin 3 F mutant mouse
  26. Age-related changes in behavior in C57BL/6J mice from young adulthood to middle age
  27. A CDC42EP4/septin-based perisynaptic glial scaffold facilitates glutamate clearance
  28. Comprehensive Behavioral Analysis of Male Ox1r−/− Mice Showed Implication of Orexin Receptor-1 in Mood, Anxiety, and Social Behavior
  29. Combined behavioral studies and in vivo imaging of inflammatory response and expression of mGlu5 receptors in schnurri-2 knockout mice
  30. TRPV4 activation at the physiological temperature is a critical determinant of neuronal excitability and behavior
  31. Comprehensive behavioral analysis of voltage-gated calcium channel beta-anchoring and -regulatory protein knockout mice
  32. IRBIT regulates CaMKIIα activity and contributes to catecholamine homeostasis through tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation
  33. Reply to Warren et al. and Shay et al.: Commonalities across species do exist and are potentially important
  34. IL1RAPL1 knockout mice show spine density decrease, learning deficiency, hyperactivity and reduced anxiety-like behaviours
  35. SIRT1 overexpression ameliorates a mouse model of SOD1-linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis via HSF1/HSP70i chaperone system
  36. Genomic responses in mouse models greatly mimic human inflammatory diseases
  37. Mechanisms for Interferon-α-Induced Depression and Neural Stem Cell Dysfunction
  38. Comprehensive behavioral study of mGluR3 knockout mice: implication in schizophrenia related endophenotypes
  39. Contextual and Cued Fear Conditioning Test Using a Video Analyzing System in Mice
  40. Increased Behavioral and Neuronal Responses to a Hallucinogenic Drug in PACAP Heterozygous Mutant Mice
  41. Targeted deletion of the C-terminus of the mouse adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor results in neurologic phenotypes related to schizophrenia
  42. Enhanced stability of hippocampal place representation caused by reduced magnesium block of NMDA receptors in the dentate gyrus
  43. PRICKLE1 Interaction with SYNAPSIN I Reveals a Role in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  44. Point Mutation in Syntaxin-1A Causes Abnormal Vesicle Recycling, Behaviors, and Short Term Plasticity
  45. Orexin Receptor-1 in the Locus Coeruleus Plays an Important Role in Cue-Dependent Fear Memory Consolidation
  46. Chronic overload of SEPT4, a parkin substrate that aggregates in Parkinson’s disease, causes behavioral alterations but not neurodegeneration in mice
  47. The immature dentate gyrus represents a shared phenotype of mouse models of epilepsy and psychiatric disease
  48. Synaptosomal-associated protein 25 mutation induces immaturity of the dentate granule cells of adult mice
  49. Deficiency of Schnurri-2, an MHC Enhancer Binding Protein, Induces Mild Chronic Inflammation in the Brain and Confers Molecular, Neuronal, and Behavioral Phenotypes Related to Schizophrenia
  50. Fluoxetine-Induced Cortical Adult Neurogenesis
  51. Chronic fluoxetine treatment reduces parvalbumin expression and perineuronal nets in gamma-aminobutyric acidergic interneurons of the frontal cortex in adult mice
  52. Immature Dentate Gyrus: An Endophenotype of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
  53. In vivo evaluation of cellular activity in αCaMKII heterozygous knockout mice using manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI)
  54. Mice lacking collapsin response mediator protein 1 manifest hyperactivity, impaired learning and memory, and impaired prepulse inhibition
  55. Behavioral Abnormalities Observed in Zfhx2-Deficient Mice
  56. Impaired synaptic clustering of postsynaptic density proteins and altered signal transmission in hippocampal neurons, and disrupted learning behavior in PDZ1 and PDZ2 ligand binding-deficient PSD-95 knockin mice
  57. Increased astrocytic ATP release results in enhanced excitability of the hippocampus
  58. Detection of an immature dentate gyrus feature in human schizophrenia/bipolar patients
  59. α-Synuclein BAC transgenic mice as a model for Parkinson's disease manifested decreased anxiety-like behavior and hyperlocomotion
  60. DRPLA transgenic mouse substrains carrying single copy of full-length mutant human DRPLA gene with variable sizes of expanded CAG repeats exhibit CAG repeat length- and age-dependent changes in behavioral abnormalities and gene expression profiles
  61. M4 muscarinic receptor knockout mice display abnormal social behavior and decreased prepulse inhibition
  62. T-maze Forced Alternation and Left-right Discrimination Tasks for Assessing Working and Reference Memory in Mice
  63. Comprehensive behavioral analysis of ENU-induced Disc1-Q31L and -L100P mutant mice
  64. Comprehensive behavioral analysis of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) knockout mice
  65. DIP/WISH deficiency enhances synaptic function and performance in the Barnes maze
  66. The Influence of Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion on Cognitive Function and Amyloid β Metabolism in APP Overexpressing Mice
  67. Adenomatous polyposis coli heterozygous knockout mice display hypoactivity and age-dependent working memory deficits
  68. Chronic treatment with fluoxetine for more than 6 weeks decreases neurogenesis in the subventricular zone of adult mice
  69. Expression of the AMPA Receptor Subunits GluR1 and GluR2 is Associated with Granule Cell Maturation in the Dentate Gyrus
  70. Inactivation of fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3 causes anxiety-related behaviors
  71. Relaxin-3-Deficient Mice Showed Slight Alteration in Anxiety-Related Behavior
  72. Right‐hemispheric dominance of spatial memory in split‐brain mice
  73. Comprehensive behavioural study of GluR4 knockout mice: implication in cognitive function
  74. Expression of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase in mature granule cells of the adult mouse dentate gyrus
  75. Stress-Evoked Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Signal Regulatory Protein α Regulates Behavioral Immobility in the Forced Swim Test
  76. A Mouse Model Characterizing Features of Vascular Dementia With Hippocampal Atrophy
  77. Reversal of hippocampal neuronal maturation by serotonergic antidepressants
  78. SDOP-DB: a comparative standardized-protocol database for mouse phenotypic analyses
  79. Nardilysin regulates axonal maturation and myelination in the central and peripheral nervous system
  80. Dissection of Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus from Adult Mouse
  81. Inhibition of calpain increases LIS1 expression and partially rescues in vivo phenotypes in a mouse model of lissencephaly
  82. Mice with Altered Myelin Proteolipid Protein Gene Expression Display Cognitive Deficits Accompanied by Abnormal Neuron-Glia Interactions and Decreased Conduction Velocities
  83. Abnormal social behavior, hyperactivity, impaired remote spatial memory, and increased D1-mediated dopaminergic signaling in neuronal nitric oxide synthase knockout mice
  84. KF-1 ubiquitin ligase: an anxiety suppressor
  85. Abnormalities in brain structure and behavior in GSK-3alpha mutant mice
  86. Comprehensive behavioral phenotyping of ryanodine receptor type3 (RyR3) knockout mice: Decreased social contact duration in two social interaction tests
  87. Intrauterine environment-genome interaction and Children's development (4): Brain-behavior phenotypying of genetically-engineered mice using a comprehensive behavioral test battery on research of neuropsychiatric disorders
  88. Elevated Plus Maze for Mice
  89. Normal mitochondrial respiratory function is essential for spatial remote memory in mice
  90. Impaired long-term memory retention and working memory in sdy mutant mice with a deletion in Dtnbp1, a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia
  91. Down‐regulation of protocadherin‐α A isoforms in mice changes contextual fear conditioning and spatial working memory
  92. Roles of continuous neurogenesis in the structural and functional integrity of the adult forebrain
  93. Identification of YWHAE, a gene encoding 14-3-3epsilon, as a possible susceptibility gene for schizophrenia
  94. Mice lacking the schizophrenia-associated protein FEZ1 manifest hyperactivity and enhanced responsiveness to psychostimulants
  95. Smaller Dendritic Spines, Weaker Synaptic Transmission, but Enhanced Spatial Learning in Mice Lacking Shank1
  96. Comprehensive behavioral phenotyping of calpastatin-knockout mice
  97. Increased anxiety-like behavior in neuropsin (kallikrein-related peptidase 8) gene-deficient mice.
  98. Mice lacking the kf-1 gene exhibit increased anxiety- but not despair-like behavior
  99. Increased social interaction in mice deficient of the striatal medium spiny neuron‐specific phosphodiesterase 10A2
  100. Altered sensitivities to morphine and cocaine in scaffold protein tamalin knockout mice
  101. Genetic ablation of NMDA receptor subunit NR3B in mouse reveals motoneuronal and nonmotoneuronal phenotypes
  102. Enriched environments influence depression-related behavior in adult mice and the survival of newborn cells in their hippocampi
  103. Impact of brain-behavior phenotypying of genetically-engineered mice on research of neuropsychiatric disorders
  104. Mouse liaison for integrative brain research
  105. Sept4, a Component of Presynaptic Scaffold and Lewy Bodies, Is Required for the Suppression of α-Synuclein Neurotoxicity
  106. Light/dark Transition Test for Mice
  107. Investigating Gene‐to‐Behavior Pathways in Psychiatric Disorders
  108. Schizophrenia-Relevant Behavioral Testing in Rodent Models: A Uniquely Human Disorder?
  109. NFAT dysregulation by increased dosage of DSCR1 and DYRK1A on chromosome 21
  110. Tight junctions in Schwann cells of peripheral myelinated axons
  111. Enhanced cocaine responsiveness and impaired motor coordination in metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 2 knockout mice
  112. M2Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Knock-Out Mice Show Deficits in Behavioral Flexibility, Working Memory, and Hippocampal Plasticity
  113. Acceleration of visually cued conditioned fear through the auditory pathway
  114. Conditional calcineurin knockout mice exhibit multiple abnormal behaviors related to schizophrenia
  115. Evidence for association of schizophrenia with genetic variation in the 8p21.3 gene, PPP3CC , encoding the calcineurin gamma subunit
  116. M 1 -M 5 Muscarinic Receptor Knockout Mice as Novel Tools to Study the Physiological Roles of the Muscarinic Cholinergic System
  117. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mice: Phenotypical analysis and clinical implications
  118. Forebrain-Specific Calcineurin Knockout Selectively Impairs Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity and Working/Episodic-like Memory
  119. Differential effect of Fyn tyrosine kinase deletion on offensive and defensive aggression
  120. Mice Expressing Only Monosialoganglioside GM3 Exhibit Lethal Audiogenic Seizures
  121. Mice lacking the M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor are hypophagic and lean
  122. Neurogranin null mutant mice display performance deficits on spatial learning tasks with anxiety related components
  123. Loss of Cadherin-11 Adhesion Receptor Enhances Plastic Changes in Hippocampal Synapses and Modifies Behavioral Responses
  124. Fyn-Kinase as a Determinant of Ethanol Sensitivity: Relation to NMDA-Receptor Function
  125. Radial maze performance, open-field and elevated plus-maze behaviors in Fyn-kinase deficient mice: Further evidence for increased fearfulness
  126. Enhanced susceptibility of audiogenic seizures in Fyn-kinase deficient mice
  127. Increased fearfulness of Fyn tyrosine kinase deficient mice