All Stories

  1. Mean first-passage time of heterogeneous telegrapher's process under stochastic resetting
  2. Generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: memory effects and resetting
  3. Bernoulli trial under subsystem restarts: Two competing searchers looking for a target
  4. Solutions to the Schrödinger Equation: Nonlocal Terms and Geometric Constraints
  5. Anomalous diffusion of self-propelled particles
  6. Fractional Telegrapher’s Equation under Resetting: Non-Equilibrium Stationary States and First-Passage Times
  7. Fractional heterogeneous telegraph processes: Interplay between heterogeneity, memory, and stochastic resetting
  8. Anomalous and ultraslow diffusion of a particle driven by power-law-correlated and distributed-order noises
  9. Random Resetting in Search Problems
  10. Volterra-Prabhakar function of distributed order and some applications
  11. Bernoulli trial under restarts: A comparative study of resetting transitions
  12. Random Walks on Comb-like Structures under Stochastic Resetting
  13. A first passage under resetting approach to income dynamics
  14. Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process on Three-Dimensional Comb under Stochastic Resetting
  15. Topological Subordination in Quantum Mechanics
  16. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and generalizations: Particle dynamics under comb constraints and stochastic resetting
  17. Random Walks on Networks with Centrality-Based Stochastic Resetting
  18. Stochastic dynamics with multiplicative dichotomic noise: Heterogeneous telegrapher’s equation, anomalous crossovers and resetting
  19. Editorial for Special Issue “Fractional Dynamics: Theory and Applications”
  21. Mathematical background
  22. Fox H-function and related functions
  23. Elements of random walk theory
  24. CTRW on combs
  25. Heterogeneous diffusion processes
  26. Diffusion processes with stochastic resetting
  27. Random search
  28. Diffusion on fractal tartan
  29. Finite-velocity diffusion
  31. Generalized diffusion and random search processes
  32. Non-Markovian SIR epidemic spreading model of COVID-19
  33. General approach to stochastic resetting
  34. Asymmetric Lévy Flights Are More Efficient in Random Search
  35. Income inequality and mobility in geometric Brownian motion with stochastic resetting: theoretical results and empirical evidence of non-ergodicity
  36. Autocorrelation functions and ergodicity in diffusion with stochastic resetting
  37. Tuning of the Dielectric Relaxation and Complex Susceptibility in a System of Polar Molecules: A Generalised Model Based on Rotational Diffusion with Resetting
  38. Heterogeneous diffusion with stochastic resetting
  39. From continuous-time random walks to the fractional Jeffreys equation: Solution and properties
  40. Special Functions of Fractional Calculus
  41. Closed-form multi-dimensional solutions and asymptotic behaviors for subdiffusive processes with crossovers: I. Retarding case
  42. Backbone diffusion and first-passage dynamics in a comb structure with confining branches under stochastic resetting
  43. Geometric Brownian motion under stochastic resetting: A stationary yet nonergodic process
  44. First encounters on Bethe lattices and Cayley trees
  45. Fractional Schrödinger equation and anomalous relaxation: Nonlocal terms and delta potentials
  46. Continuous time random walks under Markovian resetting
  47. Comb-like geometric constraints leading to emergence of the time-fractional Schrödinger equation
  48. Diffusion–Advection Equations on a Comb: Resetting and Random Search
  49. Generalised Geometric Brownian Motion: Theory and Applications to Option Pricing
  50. Resetting dynamics in a confining potential
  51. Fractional Diffusion to a Cantor Set in 2D
  52. Hitting times in turbulent diffusion due to multiplicative noise
  53. Generalized Cattaneo (telegrapher's) equations in modeling anomalous diffusion phenomena
  54. Stochastic resetting on comblike structures
  55. Diffusion—Reaction processes on a backbone structure
  56. Anomalous diffusion and random search in xyz-comb: exact results
  57. Reaction and ultraslow diffusion on comb structures
  58. Quenched and annealed disorder mechanisms in comb models with fractional operators
  59. Lévy walk with parameter dependent velocity: Hermite polynomial approach and numerical simulation
  60. Random search on comb
  61. Reliability of Poisson–Nernst–Planck Anomalous Models for Impedance Spectroscopy
  62. Solutions for a fractional diffusion equation in heterogeneous media
  63. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation in three dimensions under geometric constraints
  64. Fractional Equations and Models
  65. Cauchy Type problems: in Fractional equations and models
  66. Generalized Langevin Equation
  67. Fractional Generalized Langevin Equation
  68. Generalized Differential and Integral Operators
  69. Fractional Wave Equations
  70. Introduction: Mittag-Leffler and Other Related Functions
  71. Fractional Diffusion and Fokker-Planck Equations
  72. Constrained quantum motion in δ-potential and application of a generalized integral operator
  73. Generalized diffusion-wave equation with memory kernel
  74. Finite-velocity diffusion on a comb
  75. Crossover from anomalous to normal diffusion: truncated power-law noise correlations and applications to dynamics in lipid bilayers
  76. Models for characterizing the transition among anomalous diffusions with different diffusion exponents
  77. Heterogeneous diffusion in comb and fractal grid structures
  78. From continuous time random walks to the generalized diffusion equation
  79. Generalized time-dependent Schrödinger equation in two dimensions under constraints
  80. Generalized Langevin Equation and the Prabhakar Derivative
  81. Beyond monofractional kinetics
  82. Distributed-order wave equations with composite time fractional derivative
  83. Anomalous diffusion on a fractal mesh
  84. Generalized Langevin equation with tempered memory kernel
  85. Effective Potential from the Generalized Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation
  86. Generalized distributed order diffusion equations with composite time fractional derivative
  87. Lévy processes on a generalized fractal comb
  88. Comb Model with Slow and Ultraslow Diffusion
  89. Lévy Transport in Slab Geometry of Inhomogeneous Media
  90. Distributed-order diffusion equations and multifractality: Models and solutions
  91. Analytical Solution of Generalized Space-Time Fractional Cable Equation
  92. Fractional diffusion on a fractal grid comb
  93. Diffusion and Fokker-Planck-Smoluchowski Equations with Generalized Memory Kernel
  94. Space-Time Fractional Schrödinger Equation With Composite Time Fractional Derivative
  95. Time-dependent Schrödinger-like equation with nonlocal term
  96. Correlation functions for the fractional generalized Langevin equation in the presence of internal and external noise
  97. Harmonic and anharmonic quantum-mechanical oscillators in noninteger dimensions
  98. Langevin equation for a free particle driven by power law type of noises
  99. Exact solutions for fractional diffusion equation in a bounded domain with different boundary conditions
  100. Axially symmetrical molecules in electric and magnetic fields: energy spectrum and selection rules
  101. Velocity and displacement correlation functions for fractional generalized Langevin equations
  102. Fractional wave equation with a frictional memory kernel of Mittag-Leffler type
  103. Generalized space–time fractional diffusion equation with composite fractional time derivative
  104. Generalized Langevin equation with a three parameter Mittag-Leffler noise
  105. Effects of a fractional friction with power-law memory kernel on string vibrations
  106. Fractional diffusion equation with a generalized Riemann–Liouville time fractional derivative
  107. Asymptotic behavior of a harmonic oscillator driven by a generalized Mittag-Leffler noise
  108. Delayed feedback control of fractional-order chaotic systems
  109. Splitting of Spectra in Anharmonic Oscillators Described by Kratzer Potential Function
  110. The general time fractional wave equation for a vibrating string
  111. Thermoelectric mechanism of electromagnetic-acoustic transformation in organic conductors