All Stories

  1. Expectations and economic dishonesty
  2. A noise audit of the peer review of a scientific article: a WPOM journal case study
  3. Students’ Perceptions of University Corruption in a Spanish Public University: A Path Analysis
  4. Effective Behaviors in Work Teams: Spanish Adaptation of the Individual Behavior Analysis Scale
  5. Empowerment and Employee Well-Being: A Mediation Analysis Study
  6. Variables psicológicas asociadas a la corrupción: una revisión sistemática
  7. Determinants of Students’ Willingness to Engage in Corruption in an Academic Setting: an Empirical Study
  8. Changes in the Association between European Workers’ Employment Conditions and Employee Well-Being in 2005, 2010 and 2015
  9. Understanding unethical behaviors at the university level: a multiple regression analysis
  10. How to measure teamwork and networking competencies
  11. Spanish Validation of the Leader Empowering Behavior Questionnaire (LEBQ)
  12. Shame in decision making under risk conditions: Understanding the effect of transparency
  13. Aproximaciones Psicosociales a la Corrupción: Una Revisión Teórica
  14. Estudio piloto de la validez convergente de la adaptación española del Denison Organizational Culture Survey
  15. Validez estructural de un cuestionario para medir comportamientos eficaces en los equipos de trabajo
  16. Relationship between employee involvement and lean manufacturing and its effect on performance in a rigid continuous process industry
  17. The Effect of the Emotive Decisions in Prospect Theory
  18. Integrating Human Resource Management into Lean Production
  19. Exploring working conditions as determinants of job satisfaction: an empirical test among Catalonia service workers
  20. La docencia de Estadística en el Grado de Psicología: una experiencia de colaboración interdisciplinar con la asignatura de Psicología Social del Trabajo.
  21. The OCSA Questionnaire (II)
  22. Dimensions of scientific collaboration and its contribution to the academic research groups' scientific quality
  23. Los Sistemas Productivos, el Aprendizaje Interno y los Resultados del Área de Producción de Baldosas-Cerámicas
  24. The impact of Kaizen Events on improving the performance of automotive components' first-tier suppliers
  25. Análisis de programas de mejora continua. Un estudio longitudinal en una empresa industrial
  26. Longitudinal study of the results of continuous improvement in an industrial company
  27. The use of employee participation in the USA and Spanish companies
  28. The OCSA Questionnaire (I)
  29. The impact of ad hoc teams in the automobile industry
  30. An empirical study of lean production in the ceramic tile industry in Spain
  31. El efecto del tipo de producto fabricado y del tamaño de la empresa en los resultados productivos de las empresas de pavimentos y revestimientos cerámicos de la Comunidad Valenciana
  33. The impact of training and ad hoc teams in industrial settings