All Stories

  1. Looking back and looking forward
  2. Ditransitives in Germanic Languages
  3. Introduction
  4. The Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research
  5. Tracking shifts in the literal versus the intensifying fake reflexive resultative construction
  6. A reflection on constructionalization and constructional borrowing, inspired by an emerging Dutch replica of the ‘time’-away construction
  7. The “sense boost” to dative priming: Evidence for sense-specific verb-structure links
  8. Extending the Scope of Construction Grammar
  9. How did Dutch VERONDERSTELD WORDEN TE + Infinitive get to express obligation?
  10. Competing ‘transfer’ constructions in Dutch
  11. From noun to intensifier: massa and massa’s in Flemish varieties of Dutch
  12. Introduction: A multifaceted approach to verb classes
  13. On the grammaticalization of ( ’t) schijnt ‘it seems’ as an evidential particle in colloquial Belgian Dutch1
  14. Ditransitieve constructies in het Nederlands: semasiologische en onomasiologische kwesties
  15. Constructie- en generatieve grammatica in discussie
  16. The disappearance of Dutch GEZEGD WORDEN TE + Infinitive ('BE SAID TO V')
  17. Believe-type raising-to-object and raising-to-subject verbs in English and Dutch
  18. The syntactic flexibility of (new) verbs of instrument of communication
  19. Ditransitive Verbs and the Ditransitive Construction: A Diachronic Perspective
  20. Constructional semantics on the move: On semantic specialization in the English double object construction
  21. Have English and Dutch BE SAID TO constructions always been more than mere passives?
  22. Lectal variation in constructional semantics: “Benefactive” ditransitives in Dutch
  23. Beyond the dative alternation: The semantics of the Dutch aan-Dative
  24. The benefactive semantic potential of ‘caused reception’ constructions
  25. The semantic range of the Dutch double object construction
  26. Verb disposition in argument structure alternations: a corpus study of the dative alternation in Dutch
  27. Valentie, argumentstructuur en constructionele semantiek in Ebelings Semiotaxis
  28. How similar are the developments of the English and Dutch BE SAID TO constructions?
  29. ‘Caused motion’? The semantics of the English to-dative and the Dutch aan-dative
  30. Accounting for ditransitive constructions with envy and forgive
  31. Contrastive Analysis in Language
  32. 1. Constructions all the way everywhere: Four new directions in constructionist research
  33. On Representing Verb Complementation Patterns in Dictionaries: The Approach of the CVVD
  34. Alternation biases in corpora vs. picture description experiments: DO-biased and PD-biased verbs in the Dutch dative alternation
  35. 8. The emergence of non-canonical degree modifiers in non-standard varieties of Dutch: A constructionalization perspective