All Stories

  1. Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy Caused by a Homozygous Splicing Variant of SLC7A6OS
  2. Neonatal Alexander Disease: Novel GFAP Mutation and Comparison to Previously Published Cases
  3. Mouse Model of Unverricht-Lundborg Disease
  4. Abnormal microglial activation in theCstb−/−mouse, a model for progressive myoclonus epilepsy, EPM1
  5. Gene Expression Alterations in the Cerebellum and Granule Neurons of Cstb−/− Mouse Are Associated with Early Synaptic Changes and Inflammation
  6. Early Microglial Activation Precedes Neuronal Loss in the Brain of theCstb−/−Mouse Model of Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy, EPM1
  7. Molecular background of EPM1—Unverricht–Lundborg disease
  8. Cystatin B: mutation detection, alternative splicing and expression in progressive myclonus epilepsy of Unverricht-Lundborg type (EPM1) patients
  9. Characterisation of the mulibrey nanism-associated TRIM37 gene: Transcription initiation, promoter region and alternative splicing
  10. Mutations in a Novel Gene with Transmembrane Domains Underlie Usher Syndrome Type 3
  11. Mutations in KERA, encoding keratocan, cause cornea plana
  12. A Sequence-Ready Map of the Usher Syndrome Type III Critical Region on Chromosome 3q
  13. Characterization of the cystatin B gene promoter harboring the dodecamer repeat expanded in progressive myoclonus epilepsy, EPM1
  14. A CRX mutation in a Finnish family with dominant cone-rod retinal dystrophy
  15. Refined Mapping of the Usher Syndrome Type III Locus on Chromosome 3, Exclusion of Candidate Genes, and Identification of the Putative Mouse Homologous Region