All Stories

  1. Coenzyme Q and mitochondrial complex III in health and disease
  2. A novel robust and sensitive method to measure the amount of the building blocks of DNA
  3. A spontaneous mtDNA variant that dramatically worsens mitochondrial disease in mice
  4. Mice with severe mitochondrial disease have largely normal response to fasting
  5. An enzyme from sea squirt prevents fatal mitochondrial heart disease in mice
  6. Nicotinamide riboside shows no benefit in mice with mitochondrial respiratory chain CIII deficiency
  7. Ret receptor tyrosine kinase sustains proliferation and tissue maturation in intestinal epithelia
  8. Zebrafish GDNF and its co-receptor GFRα1 activate the human RET receptor and promote the survival of dopaminergic neurons in vitro
  9. Respiratory chain complex III deficiency due to mutated BCS1L: a novel phenotype with encephalomyopathy, partially phenocopied in a Bcs1l mutant mouse model
  10. Ketogenic diet attenuates hepatopathy in mouse model of respiratory chain complex III deficiency caused by a Bcs1l mutation
  11. COX7A2L/SCAFI and Pre-Complex III Modify Respiratory Chain Supercomplex Formation in Different Mouse Strains with a Bcs1l Mutation
  12. Effect of High-Carbohydrate Diet on Plasma Metabolome in Mice with Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex III Deficiency
  13. Exploring the Conserved Role of MANF in the Unfolded Protein Response in Drosophila melanogaster
  14. Suppression of RNAi by dsRNA-Degrading RNaseIII Enzymes of Viruses in Animals and Plants
  15. A mouse model of mitochondrial complex III dysfunction induced by myxothiazol
  16. Characterization of the Structural and Functional Determinants of MANF/CDNF in Drosophila In Vivo Model
  17. Characterization of Drosophila GDNF Receptor-Like and Evidence for Its Evolutionarily Conserved Interaction with Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM)/FasII
  18. Gynecological tumors in Mulibrey nanism and role for RING finger protein TRIM37 in the pathogenesis of ovarian fibrothecomas
  19. RNAi screening for kinases and phosphatases identifies FoxO regulators
  20. Wilms’ tumor and novel TRIM37 mutations in an Australian patient with mulibrey nanism
  21. Tissue expression of the mulibrey nanism-associated Trim37 protein in embryonic and adult mouse tissues
  22. Characterisation of the mulibrey nanism-associated TRIM37 gene: Transcription initiation, promoter region and alternative splicing
  23. Insulin Resistance Syndrome in Subjects With Mutated RING Finger Protein TRIM37
  24. TRIM37 defective in mulibrey nanism is a novel RING finger ubiquitin E3 ligase
  25. Novel mutations in theTRIM37gene in Mulibrey Nanism
  26. Mulibrey Nanism - a Novel Peroxisomal Disorder
  27. The TRIM37 Gene Encodes a Peroxisomal RING-B-Box-Coiled-Coil Protein: Classification of Mulibrey Nanism as a New Peroxisomal Disorder
  28. Amphoterin Includes a Sequence Motif Which Is Homologous to the Alzheimer's β-Amyloid Peptide (Aβ), Forms Amyloid Fibrils in Vitro, and Binds Avidly to Aβ†
  29. Apolipoprotein E includes a binding site which is recognized by several amyloidogenic polypeptides