All Stories

  1. The interactional effects of contextual and individual factors on work–home enrichment
  2. Abusive supervision and turnover intention among public servants: the roles of psychological distress and person-organization fit
  3. Boundaries of ethical leadership in mitigating workplace bullying: the moderation effect of team power distance orientation
  4. Influence of strategic HRM and entrepreneurial orientation on dynamic capabilities and innovation in small- and medium-sized enterprises
  5. “Being a carer, you just get forgotten!”: exploring the experiences and opportunities of informal primary carers in Australia
  6. Passionate and psychologically‐ un detached: A moderated‐mediated investigation of psychological distress among engaged employees
  7. Effect of empowering leadership on work engagement via psychological empowerment: Moderation of cultural orientation
  8. Authentic Leadership and Psychological Well-Being of Nurses: A Mediated Moderation Model
  9. Emergency Service Workers: The Role of Policy and Management in (Re)shaping Wellbeing for Emergency Service Workers
  10. Job satisfaction and public service motivation in Australian nurses: the effects of abusive supervision and workplace bullying
  11. Historical and social aspirations: influence of SME key decision makers’ resilience, social skills and stress on attaining firm performance goals
  12. Mindfulness older workers and relational leadership
  13. Activating collective agency in disrupted contexts: The social-cognitive context of ad hoc organising in a small and medium-sized enterprise
  14. Social support as buffer for workplace negative acts of professional public sector employees in Vietnam
  15. Respect, bullying, and public sector work outcomes in Vietnam
  16. The Influence of Psychosocial and Patient Handling Factors on the Musculoskeletal Health of Nurses
  17. The dark side of high performance human resource practices in the visitor economy
  18. Cynicism about Change, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction of Public Sector Nurses
  19. Opening the black box
  20. Individual and organizational support
  21. Control and involvement HR practices in Indian call centres: still searching for answers
  22. Psychological safety climate and workplace bullying in Vietnam’s public sector
  23. Mindfulness as a personal resource to reduce work stress in the job demands-resources model
  24. Emotional intelligence as a buffer of occupational stress
  25. The impact of supervisor–subordinate relationships and a trainee characteristic upon police officer work outcomes
  26. Job satisfaction of public sector middle managers in the process of NPM change
  27. Chinese immigrants pursue entrepreneurship through network marketing business
  28. Predictors of Workplace Bullying and Cyber-Bullying in New Zealand
  29. Intellectual Capital-Enhancing HR, Absorptive Capacity, and Innovation
  30. Workplace aggression
  31. The role of organisational support in teleworker wellbeing: A socio-technical systems approach
  32. Chronotopes and timespace contexts: academic identity work revealed in narrative fiction
  33. The association between learning styles and perception of teaching quality
  34. Advancing knowledge on organizational change and public sector work
  35. Employee participation and engagement in working for the environment
  36. Person–Organization Fit and Public Service Motivation in the Context of Change
  37. The Role of Participative Leadership and Trust-Based Mechanisms in Eliciting Intern Performance: Evidence from China
  38. Human resource involvement in developing intellectual capital
  39. Nurses’ supervisors, learning options and organisational commitment: Australia, Brazil and England
  40. Organizational resilience and the challenge for human resource management: Conceptualizations and frameworks for theory and practice
  41. Converting interns into regular employees: The role of intern–supervisor exchange
  42. The impact of management on the engagement and well-being of high emotional labour employees
  43. Organizational resilience and the challenge for human resource management: Conceptualizations and frameworks for theory and practice
  44. Identification and Occupational Stress: A Stress‐Buffering Perspective
  45. Retention, burnout and the future of nursing
  46. The role of support antecedents in nurses' intentions to quit: the case of Australia
  47. Organisational change stressors and nursing job satisfaction: the mediating effect of coping strategies
  48. Two Decades of Evolving function and competencies of Human Resource Professionals
  49. Leader–Member Exchange and Relational Quality in a Singapore Public Sector Organization
  50. Flexibility in change practices and job outcomes for nurses: exploring the role of subjective fit
  51. Resilience and Physician Stress: An Extension of the Job Demands--Resources Model
  52. Two Decades of Evolving function and competencies of Human Resource Professionals
  53. Modelling Occupational Stress and Employee Health and Wellbeing in a Chinese Higher Education Institution
  54. Role stress reduction and cultural mediators in overseas Japanese companies
  55. Adoption of enterprise information system (EIS) in Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
  56. Generic skills development and satisfaction with groupwork among business students
  57. Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, well‐being and engagement: explaining organisational commitment and turnover intentions in policing
  58. Administrative stressors and nursing job outcomes in Australian public and non‐profit health care organisations
  59. HRM systems and firm performance: The mediation role of strategic orientation
  60. Chinese immigrants in network marketing business in Western host country context
  61. The moderating effect of face values: Information sharing and initiative encouragement in China’s civil service
  62. Friend or Foe? New Managerialism and Technical, Administrative and Clerical Support Staff in Australian Universities
  63. Developing a collaborative network organization: leadership challenges at multiple levels
  64. Human capital enhancing HRM systems and frontline employees in Australian manufacturing SMEs
  65. The Stressors in Students (SIS) scale: development, reliability, and validity
  66. Convergence and divergence of role stress experience of locally hired Japanese and non-Japanese host country staff: a qualitative study
  67. Information Stressors and Public-Sector Organizational Change
  68. The influence of strategic HRM and sector on perceived performance in health services organizations
  69. Strategic human resource management and knowledge workers
  70. Performance Appraisal
  71. Processes of governance across multiple stakeholders: performance, control and innovation: an introduction
  72. To be strategic in the new public sector, HR must remember its operational activities
  73. Impact of HR influence on agency financial performance in Australian public sector
  74. Work characteristics and employee outcomes in local government
  75. From bureaucratic to post‐bureaucratic: the difficulties of transition
  76. Book Review
  77. Which work characteristics predict employee outcomes for the public-sector employee? An examination of generic and occupation-specific characteristics
  78. HRM professionals and their perceptions of HRM and firm performance in the Philippines
  79. Indicators of Strategic HRM Effectiveness: A Case Study of an Australian Public Sector Agency during Commercialization
  80. Strategic HRM in for-profit and non-profit organizations in a knowledge-intensive industry
  81. HR Role Effectiveness and Organizational Culture in Australian Local Government
  82. Book Review: The Changing Patterns of Human Resource Management
  83. Effective Leadership as a Human Resource Capacity in Joint Venture Management
  84. Effectiveness of a corporate HR department in an Australian public-sector entity during commercialization and corporatization
  85. Evidence of Strategic HRM Linkages in Eleven Australian Corporatized Public Sector Organizations
  86. Bargaining for quality: Quality clauses in enterprise – agreements in Queensland
  87. Recruiting