All Stories

  1. Interrogating the microbiome: experimental and computational considerations in support of study reproducibility
  2. Supporting evidence-based analysis for modified risk tobacco products through a toxicology data-sharing infrastructure
  3. Aerosol from Tobacco Heating System 2.2 has reduced impact on mouse heart gene expression compared with cigarette smoke
  4. Crowd-Sourced Verification of Computational Methods and Data in Systems Toxicology: A Case Study with a Heat-Not-Burn Candidate Modified Risk Tobacco Product
  5. Supporting evidence-based analysis for modified risk tobacco products through a toxicology data-sharing infrastructure
  6. Evaluation of the Tobacco Heating System 2.2. Part 4: 90-day OECD 413 rat inhalation study with systems toxicology endpoints demonstrates reduced exposure effects compared with cigarette smoke
  7. Community-Reviewed Biological Network Models for Toxicology and Drug Discovery Applications
  8. Systems Toxicology
  9. An 8-Month Systems Toxicology Inhalation/Cessation Study in Apoe−/−Mice to Investigate Cardiovascular and Respiratory Exposure Effects of a Candidate Modified Risk Tobacco Product, THS 2.2, Compared With Conventional Cigarettes
  10. The Apoe−/− mouse model: a suitable model to study cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in the context of cigarette smoke exposure and harm reduction
  11. Effects of cigarette smoke, cessation and switching to a candidate modified risk tobacco product on the liver inApoe−/−mice – a systems toxicology analysis
  12. SETD7 Regulates the Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
  13. Comprehensive systems biology analysis of a 7-month cigarette smoke inhalation study in C57BL/6 mice
  14. Crowdsourcing and curation: perspectives from biology and natural language processing
  15. An 8-Month Systems Toxicology Inhalation/Cessation Study in Apoe−/−Mice to Investigate Cardiovascular and Respiratory Exposure Effects of a Candidate Modified Risk Tobacco Product, THS 2.2, Compared With Conventional Cigarettes
  16. Effects of Cigarette Smoke, Cessation, and Switching to Two Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Products on Lung Lipid Metabolism inC57BL/6andApoe−/−Mice—An Integrative Systems Toxicology Analysis
  17. Systems Biology Research into Cardiovascular Disease: Contributions of Lipidomics-based Approaches to Biomarker Discovery
  18. Toxicity of aerosols of nicotine and pyruvic acid (separate and combined) in Sprague–Dawley rats in a 28-day OECD 412 inhalation study and assessment of systems toxicology
  19. A 7-month cigarette smoke inhalation study in C57BL/6 mice demonstrates reduced lung inflammation and emphysema following smoking cessation or aerosol exposure from a prototypic modified risk tobacco product
  20. Enhancement of COPD biological networks using a web-based collaboration interface
  21. Transcriptional profiling and targeted proteomics reveals common molecular changes associated with cigarette smoke-induced lung emphysema development in five susceptible mouse strains
  22. Causal biological network database: a comprehensive platform of causal biological network models focused on the pulmonary and vascular systems
  23. Impact Assessment of Repeated Exposure of Organotypic 3D Bronchial and Nasal Tissue Culture Models to Whole Cigarette Smoke
  25. The species translation challenge—A systems biology perspective on human and rat bronchial epithelial cells
  26. A vascular biology network model focused on inflammatory processes to investigate atherogenesis and plaque instability
  27. Cigarette smoke induces molecular responses in respiratory tissues of ApoE−/− mice that are progressively deactivated upon cessation
  28. On Crowd-verification of Biological Networks
  29. Strengths and limitations of microarray-based phenotype prediction: lessons learned from the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge
  30. Cigarette-smoke-induced atherogenic lipid profiles in plasma and vascular tissue of apolipoprotein E-deficient mice are attenuated by smoking cessation
  31. Macrohistone Variants Preserve Cell Identity by Preventing the Gain of H3K4me2 during Reprogramming to Pluripotency
  32. Modulation of atherogenic lipidome by cigarette smoke in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
  33. Waves of early transcriptional activation and pluripotency program initiation during human preimplantation development
  34. LSD1 regulates the balance between self-renewal and differentiation in human embryonic stem cells
  35. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome
  36. Methods for making induced pluripotent stem cells: reprogramming à la carte
  37. Dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and reprogramming: three routes to regeneration
  38. Epigenetic Mechanisms that Regulate Cell Identity
  39. Analysis of Human and Mouse Reprogramming of Somatic Cells to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. What Is in the Plate?
  40. Transcriptomics approach to investigate zebrafish heart regeneration
  41. Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Human Cord Blood Using OCT4 and SOX2
  42. Recent amplification and impact of MITEs on the genome of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)
  43. ASTD: The Alternative Splicing and Transcript Diversity database
  44. Global analysis of alternative splicing regulation by insulin and wingless signaling in Drosophila cells
  45. Efficient and rapid generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human keratinocytes
  46. Homozygous PMS2 germline mutations in two families with early-onset haematological malignancy, brain tumours, HNPCC-associated tumours, and signs of neurofibromatosis type 1
  47. Identification of tightly regulated groups of genes during Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis
  48. Direct membrane protein–DNA interactions required early in nuclear envelope assembly
  49. Similar gene expression profiles do not imply similar tissue functions
  50. Extraction of Transcript Diversity from Scientific Literature
  51. Alternative splicing and evolution