All Stories

  1. Understand your decision rather than your model prescription: Towards explainable deep learning approaches for commodity procurement
  2. Unveiling the supply chain: the interaction of sustainability, transparency and digital technologies
  3. How power structure and markup schemes impact supply chain channel efficiency under price-dependent stochastic demand
  4. Paying Living Wages in Supply Chains: The Effects of Uncertainties, Coordination, and Competition
  5. A data-driven approach for optimal operational and financial commodity hedging
  6. Bilevel optimization for feature selection in the data-driven newsvendor problem
  7. On the value of multi-echelon inventory management strategies for perishable items with on-/off-line channels
  8. Stochastic inventory routing with dynamic demands and intra-day depletion
  9. Inverse Optimization of Integer Programming Games for Parameter Estimation Arising from Competitive Retail Location Selection
  10. Optimal Inventory Control with Cyclic Fixed Order Costs
  11. Equilibrium Identification and Selection in Finite Games
  12. Deep Learning for Commodity Procurement: Nonlinear Data-Driven Optimization of Hedging Decisions
  13. Recent Advances in Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Demands: Bayesian Learning for Correlated Demands and Elementary Branch-Price-and-Cut
  14. A hedging policy for seaborne forward freight markets based on probabilistic forecasts
  15. A Branch-and-Repair Method for Three-Dimensional Bin Selection and Packing in E-Commerce
  16. Smart and Sustainable City Logistics: Design, Consolidation, and Regulation
  17. The multi-manned joint assembly line balancing and feeding problem
  18. Predictive and prescriptive performance of bike-sharing demand forecasts for inventory management
  19. Data‐driven storage operations: Cross‐commodity backtest and structured policies
  20. Empirical newsvendor biases: Are target service levels achieved effectively and efficiently?
  21. Location selection for hydrogen fuel stations under emerging provider competition
  22. Ambulance Dispatching during a Pandemic: Tradeoffs of Categorizing Patients and Allocating Ambulances
  23. The Competitive Pickup and Delivery Orienteering Problem for Balancing Car-Sharing Systems
  24. Tailoring inventory classification to industry applications: the benefits of understandable machine learning
  25. Combating Copycats in the Supply Chain with Permissioned Blockchain Technology
  26. A supervised machine learning approach for the optimisation of the assembly line feeding mode selection
  27. Dynamic compensation and contingent sourcing strategies for supply disruption
  28. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands and Probabilistic Duration Constraints
  29. Data-Driven Optimization for Commodity Procurement Under Price Uncertainty
  30. Human solution strategies for the vehicle routing problem: Experimental findings and a choice-based theory
  31. New Exact Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands
  32. Planning approaches for stochastic capacitated lot-sizing with service level constraints
  33. A linearisation approach to the stochastic dynamic capacitated lotsizing problem with sequence-dependent changeovers
  34. Coordination Is Hard: Electronic Auction Mechanisms for Increased Efficiency in Transportation Logistics
  35. A continuous approximation approach to the planar hub location-routing problem: Modeling and solution algorithms
  36. Optimal a priori tour and restocking policy for the single-vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands
  37. A typology and literature review on stochastic multi-echelon inventory models
  38. Resequencing mixed-model assembly lines with restoration to customer orders
  39. Data-driven retail inventory management with backroom effect
  40. Impact of priority sequencing decisions on on-time probability and expected tardiness of orders in make-to-order production systems with external due-dates
  41. Dynamic pricing, leadtime quotation and due date based priority dispatching
  42. Order variability in perishable product supply chains
  43. Supplier selection under failure risk, quantity and business volume discounts
  44. A coordinated multi-item inventory system for perishables with random lifetime
  45. Mixed integer linear programming formulation for flexibility instruments in capacity planning problems
  46. Benders decomposition for a strategic network design problem under NAFTA local content requirements
  47. Dual sourcing under disruption risk and cost improvement through learning
  48. A dynamic discrete network design problem for maintenance planning in traffic networks
  49. A VNS approach to multi-location inventory redistribution with vehicle routing
  50. Optimal capacity provision for service providers with subsequent auctioning of projects
  51. Strategic capacity planning in automotive production networks under duties and duty drawbacks
  52. A lost sales (r, Q) inventory control model for perishables with fixed lifetime and lead time
  53. Stock-level dependent ordering of perishables: A comparison of hybrid base-stock and constant order policies
  54. A contract for coordinating capacity decisions in a business-to-business (B2B) supply chain
  55. Influence of order acceptance policies on optimal capacity investment with stochastic customer required lead times
  56. Neuere Ansätze und Methoden zur Festlegung von Sicherheitsbeständen
  57. Benders Decomposition for Discrete–Continuous Linear Bilevel Problems with application to traffic network design
  58. Simulation optimization for the stochastic economic lot scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
  59. First- and second-price sealed-bid auctions applied to push and pull supply contracts
  60. Meta-heuristics for placing strategic safety stock in multi-echelon inventory with differentiated service times
  61. Strategic Safety Stock Placement in Supply Networks with Static Dual Supply
  62. A multiple sourcing inventory model under disruption risk
  63. The data-driven newsvendor with censored demand observations
  64. Time-phased safety stocks planning and its financial impacts: Empirical evidence based on European econometric data
  65. A comparison of make-to-stock and make-to-order in multi-product manufacturing systems with variable due dates
  66. An integrated guaranteed- and stochastic-service approach to inventory optimization in supply chains
  67. On the Preference to Avoid Ex Post Inventory Errors
  68. A Semi-Markov decision problem for proactive and reactive transshipments between multiple warehouses
  69. Optimizing Trading Decisions for Hydro Storage Systems Using Approximate Dual Dynamic Programming
  70. Simulation optimization for the stochastic economic lot scheduling problem
  71. Modelling of Flexibility Costs in a Decision Support System for Mid-term Capacity Planning
  72. Safety stock planning under causal demand forecasting
  73. An (r, nQ) inventory model for packaged deteriorating products with compound Poisson demand
  74. Dynamic product acquisition in closed loop supply chains
  75. Optimal composition of number and size of machines in a multi-stage make-to-order system with due dates
  76. Economic lot-sizing and dynamic quantity competition
  77. A comparison of the constant-order and dual-index policy for dual sourcing
  78. Simultaneous optimization of capacity and planned lead time in a two-stage production system with different customer due dates
  79. Financial and operational instruments for commodity procurement in quantity competition
  80. Machine and labor flexibility in manufacturing networks
  81. A hybrid general lot-sizing and scheduling formulation for a production process with a two-stage product structure
  82. Incentive alignment at the manufacturing–marketing interface: Design and validation of a management game
  83. Forecasting and Inventory Management for Spare Parts: An Installed Base Approach
  84. A continuous time dynamic optimal control manufacturing problem
  85. Manufacturing capacity planning and the value of multi-stage stochastic programming under Markovian demand
  86. Do Random Errors Explain Newsvendor Behavior?
  87. Safety stock optimisation in distribution systems: a comparison of two competing approaches
  88. Periodic review inventory-control for perishable products under service-level constraints
  89. Optimal day-ahead trading and storage of renewable energies—an approximate dynamic programming approach
  90. The impact of dynamic pricing on the economic order decision
  91. Raw material procurement with fluctuating prices
  92. Strategic process flexibility under lifecycle demand
  93. Manufacturing network configuration in supply chains with product recovery
  94. Dynamic pricing and replenishment in the warehouse scheduling problem—A common cycle approach
  95. A comparison of simple heuristics for multi-product dynamic demand lot-sizing with limited warehouse capacity
  96. Buyer–supplier cooperation and negotiation support with random yield consideration
  97. Coordinated Lot-sizing and Dynamic Pricing under a Supplier All-units Quantity Discount
  98. Replenishment policies for multiple products with compound-Poisson demand that share a common warehouse
  99. Bargaining for cooperative economic ordering
  100. A note on how to compute economic order quantities without derivatives by cost comparisons
  101. Convergence phases, variance trajectories, and runtime analysis of continuous EDAs
  102. Multi-product batch replenishment strategies under stochastic demand and a joint capacity constraint
  103. Reverse logistics in a pharmaceutical company: the Schering case
  104. A replenishment decision involving partial postponement
  105. Evaluation of two simple extreme transshipment strategies
  106. Managing Dynamic Product Recovery: An Optimal Control Perspective
  107. Modellgestützte Ermittlung und Verteilung von Kooperationsvorteilen in der Logistik
  108. Lot Sizing Decisions in Product Recovery Management
  109. Inventory Management in Closed Loop Supply Chains
  110. An improved heuristic for deciding on emergency transshipments
  111. A two-echelon inventory system with supply lead time flexibility
  112. Multiple-supplier inventory models in supply chain management: A review
  113. Simple expressions for finding recovery system inventory control parameter values
  114. A continuous time inventory model for a product recovery system with multiple options
  115. An environmental analysis of the reverse supply chain of SLI batteries
  116. Book review
  117. Strategic safety stocks in reverse logistics supply chains
  118. Optimal control of production and remanufacturing in a simple recovery model with linear cost functions
  119. Optimal control of a one product recovery system with backlogging
  120. Strategic Safety Stocks in Supply Chains
  121. Optimierung strategischer Sicherheitsbestände in logistischen Ketten
  122. Safety stocks in multi-stage inventory systems under different service measures
  123. Dynamic programming algorithms for multi-stage safety stock optimization
  124. Dynamic programming algorithms for multi-stage safety stock optimization
  125. Behavioral Decisions in Inventory Systems with Dual Sourcing Option: An Experiment
  126. Fitness Landscape Analysis of Dynamic Multi-Product Lot-Sizing Problems with Limited Storage
  127. Comparison of Stochastic- and Guaranteed-Service Approaches to Safety Stock Optimization in Supply Chains
  128. Capacity Investment and Pricing Decisions in a Single-Period, Two-Product-Problem
  129. Simultaneous Dynamic Pricing and Lot-sizing Decision for a Discrete Number of Price Variations
  130. Decomposition of Dynamic Single-Product and Multi-product Lotsizing Problems and Scalability of EDAs
  131. Learning Structure Illuminates Black Boxes – An Introduction to Estimation of Distribution Algorithms