All Stories

  1. Practices and history of “co-programmazione” and “co-progettazione” in Italy: the case of cultural production and music education in Trentino
  2. Governing cooperatives in the context of individual motives
  3. Artists attract other creative professionals
  4. The Comparative Advantages of Single and Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives
  5. Governance for a 'Socialised Economy'. A Case Study in Preventive Health and Work Integration
  7. Why Social Enterprises are Asking to Be Multi-Stakeholder and Deliberative: An Explanation Around the Costs of Exclusion
  8. A 'Human Growth' Perspective on Organizational Resources, Worker Satisfaction and Firm Performance
  9. Inclusive and Exclusive Social Preferences: A Deweyan Framework to Explain Governance Heterogeneity
  10. Satisfaction with Creativity: A Study of Organizational Characteristics and Individual Motivation
  11. The Internal and External Governance of Cooperatives: Membership and Consistency of Values
  12. The Public Interest in Economic Development and Creativity: A Knowledge Governance Perspective
  13. Economic Governance and the Evolution of Industrial Districts Under Globalization: The Case of Two Mature European Industrial Districts
  14. Creativity and socio‐economic development: space for the interests of publics
  15. Introduction
  16. The Organization of Production and its Publics: Mental Proximity, Market and Hierarchies
  17. Why, Where and With Whom Do You Link? The Nature and Motivations of Linkages Within and Outside an Italian Local System
  18. Knowledge in the Development of Economies
  19. Linking learning with governance in networks and clusters: key issues for analysis and policy
  20. Knowledge caps in industrial development
  21. The Governance of Networks and Economic Power: The Nature and Impact of Subcontracting Relationships
  22. Knowledge life cycles inside local economic systems
  23. The role of knowledge and creativity in fostering socio-economic development
  24. Motivational resilience in the university system
  25. Globalisation, governance and clusters: North Staffordshire ceramic and Prato textile industries
  26. Creativity in Economic Development: Space in an Inferno
  27. The Organisation of Production and the Risk of Regional Divergence: A Perspective on the Development of Knowledge Across Economies
  28. Positioning Order, Disorder and Creativity in Research Choices on Local Development
  29. The social value of multi-stakeholder cooperatives: the case of the CEFF system in Italy