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  1. Vegetation reduces cooling demand in low-income neighborhoods on hot days in Chicago
  2. Drainage Water Management: A Review of Nutrient Load Reductions and Cost Effectiveness
  3. Incorporating Network Scale River Bathymetry to Improve Characterization of Fluvial Processes in Flood Modeling
  4. Composition and potential functional roles of soil fungal communities on arid farms in Arequipa (Southern Peru) characterized using SMRT sequencing
  5. Hydrologic connectivity and land cover affect floodplain lake water quality, fish abundance, and fish diversity in floodplain lakes of the Wabash‐White River basin
  6. Riparian seasonal water quality and greenhouse gas dynamics following stream restoration
  7. Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Robotic Sediment Sampling Systems
  8. Seasonal evaluation of biotic and abiotic factors suggests phosphorus retention in constructed floodplains in three agricultural streams
  9. Developing an improved user interface for a physically-based stream solute transport model
  10. An improved process-based representation of stream solute transport in the soil and water assessment tools
  11. Stream and floodplain restoration impacts riparian zone hydrology of agricultural streams
  12. Impact of Riparian and Stream Restoration on Denitrification in Geomorphic Features of Agricultural Streams
  13. Modeling Runoff and Nitrogen Loads From a Watershed at Different Levels of Impervious Surface Coverage and Connectivity to Storm Water Control Measures
  14. Simple regression models can act as calibration-substitute to approximate transient storage parameters in streams
  15. Changes in riparian hydrology and biogeochemistry following storm events at a restored agricultural stream
  16. Effects of Urban Stormwater Control Measures on Denitrification in Receiving Streams
  17. Influence of stormwater control measures on water quality at nested sites in a small suburban watershed
  18. Before the storm: antecedent conditions as regulators of hydrologic and biogeochemical response to extreme climate events
  19. Modeling framework for representing long-term effectiveness of best management practices in addressing hydrology and water quality problems: Framework development and demonstration using a Bayesian method
  20. Restored floodplains enhance denitrification compared to naturalized floodplains in agricultural streams
  21. A review on effectiveness of best management practices in improving hydrology and water quality: Needs and opportunities
  22. Increasing floodplain connectivity through urban stream restoration increases nutrient and sediment retention
  23. Stormwater management network effectiveness and implications for urban watershed function: A critical review
  24. A model of hydrology and water quality for stormwater control measures
  25. Denitrification along the Stream-Riparian Continuum in Restored and Unrestored Agricultural Streams
  26. Characterizing the Effects of Stormwater Mitigation on Nutrient Export and Stream Concentrations
  27. Hydrologic response to stormwater control measures in urban watersheds
  28. Impact of Precipitation Intensity and Riparian Geomorphic Characteristics on Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface in a Water-Limited Riparian Zone
  29. Application of isotope hydrograph separation to understand contributions of stormwater control measures to urban headwater streams
  30. Short-term spatial and temporal variability in greenhouse gas fluxes in riparian zones
  31. Channel complexity and nitrate concentrations drive denitrification rates in urban restored and unrestored streams
  32. Influence of Restoration Age and Riparian Vegetation on Reach‐Scale Nutrient Retention in Restored Urban Streams
  33. Taking the pulse of stream restoration practices: moving towards healthier streams
  34. Urbanization Effects on Watershed Hydrology and In-Stream Processes in the Southern United States
  35. Denitrification of Nitrogen Released from Senescing Algal Biomass in Coastal Agricultural Headwater Streams
  36. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Attenuation within the Stream Network of a Coastal, Agricultural Watershed
  37. Phytoremediation of MethylTertiary-Butyl Ether
  38. Phytoremediation of MTBE from a Groundwater Plume