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  1. Cohort profile: The prospective study on Chinese elderly with multimorbidity in primary care in Hong Kong
  2. Prevalence and risk factors of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage in Asia-Pacific region from 2000 to 2016: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  3. Monotherapy Is Good Enough for Patients With Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis of 76 Randomized Controlled Trials
  4. Collaborate across silos: Perceived barriers to integration of care for the elderly from the perspectives of service providers
  5. Effectiveness of smartphone technologies on glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: systematic review with meta-analysis of 17 trials
  6. Meditation-induced neuroplastic changes in amygdala activity during negative affective processing
  7. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preferences of Advance Decisions, End-of-Life Care, and Place of Care and Death in Hong Kong. A Population-Based Telephone Survey of 1067 Adults
  8. Comparison of diagnostic performance of Two-Question Screen and 15 depression screening instruments for older adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis
  9. A Cross-Diagnostic Investigation of the Differential Impact of Discrimination on Clinical and Personal Recovery
  10. Private ownership of primary care providers associated with patient perceived quality of care
  11. The effectiveness of group-based behavioral activation in the treatment of depression: An updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial
  12. Comparing the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Sleep Psycho-Education with Exercise on Chronic Insomnia: A Randomised Controlled Trial
  13. Authors' reply
  14. Global Incidence and Mortality for Prostate Cancer: Analysis of Temporal Patterns and Trends in 36 Countries
  15. A randomized placebo controlled trial of vitamin B12 supplementation to prevent cognitive decline in older diabetic people with borderline low serum vitamin B12
  16. Combination Therapy Showed Limited Superiority Over Monotherapy for Alzheimer Disease: A Meta-analysis of 14 Randomized Trials
  17. Characteristics and Methodological Quality of Meta-Analyses on Hypertension Treatments-A Cross-Sectional Study
  18. Epidemiological characteristics and methodological quality of meta-analyses on diabetes mellitus treatment: a systematic review
  19. Risk assessment model for invasive breast cancer in Hong Kong women
  20. The association between types of regular primary care and hospitalization among people with and without multimorbidity: A household survey on 25,780 Chinese
  21. Electroacupuncture and splinting versus splinting alone to treat carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
  22. Use of Traditional and Complementary Medicine as Self-Care Strategies in Community Health Centers
  23. Association of Circulating 25(OH)D and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Four-Year Prospective Study among Elderly Chinese Men
  24. Hypertonic dextrose injections (prolotherapy) in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  25. Ad Hoc Influenza Vaccination During Years of Significant Antigenic Drift in a Tropical City With 2 Seasonal Peaks
  26. Chinese Herbal Medicine and Salmeterol and Fluticasone Propionate for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  27. Patient Perceptions of Expression of Empathy From Chinese Medicine Clinicians in a Chinese Population
  28. Association between multiple skin tags and metabolic syndrome: A multicentre cross-sectional study in primary care
  29. Physical Activity in People With Mental Illness in Hong Kong: Application of the Health Belief Model
  30. The effect of a family-based mindfulness intervention on children with attention deficit and hyperactivity symptoms and their parents: design and rationale for a randomized, controlled clinical trial (Study protocol)
  31. Acupuncture and Related Therapies for Symptom Management in Palliative Cancer Care
  32. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy v. group psychoeducation for people with generalised anxiety disorder: randomised controlled trial
  33. Chinese Herbal Medicine for Symptom Management in Cancer Palliative Care
  34. Help-seeking and antibiotic prescribing for acute cough in a Chinese primary care population: a prospective multicentre observational study
  35. A meta-regression evaluating the effectiveness and prognostic factors of oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
  36. Which Chinese herbs are the best for NSCLC patients? Network Meta-analysis
  37. Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Relation to Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Erectile Dysfunction Among Southern Chinese Elderly Men
  38. Patients’ experience of Chinese Medicine Primary Care Services: Implications on Improving Coordination and Continuity of Care
  39. Effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine for cancer palliative care: overview of systematic reviews with meta-analyses
  40. The Association of Types of Training and Practice Settings with Doctors’ Empathy and Patient Enablement among Patients with Chronic Illness in Hong Kong
  41. Effectiveness of acupuncture and related therapies for palliative care of cancer: overview of systematic reviews
  42. The development of urban community health centres for strengthening primary care in China: a systematic literature review
  43. Can HbA1c replace OGTT for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus among Chinese patients with impaired fasting glucose?
  44. Socioeconomic Determinants of Multimorbidity: A Population-Based Household Survey of Hong Kong Chinese
  46. Cognitive Tests to Detect Dementia
  47. A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Perceived Quality of Primary Care by Hypertensive Patients in Shanghai and Shenzhen, China
  48. Assessing internal validity of clinical evidence on effectiveness of CHinese and integrative medicine: Proposed framework for a CHinese and Integrative Medicine Evidence RAting System (CHIMERAS)
  49. A Healthier Lifestyle Pattern for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Is Associated With Better Bone Mass in Southern Chinese Elderly Men and Women
  50. Erectile Dysfunction is Associated with Subsequent Cardiovascular and Respiratory Mortality in Cohort of 1,436 Chinese Elderly Men
  51. Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Monodrug Therapies for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Associated With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  52. Comparison of three models of ownership of community health centres in China: a qualitative study
  53. Changes in the perceived quality of primary care in Shanghai and Shenzhen, China: a difference-in-difference analysis
  54. Greater Fruit Intake was Associated With Better Bone Mineral Status Among Chinese Elderly Men and Women: Results of Hong Kong Mr. Os and Ms. Os Studies
  55. Comparing Quality of Public Primary Care between Hong Kong and Shanghai Using Validated Patient Assessment Tools
  56. Is Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) or Its Shorter Versions More Useful to Identify Risky Drinkers in a Chinese Population? A Diagnostic Study
  57. Are meta-analyses of Chinese herbal medicine trials trustworthy and clinically applicable? A cross-sectional study
  58. Relationships of Multimorbidity and Income With Hospital Admissions in 3 Health Care Systems
  59. A Comparison of the Quality of Hypertension Management in Primary Care Between Shanghai and Shenzhen
  60. Evaluation of the Impact of Human Papillomavirus DNA Self-sampling on the Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening
  61. Primary Care Physicians’ Attitudes and Beliefs towards Chronic Low Back Pain: An Asian Study
  62. Methodological quality of meta-analyses on treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study using the AMSTAR (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews) tool
  63. A qualitative study on why did the poorly-educated Chinese elderly fail to attend nurse-led case manager clinic and how to facilitate their attendance
  64. Attributes of primary care in community health centres in China and implications for equitable care: a cross-sectional measurement of patients' experiences
  65. Prevention of anxiety and depression in Chinese: A randomized clinical trial testing the effectiveness of a stepped care program in primary care
  66. The association between multimorbidity and poor adherence with cardiovascular medications
  67. Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Depressive Symptoms in Urban Chinese Women during Midlife
  68. Epidemiology of multimorbidity in China and implications for the healthcare system: cross-sectional survey among 162,464 community household residents in southern China
  69. Alcohol Tax Policy and Related Mortality. An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of a Rapidly Developed Chinese Population, 1981–2010
  70. Patient presentation and physician management of upper respiratory tract infections: a retrospective review of over 5 million primary clinic consultations in Hong Kong
  71. Detection and management of depression in adult primary care patients in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional survey conducted by a primary care practice-based research network
  72. Association between Air Pollution and General Outpatient Clinic Consultations for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Hong Kong
  73. Comparison of perceived quality amongst migrant and local patients using primary health care delivered by community health centres in Shenzhen, China
  74. The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program on the Mental Health of Family Caregivers: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  75. A comparison of cognitive-behavioral therapy, antidepressants, their combination and standard treatment for Chinese patients with moderate–severe major depressive disorders
  76. Guidance on the conversion of the Chinese versions of the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report (C-QIDS-SR) and the Montgomery–Asberg Scale (C-MADRS) in Chinese patients with major depression
  77. Effect of facemasks on empathy and relational continuity: a randomised controlled trial in primary care
  78. Patients’ socioeconomic status and their evaluations of primary care in Hong Kong
  79. Gender differences in demographic and clinical features and prescribing patterns of psychotropic medications in patients with major depressive disorder in China
  80. Patients' Experiences in Different Models of Community Health Centers in Southern China
  81. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) as a Risk Factor for Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Men: Results from a Large Prospective Study in Southern Chinese Men
  82. Mycophenolate mofetil for primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: systematic review
  83. Validation of a Chinese Version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in Hong Kong and Development of a Short Form
  84. Elderly healthcare service at the community health centers in the Pearl River Delta region, China
  85. Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine Services in Community Health Centers: Insights into Utilization Patterns in the Pearl River Region of China
  86. Performance Comparison among the Major Healthcare Financing Systems in Six Cities of the Pearl River Delta Region, Mainland China
  87. Primary care physicians’ response to pandemic influenza in Hong Kong: a mixed quantitative and qualitative study
  88. Emotionless holism: Factor and rasch analysis of the Chinese Integrative Medicine Attitude Questionnaire
  89. Views on traditional Chinese medicine amongst Chinese population: a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative studies
  90. Patient enablement requires physician empathy: a cross-sectional study of general practice consultations in areas of high and low socioeconomic deprivation in Scotland
  91. A randomized, controlled clinical trial: the effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on generalized anxiety disorder among Chinese community patients: protocol for a randomized trial
  92. The epidemiology and natural history of depressive disorders in Hong Kong's primary care
  93. Comparing the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Multidisciplinary Intervention Programs for Chronic Pain
  94. Low DHEAS levels are associated with depressive symptoms in elderly Chinese men: results from a large study
  95. Depressive Symptoms and Change in Abdominal Obesity in the Elderly: Positive or Negative Association?
  96. Healthcare workers’ duty concerns of working in the isolation ward during the novel H1N1 pandemic
  97. The Chinese-version of the CARE Measure reliably differentiates between doctors in primary care: a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong
  98. The relationship between worthlessness and mortality in a large cohort of Chinese elderly men
  99. Internal migration and depressive symptoms among migrant factory workers in Shenzhen, China
  100. Referral to and attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine amongst western medical doctors in postcolonial Hong Kong
  101. Willingness to accept H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccine: A cross-sectional study of Hong Kong community nurses
  102. The association between shift duty and abnormal eating behavior among nurses working in a major hospital: A cross-sectional study
  103. Evaluation of chronic disease self-management programme (CDSMP) for older adults in Hong Kong
  104. Comparison of primary care experiences among adults in general outpatient clinics and private general practice clinics in Hong Kong
  105. Depressive symptoms and lifestyle factors as risk factors of lower urinary tract symptoms in Southern Chinese men: a prospective study
  106. Geographical and household variation in health-related quality of life in Hong Kong
  107. Using Chinese Version of MYMOP in Chinese Medicine Evaluation: Validity, Responsiveness and Minimally Important Change
  108. Mental Health of Migrant Children
  109. Willingness of Hong Kong healthcare workers to accept pre-pandemic influenza vaccination at different WHO alert levels: two questionnaire surveys
  110. A Prospective Study on the Association Between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) and Erectile Dysfunction: Results from a Large Study in Elderly Chinese in Southern China
  111. Understanding suicidality and correlates among Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong
  112. Development of a simple scoring tool in the primary care setting for prediction of recurrent falls in men and women aged 65 years and over living in the community
  113. Postgraduate education for Chinese medicine practitioners: a Hong Kong perspective
  114. Sexual Activity, Erectile Dysfunction and Their Correlates among 1,566 Older Chinese Men in Southern China
  115. Self-Perceived Social Status and Health in Older Hong Kong Chinese Women Compared with Men
  116. Assessment of the severity of dementia: validity and reliability of the Chinese (Cantonese) version of the Hierarchic Dementia Scale (CV-HDS)
  117. The influence of multi-morbidity and self-reported socio-economic standing on the prevalence of depression in an elderly Hong Kong population
  118. Maximum oxygen uptake and body composition of healthy Hong Kong Chinese adult men and women aged 20 – 64 years
  119. The association between isoflavone and lower urinary tract symptoms in elderly men
  120. Clinically relevant depressive symptoms and peripheral arterial disease in elderly men and women. Results from a large cohort study in Southern China
  121. How to provide an effective primary health care in fighting against severe acute respiratory syndrome: The experiences of two cities
  122. Improving general practitioners’ interviewing skills in managing patients with depression and anxiety: a randomized controlled clinical trial
  123. Vertebral Marrow Fat Content and Diffusion and Perfusion Indexes in Women with Varying Bone Density: MR Evaluation
  124. Lower urinary tract symptoms and depressive symptoms in elderly men
  125. Prevalence of and risk factors for androgen deficiency in middle-aged men in Hong Kong
  126. Risk factors for lower urinary tract symptoms in southern Chinese men
  127. Depression and lower urinary tract symptoms: Two important correlates of erectile dysfunction in middle‐aged men in Hong Kong, China
  128. Correlates for a low ankle–brachial index in elderly Chinese
  129. Depressive symptoms in middle-aged men: Results from a household survey in Hong Kong
  130. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use is associated with higher bone mineral density in elderly Chinese
  131. What are the barriers faced by general practitioners in treating depression and anxiety in Hong Kong?
  132. Strengths, Weaknesses, and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Health System of Hong Kong: Through the Eyes of Future Western Doctors
  133. Risk of depression in patients with chronic respiratory diseases: results from two large cohort studies in Chinese elderly from Hong Kong
  134. Nutrient intake and psychological health in an elderly Chinese population
  135. Does pulmonary rehabilitation give additional benefit over tiotropium therapy in primary care management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Randomized controlled clinical trial in Hong Kong Chinese
  136. Vertebral Bone Mineral Density, Marrow Perfusion, and Fat Content in Healthy Men and Men with Osteoporosis: Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging and MR Spectroscopy
  137. Bone mineral density and the risk of peripheral arterial disease in men and women: results from Mr. and Ms Os, Hong Kong
  138. Primary care physicians in Hong Kong and Canada--how did their practices differ during the SARS epidemic?
  139. The prevalence of Apo E4 genotype and its relationship to bone mineral density in Hong Kong Chinese
  140. An osteoporosis screening tool for Chinese men
  141. Depression and bone mineral density: is there a relationship in elderly Asian men? Results from Mr. Os (Hong Kong)
  142. Is dietary counselling effective in increasing dietary calcium, protein and energy intake in patients with osteoporotic fractures? A randomized controlled clinical trial
  143. Osteoporosis and transforming growth factor-beta-1 gene polymorphism in Chinese men and women
  144. How did general practitioners protect themselves, their family, and staff during the SARS epidemic in Hong Kong?
  145. Bone marrow diffusion in osteoporosis: Evaluation with quantitative MR diffusion imaging
  146. Osteoporosis in Chinese patients with anorexia nervosa