All Stories

  1. Juvenile-Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Diagnosis and Management – A Developing Country Review
  2. Knowledge of the audiological effects, symptoms and practices related to personal listening devices of health sciences students at a South African university
  3. International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG): Juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis consensus recommendations
  4. Human papillomavirus DNA in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in the Free State, South Africa
  5. Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma at a South African referral hospital
  6. Age at diagnosis, but not HPV type, is strongly associated with clinical course in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
  7. 3D printed titanium prosthesis reconstruction following subtotal maxillectomy for myoepithelial carcinoma – a case report
  8. Allergic rhinitis in medical students at the University of the Free State
  9. Age of diagnosis, incidence and prevalence of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis-A South African perspective
  10. The incidence and prevalence of juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in the Free State province of South Africa and Lesotho
  11. Global Genomic Diversity of Human Papillomavirus 6 Based on 724 Isolates and 190 Complete Genome Sequences
  12. Salivary gland anlage tumour – a rare cause of congenital nasal obstruction
  13. Co-morbidities in Children Presenting with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media--A South African Study
  14. Paediatric chronic suppurative otitis media in the Free State Province: Clinical and audiological features
  15. FRET-based detection and genotyping of HPV-6 and HPV-11 causing recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
  16. HPV associated with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
  17. The histology of nasopharyngeal masses: a comparison between HIV positive and HIV negative patients
  18. Novel HPV-6 variants of human papillomavirus causing recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in southern Africa
  19. HPV types causing juvenile recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in South Africa
  20. Low dose radiotherapy for adenotonsillar lymphoid hyperplasia in HIV-positive patients
  21. Pulmonary hypertension due to recurrent juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis
  22. Incidence and Management of Acoustic Neuromas in South Africa
  23. Orbital rhabdomyosarcoma presenting as an apparent orbital subperiosteal abscess