All Stories

  1. Making Nations Great Again: National Narcissism and the Left, the Right, and the Extreme in the European Context
  2. Efficacy of peaceful and violent protests as predictors of normative and non-normative collective action: Catalonia 2019 ( La eficacia de la protesta pacífica y de la violenta como predictores de la acción colectiva normativa y no normat...
  3. Pas koji laje ne grize
  4. Inequality and Radicalisation: Systematic Review of Quantitative Studies
  5. Antiheroes fueled by injustice: dark personality traits and perceived group relative deprivation in the prediction of violent extremism
  6. Političko (ne)povjerenje kao odrednica glasanja i sklonosti protestnim oblicima političkog sudjelovanja
  7. Stability and Change of Personal and (Post)materialist Values among Croatian Citizens
  9. Support for collective action against refugees: The role of national, European, and global identifications, and autochthony beliefs
  10. Greedy elites and poor lambs: How young Europeans remember the great war
  11. Children and Young Peoples’ Views on Well-Being: A Qualitative Study
  12. Leisure Activities and the Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in Croatia
  13. Understanding Youth Participation Across Europe
  14. Conducting Cognitive Interviews With Young Children—Experiences From the Measuring Youth Well-Being Project
  15. The role of inter-ethnic online friendships in prejudice reduction in post-conflict societies: Evidence from Serbia, Croatia and Cyprus
  16. Introduction to Triangulating Data
  17. Introduction: Thinking Globally, Understanding Locally
  18. Youth, History and a Crisis of Democracy? Perspectives from Croatia
  19. Conclusion: What is the ‘Value Added’ of Multi-method, Transnational Research?
  20. Social Representations of the Past in Post-conflict Societies: Adherence to Official Historical Narratives and Distrust Through Heightened Threats
  21. Fear of Crime
  22. Personal Security and Fear of Crime as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being