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  1. How emotional contents encourage empathy and solidarity with immigrants
  2. Social intergroup and temporal intrapersonal comparisons: Responses to perceived discrimination and protective mechanisms of eudaimonic well-being
  3. Participation in multicultural awareness-raising community actions: Positive effects on well-being and group efficacy.
  4. Ethnocultural diversity of immigrants' personal social networks, bicultural identity integration and global identification
  5. Mentoring for Improving the Self-Esteem, Resilience, and Hope of Unaccompanied Migrant Youth in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
  6. “United in diversity”: The interplay of social network characteristics and personality in predicting outgroup attitudes
  7. When They Cry: Tears Facilitate Responses toward Members of Socially Disadvantaged Groups
  8. Human values and ideological beliefs as predictors of attitudes toward immigrants across 20 countries: The country‐level moderating role of threat
  9. Babesa bilatzen duten pertsonen harreran inplikatutako jarrerak eta prozesu emozionalak: europar identitatea eta sentsibilizaziorako neurriak
  10. Support for collective action against refugees: The role of national, European, and global identifications, and autochthony beliefs
  11. Greedy elites and poor lambs: How young Europeans remember the great war
  12. Implicaciones de los estudios sobre memoria colectiva para la enseñanza de la historia
  13. Validación de la Escala de Tendencias de Acción Política en una Muestra de Estudiantes Universitarios Chilenos
  14. Dark and Bright Side of Claiming Discrimination: Making Attributions to Prejudice and Social Wellbeing among Immigrants in Spain
  15. Introduction to the Special Issue: Colonial past and intercultural relations
  16. ‘Healthy’ identities? Revisiting rejection-identification and rejection-disidentification models among voluntary and forced immigrants
  17. Institutional apologies and socio-emotional climate in the South American context
  18. Xenofobia y Homofobia como Efectos de la Orientación Política, Religión y Sexo Mediados por Clasismo y Patriocentrismo en Jóvenes Universitarios Chilenos
  19. Factor structure of mental well-being: Contributions of exploratory structural equation modeling
  20. Social representations of history, cultural values, and willingness to fight in a war: A collective-level analysis in 40 nations
  21. Flujo Compartido y Reuniones Colectivas Positivas
  22. Representaciones Sociales de la Historia Universal: Posicionamientos Diferenciales en Función de la Ideología Política, Religiosidad y Nacionalismo en una Muestra Argentina
  23. Felicidad y Bienestar Psicológico: Estudio Comparativo Entre Argentina y España
  24. The bright side of migration: Hedonic, psychological, and social well-being in immigrants in Spain
  25. Victorious justifications and criticism of defeated: Involvement of nations in world wars, social development, cultural values, social representations of war, and willingness to fight
  26. Socially Desirable Responding
  27. “Heroes of adjustment”: Immigrant's stigma and identity management
  28. The perception of realistic and symbolic threat and its influence on prejudice, ingroup favouritism and prosocial response: The native population in the face of immigration / Percepción de amenaza realista y simbólica, su influencia sobre el prejuicio,...
  29. Health-related quality of life, ethnicity and perceived discrimination among immigrants and natives in Spain
  30. How people manage, cope or regulate positive and negative affect
  31. Estatus grupal, discriminación, y adaptación en inmigrantes latinoamericanos y africanos en España
  32. Multi-Informant Perception of Quality of Life and Adaptation in Chronic Schizophrenia
  33. What is the better predictor of students’ personal values: Parents’ values or students’ personality?
  34. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The impact of Christmas rituals on subjective well-being and family's emotional climate
  35. Adaptación sociocultural de inmigrantes brasileños en el País Vasco: bienestar y aculturación
  36. Personal Values and Well-Being among Europeans, Spanish Natives and Immigrants to Spain: Does the Culture Matter?
  37. Psychosocial effects of forgiveness petition and “self-criticism” by the Basque Government and Parliament directed to the victims of collective violence
  38. Social representations of history, wars and politics in Latin America, Europe and Africa