All Stories

  1. College student engagement and success through inclusive learning environment and experiential learning in courses about Israel and Palestine
  2. Introduction
  3. “The Druze vote in Israel: between ideology, socioeconomic status, kinship, and the Nation-State Basic Law”
  4. Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Druze in 2023
  5. The Status of Druze Studies and Launching the Druze Studies Journal (DSJ)
  6. Social Identity and Voting Behavior in a Deeply Divided Society: The Case of Israel
  7. The Correlation between Budgets and Matriculation Exams: The Case of Jewish and Arab Schools in Israel
  8. Palestinians in Israel: New Scholarship on Politics and Religion
  9. Willingness to pay taxes through mutual trust: The effect of fairness, governability,tax‐enforcementand outsourcing on local tax collection rates
  10. Druze Women and Gender in Druze Society: A Systematic Literature Review
  11. The Palestinian political parties and local self-governance during the British Mandate
  12. Reconsidering the Druze Narrative in the Wake of the Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People
  13. The 2016 US Presidential Elections: What Went Wrong in Pre-Election Polls? Demographics Help to Explain
  14. The Druze Community in Israel
  15. The Role of Military Service in the Integration/Segregation of Muslims, Christians and Druze within Israel
  16. Predicting the Vote in Kinship-Based Municipal Elections: The Case of Arab Cities in Israel
  17. Bigger but not always better: Size and democracy in Israeli amalgamated local governments
  18. What are the reasons for financial crisis in local governments?
  19. Amalgamation of Local Authorities in Israel