All Stories

  1. Carbon Sequestration Strategies in Agricultural Lands
  2. Evaluation of the Impact of No-Till on Soil Erosion using Soil Aggregate Stability and Fallout Radionuclides in Northern Morocco
  3. Effects of Tillage Systems on the Physical Properties of Soils in a Semi-Arid Region of Morocco
  4. Future Scenarios of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Based on a CA-Markov Simulation Model: Case of a Mediterranean Watershed in Morocco
  5. Crop Yields under Climate Variability and No-Tillage System in Dry Areas of Morocco
  6. Access to Solar Energy for Livelihood Security in Odisha, India
  7. Modeling Soil Organic Carbon Changes under Alternative Climatic Scenarios and Soil Properties Using DNDC Model at a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Environment
  8. Can an incremental approach be a better option in the dissemination of conservation agriculture? Some socioeconomic justifications from the drylands of Morocco
  9. Modeling the effects of farming management practices on soil organic carbon stock under two tillage practices in a semi-arid region, Morocco
  10. The conservation agriculture in northwest of Morocco (Merchouch area): The impact of no-till systems on physical properties of soils in semi-arid climate
  11. Analysis and prediction of climate forecasts in Northern Morocco: application of multilevel linear mixed effects models using R software
  12. First draft genome assembly of the Argane tree (Argania spinosa)
  13. Use of a calibrated SWAT model to evaluate the effects of agricultural BMPs on sediments of the Kalaya river basin (North of Morocco)
  14. Phosphate solubilizing and PGR activities of ericaceous shrubs microorganisms isolated from Mediterranean forest soil
  15. Argania is a tree from Morocco used in healthcare and cosmetics
  16. Managing Mediterranean soil resources under global change: expected trends and mitigation strategies
  17. Diversity of fungal assemblages in roots of Ericaceae in two Mediterranean contrasting ecosystems
  18. Soil erodibility mapping using three approaches in the Tangiers province –Northern Morocco
  19. Assessing sediment yield in Kalaya gauged watershed (Northern Morocco) using GIS and SWAT model
  20. Characterization of carbofuran bound residues and the effect of ageing on their distribution and bioavailability in the soil of a sugar beet field in north-western Morocco
  21. Long and Midterm Effect of Conservation Agriculture on Soil Properties in Dry Areas of Morocco
  22. Water deficit stress applied only or combined with salinity affects physiological parameters and antioxidant capacity in Sesuvium portulacastrum
  23. Effect ofThymus vulgarisandOriganum compactumessential oils on the shelf life of fresh goat cheese
  24. Responsiveness of Different Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Varieties to Phosphorus Fertilizer
  25. Tillage System Affects Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Quality in Central Morocco
  26. Conservation agriculture in dry areas of Morocco
  27. Conservation agriculture in the dry Mediterranean climate
  28. Potentiels de restauration de la qualité des sols sous agriculture de conservation au Maroc
  30. Effets du travail du sol et de la gestion des résidus sur les propriétés du sol et sur l’érosion hydrique d'un Vertisol Méditerranéen
  31. No-Tillage Agriculture in West Asia and North Africa
  32. Effects of Residue Management and Cropping Systems on Wheat Yield Stability in a Semiarid Mediterranean Clay Soil
  33. Érosion hydrique et transferts des matières vers les zones côtières méditerranéennes. Cas du bassin de l'oued Khmiss (Rif nord occidental. Maroc)
  34. The Quasi‐Option Value of Delayed Input Use under Catastrophic Drought Risk: The Case of No‐Till in Morocco
  35. Drylands of the Mediterranean Zone: Biophysical Resources and Cropping Systems
  36. Influence of agricultural management on chemical quality of a clay soil of semi-arid Morocco
  37. Soil physics: a Moroccan perspective
  38. Long-term changes in soil organic matter in semiarid Morocco
  39. Impact of no tillage and crop sequence on selected soil quality attributes of a vertic calcixeroll soil in Morocco
  40. Stratification of soil aggregation and organic matter under conservation tillage systems in Africa
  42. Effet du stress salin sur la variation de certains metabolites chez Lycopersicon esculentum et Lycopersicon sheesmanii
  43. Soil chemical quality changes and implications for fertilizer management after 11 years of no‐tillage wheat production systems in semiarid Morocco
  44. Total, particulate organic matter and structural stability of a Calcixeroll soil under different wheat rotations and tillage systems in a semiarid area of Morocco
  45. Differential response of wheat to tillage management systems in a semiarid area of Morocco
  46. Chapitre 27. Le semis direct sous couverture végétale, une voie de restauration durable de la productivité des sols semi-arides du Maroc