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  1. Improving use of tree-rings as climate data-stores
  2. New vigour involving statisticians to overcome ensemble fatigue
  3. Discussion of Hansen, J.M.; Aagaard, T., and Kuijpers, A., 2015. Sea-Level Forcing by Synchronization of 56- and 74-Year Oscillations with the Moon's Nodal Tide on the Northwest European Shelf (Eastern North Sea to Central Baltic Sea). Journal of Coast...
  4. Scalability of regional climate change in Europe for high-end scenarios
  5. Recent global warming hiatus dominated by low-latitude temperature trends in surface and troposphere data
  6. Influence of celestial light on lunar surface brightness determinations: Application to earthshine studies
  7. The colour of the dark side of the Moon
  8. Detection of a multishell planetary nebula around the hot subdwarf O-type star 2MASS J19310888+4324577
  9. Emerging regional climate change signals for Europe under varying large-scale circulation conditions
  10. Influence of energetic Solar Proton Events on the development of cyclonic processes at extratropical latitudes
  11. Statistical Analysis of Global Surface Temperature and Sea Level Using Cointegration Methods
  12. A Test for Nonlinearity in Temperature Proxy Records
  13. On the role of domain size and resolution in the simulations with the HIRHAM region climate model
  14. Improved confidence in regional climate model simulations of precipitation evaluated using drought statistics from the ENSEMBLES models
  15. A Surrogate Ensemble Study of Sea Level Reconstructions
  16. The Robotic Earthshine Telescope
  17. Effect of atmospheric CO2 and solar activity on wind regime and water column stability in the major global upwelling areas
  18. Reply
  19. Improved confidence in climate change projections of precipitation further evaluated using daily statistics from ENSEMBLES models
  20. Seasonal characteristics of the relationship between daily precipitation intensity and surface temperature
  21. A Surrogate Ensemble Study of Climate Reconstruction Methods: Stochasticity and Robustness
  22. The Earthshine Telescope Project
  23. Improved confidence in climate change projections of precipitation evaluated using daily statistics from the PRUDENCE ensemble
  24. Earthshine: not just for romantics
  25. Recent Results from Studies of Electric Discharges in the Mesosphere
  26. The dynamical response of the middle atmosphere to the tropospheric solar signal
  27. Comment on "A Semi-Empirical Approach to Projecting Future Sea-Level Rise"
  28. Solar signals in tropospheric re-analysis data: Comparing NCEP/NCAR and ERA40
  29. Cyclone regeneration in the North Atlantic intensified by energetic solar proton events
  30. Limitations on regression analysis due to serially correlated residuals: Application to climate reconstruction from proxies
  31. Effects of energetic solar proton events on the cyclone development in the North Atlantic
  32. Photometric Studies of O-type Hot Subdwarfs
  33. Solar forcing of the Northern hemisphere land air temperature: New data
  34. Testing the White Dwarf Mass‐Radius Relation withHipparcos
  35. Hot White Dwarfs in theExtreme Ultraviolet ExplorerSurvey. II. Mass Distribution, Space Density, and Population Age
  36. White Dwarfs
  37. Progenitors of sdB stars: Single stars?
  38. Detecting submarines without sonar.
  39. Very massive star
  40. Metals in White Dwarf spectra.
  41. Solving and underwater accoustics problem.
  42. White dwarfs