All Stories

  1. Reply to “Comment on ‘Ensemble Averaging and the Curse of Dimensionality’”
  2. Was the Cold European Winter of 2009/10 Modified by Anthropogenic Climate Change? An Attribution Study
  3. Evaluation of the HadGEM3-A simulations in view of detection and attribution of human influence on extreme events in Europe
  4. Ensemble Averaging and the Curse of Dimensionality
  5. Trends and annual cycles in soundings of Arctic tropospheric ozone
  6. Trends and annual cycles in soundings of Arctic tropospheric ozone
  7. Challenges and perspectives for large-scale temperature reconstructions of the past two millennia
  8. Do strong warm ENSO events control the phase of the stratospheric QBO?
  9. The Role of the Selection Problem and Non-Gaussianity in Attribution of Single Events to Climate Change
  10. Recent global warming hiatus dominated by low-latitude temperature trends in surface and troposphere data
  11. Northern winter climate change: Assessment of uncertainty in CMIP5 projections related to stratosphere-troposphere coupling
  12. Straight Line Fitting and Predictions: On a Marginal Likelihood Approach to Linear Regression and Errors-In-Variables Models
  13. Changes in Temperature Records and Extremes: Are They Statistically Significant?
  14. Multi‐model analysis of Northern Hemisphere winter blocking: Model biases and the role of resolution
  15. On the lack of stratospheric dynamical variability in low‐top versions of the CMIP5 models
  16. Reply to “Comments on ‘Reconstruction of the Extratropical NH Mean Temperature over the Last Millennium with a Method That Preserves Low-Frequency Variability’”
  17. Reply to “Comments on ‘Reconstructing the NH Mean Temperature: Can Underestimation of Trends and Variability be Avoided?’”
  18. The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: reconstructions of low-frequency variability
  19. Reconstruction of the Extratropical NH Mean Temperature over the Last Millennium with a Method that Preserves Low-Frequency Variability
  20. Reconstructing the NH Mean Temperature: Can Underestimation of Trends and Variability Be Avoided?
  21. A Surrogate Ensemble Study of Sea Level Reconstructions
  22. Stratospheric Bimodality: Can the Equatorial QBO Explain the Regime Behavior of the NH Winter Vortex?
  23. Reply
  24. Is the Atmosphere Interesting? A Projection Pursuit Study of the Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere Winter
  25. A Surrogate Ensemble Study of Climate Reconstruction Methods: Stochasticity and Robustness
  26. An estimate of the impact of transient luminous events on the atmospheric temperature
  27. Recent Results from Studies of Electric Discharges in the Mesosphere
  28. Volcanic Eruptions, Large-Scale Modes in the Northern Hemisphere, and the El Niño–Southern Oscillation
  29. The dynamical response of the middle atmosphere to the tropospheric solar signal
  30. Radiative forcing and climate sensitivity: The ozone experience
  31. Atmospheric Circulation Regimes: Can Cluster Analysis Provide the Number?
  32. Reply
  33. The Shortcomings of Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis in Identifying Circulation Regimes
  34. Downward propagation and statistical forecast of the near-surface weather
  35. Bimodality of the Planetary-Scale Atmospheric Wave Amplitude Index
  36. Extrapolating future Arctic ozone losses
  37. Downward propagation from the stratosphere to the troposphere: A comparison of the two hemispheres
  38. Evidence for Nonlinear Climate Change: Two Stratospheric Regimes and a Regime Shift
  39. Temporal growth and vertical propagation of perturbations in the winter atmosphere
  40. On correlations between the North Atlantic Oscillation, geopotential heights, and geomagnetic activity
  41. Comment on “True versus apparent arctic oscillation”
  42. On the physical nature of the Arctic Oscillation
  43. Downward propagation of zonal mean zonal wind anomalies from the stratosphere to the troposphere: Model and reanalysis
  44. Tropospheric response to stratospheric ozone loss
  45. A model study of the dynamical connection between the Arctic Oscillation and stratospheric vacillations
  46. Chaos, Quasiperiodicity, and Interannual Variability: Studies of a Stratospheric Vacillation Model
  47. Stratospheric Vacillations in a General Circulation Model
  48. On the response of a three-dimensional general circulation model to imposed changes in the ozone distribution
  49. Hole-induced crisis in a piece-wise linear map
  50. Dissipation and ordering in capillary waves at high aspect ratios
  51. Interaction between discontinuity and non-invertibility in a relaxation oscillator
  52. Coexistence of Attractors Induced by Interaction between Discontinuity and Non-invertibility
  53. Collective phenomena in large populations of globally coupled relaxation oscillators
  54. Type V intermittency
  55. Phase diagram of a modulated relaxation oscillator with a finite resetting time
  56. Collective dynamics of coupled modulated oscillators with random pinning
  57. Ordered capillary-wave states: Quasicrystals, hexagons, and radial waves
  58. Dynamics of pulse driven Josephson junctions
  59. Routes to chaos and complete phase locking in modulated relaxation oscillators
  60. Chaotic noise in superconducting microbridge 4-photon,X-band parametric amplifier
  61. Nonchaotic Transition from Quasiperiodicity to Complete Phase Locking