All Stories

  1. Modeling Turning Points in the Global Equity Market
  2. COVID-19 spreading in financial networks: A semiparametric matrix regression model
  3. Eccellenze cafoscarine nella storia del Dipartimento di Economia
  4. The impact of network connectivity on factor exposures, asset pricing, and portfolio diversification
  5. Bayesian Markov-Switching Tensor Regression for Time-Varying Networks
  6. Bayesian Dynamic Tensor Regression
  7. High-Dimensional Radial Symmetry of Copula Functions: Multiplier Bootstrap vs. Randomization
  8. A New World Post COVID-19
  9. Pandemics, Climate and Public Finance
  10. The European Repo Market, ECB Intervention and the COVID-19 Crisis
  11. On the role of domestic and international financial cyclical factors in driving economic growth
  12. Credit Scoring in SME Asset-Backed Securities: An Italian Case Study
  13. Le discipline economiche e aziendali nei 150 anni di storia di Ca’ Foscari
  14. Which market integration measure?
  15. An entropy-based early warning indicator for systemic risk
  16. Efficient Gibbs sampling for Markov switching GARCH models
  17. Bayesian Panel Markov-Switching VAR Model
  18. Validating Markov Switching VAR Through Spectral Representations
  19. Backward/forward optimal combination of performance measures for equity screening
  20. Bayesian Graphical VAR
  21. Granger-causality in Markov switching models
  22. Turning point chronology for the euro area
  23. CFEnetwork: The Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics
  24. The univariate MT-STAR model and a new linearity and unit root test procedure
  25. Nonlinear dynamics and recurrence plots for detecting financial crisis
  26. Time-varying combinations of predictive densities using nonlinear filtering
  27. Errata
  28. Evaluation of Regime Switching Models for Real‐Time Business Cycle Analysis of the Euro Area
  29. On a New Approach for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks (corrected)
  30. Crises and Funds of Hedge Funds Tail Risk
  31. The Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics, first issue
  32. Combination schemes for turning point predictions
  33. Dynamic risk exposures in hedge funds
  34. Econometric measures of connectedness and systemic risk in the finance and insurance sectors
  35. Contagion Dating through Market Interdependence Analysis and Correlation Stability
  36. Portfolio symmetry and momentum
  37. Identifying business cycle turning points with sequential Monte Carlo methods: an online and real‐time application to the Euro area