All Stories

  1. Environmental Kuznets Curve for Extended Brics Economies: Do Women Governance and Water Stress Matter?
  2. The Contribution of Green, Blue, and Energy Sources to Economic Development in Central Asia
  3. Chinese FDI outflows and host country environment
  4. Cross-company jump spillover and the role of news
  5. Exploiting Intraday Decompositions in Realized Volatility Forecasting: A Forecast Reconciliation Approach
  6. ESG risk exposure: a tale of two tails
  7. On the Ordering of Dynamic Principal Components and the Implications for Portfolio Analysis
  8. Early warnings of systemic risk using one-minute high-frequency data
  9. Time series clustering based on latent volatility mixture modeling with applications in finance
  10. Nonstandard Errors
  11. Extreme time-varying spillovers between high carbon emission stocks, green bond and crude oil: Comment
  12. Spatial effect of biomass energy consumption on carbon emissions reduction: the role of globalization
  13. The factor structure of exchange rates volatility: global and intermittent factors
  14. Not all words are equal: Sentiment and jumps in the cryptocurrency market
  15. The Asymmetric Relationship between Conventional/Shale Rig Counts and WTI Oil Prices
  16. New insights on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) for Central Asia
  17. Measuring Climate Transition Risk Spillovers
  18. Sign effects of volatility and jumps in forex markets and a reappraisal of meteor showers and heat waves
  19. The systemic risk of US oil and natural gas companies
  20. Asymmetric and time-frequency based networks of currency markets
  21. Estimating time-varying proximity with a state–space model
  22. Quantile regression-based seasonal adjustment
  23. The Asymmetric Impact of Oil Prices and Production on Drilling Rig Trajectory: A correction
  24. News and intraday jumps: Evidence from regularization and class imbalance
  25. The impact of network connectivity on factor exposures, asset pricing, and portfolio diversification
  26. Analyzing interconnection among selected commodities in the 2008 global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic
  27. Impact of COVID-19 on financial returns: a spatial dynamic panel data model with random effects
  28. Omega Compatibility: A Meta-analysis
  29. Time-varying Granger causality tests in the energy markets: A study on the DCC-MGARCH Hong test
  30. The effect of renewable energy development on China's energy intensity: Evidence from partially linear functional-coefficient panel data analyses
  31. Dynamic large financial networks via conditional expected shortfalls
  32. The relationship between day-ahead and future prices in electricity markets: An empirical analysis on Italy, France, Germany, and Switzerland
  33. What drives the expansion of research on banking crises? Cross-country evidence
  34. The Role of Jumps in Realized Volatility Modeling and Forecasting
  35. Systemic risk and severe economic downturns: A targeted and sparse analysis
  36. Has the EU-ETS Financed the Energy Transition of the Italian Power System?
  37. Statistical Analysis of Financial Data: With Examples In RGentleJamesChapman and Hall/CRC Press, 646 pp, ISBN: 9781138599499
  38. Systemic Risk for Financial Institutions in the Major Petroleum-based Economies: The Role of Oil
  39. Measuring systemic risk during the COVID-19 period: A TALIS3 approach
  40. TrAffic LIght system for systemic Stress: TALIS3
  41. Asymmetric and time-frequency spillovers among commodities using high-frequency data
  42. Dynamic network analysis of North American financial institutions
  43. Networks in risk spillovers: A multivariate GARCH perspective
  44. Multiple co-jumps in the cross-section of US equities and the identification of system(at)ic movements
  45. Contagion between real estate and financial markets: A Bayesian quantile-on-quantile approach
  46. Is the Korean housing market following Gangnam style?
  47. The long-run relationship between the Italian day-ahead and balancing electricity prices
  48. Financial Time Series: Methods and Models
  49. Analytical Gradients of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Models
  50. Macroeconomic Forecasting in the Era of Big Data
  51. Do structural breaks in volatility cause spurious volatility transmission?
  52. Estimation and model-based combination of causality networks among large US banks and insurance companies
  53. Volatility Forecasting in a Data Rich Environment
  54. A multilevel factor approach for the analysis of CDS commonality and risk contribution
  55. Decomposing and backtesting a flexible specification for CoVaR
  56. The bank-sovereign nexus: Evidence from a non-bailout episode
  57. Scenario-based forecast for the electricity demand in Qatar and the role of energy efficiency improvements
  58. On the volatilities of tourism stocks and oil
  59. Testing persistence of WTI and Brent long-run relationship after the shale oil supply shock
  60. Asymmetry and leverage in GARCH models: a News Impact Curve perspective
  61. Are the S&P 500 index and crude oil, natural gas and ethanol futures related for intra-day data?
  62. The dynamic impact of uncertainty in causing and forecasting the distribution of oil returns and risk
  63. A Multidimensional Analysis of the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms' Economic Performance
  64. “On the (Ab)use of Omega ?”
  65. Measuring the Behavioural Component of the S&P 500 and its Relationship to Financial Stress and Aggregated Earnings Surprises
  66. Measuring sovereign contagion in Europe
  67. Systemic co-jumps
  68. Asset allocation strategies based on penalized quantile regression
  69. Building News Measures from Textual Data and an Application to Volatility Forecasting
  70. Chasing volatility
  71. The relationship between oil prices and rig counts: The importance of lags
  72. Correction of Caporin and Paruolo (2015)
  73. Time-varying persistence in US inflation
  74. The Long-Run Oil-Natural Gas Price Relationship and the Shale Gas Revolution
  75. The Determinants of Equity Risk and Their Forecasting Implications: A Quantile Regression Perspective
  77. Damages Evaluation, Periodic Floods, and Local Sea Level Rise
  78. Spillovers between energy and FX markets: The importance of asymmetry, uncertainty and business cycle
  79. Backward/forward optimal combination of performance measures for equity screening
  80. Realized range volatility forecasting: Dynamic features and predictive variables
  81. Forecasting Value-at-Risk using block structure multivariate stochastic volatility models
  82. Option pricing with non-Gaussian scaling and infinite-state switching volatility
  83. Proximity-Structured Multivariate Volatility Models
  84. Volatility Jumps and Their Economic Determinants
  85. Precious metals under the microscope: a high-frequency analysis
  86. Variance clustering improved dynamic conditional correlation MGARCH estimators
  87. Robust ranking of multivariate GARCH models by problem dimension
  88. Currency hedging strategies in strategic benchmarks and the global and Euro sovereign financial crises
  89. Ensemble properties of high-frequency data and intraday trading rules
  90. Measuring the Impact of Behavioural Choices on the Market Prices
  91. A Conditional Single Index model with Local Covariates for detecting and evaluating active portfolio management
  92. Risk spillovers in international equity portfolios
  93. On the predictability of stock prices: A case for high and low prices
  94. CDS Industrial Sector Indices, Credit and Liquidity Risk
  96. Equity and CDS sector indices: Dynamic models and risk hedging
  97. Fast clustering of GARCH processes via Gaussian mixture models
  98. Ten Things You Should Know about the Dynamic Conditional Correlation Representation
  99. Volatility Threshold Dynamic Conditional Correlations: An International Analysis
  100. Market Volatility, Optimal Portfolios and Naive Asset Allocations
  101. Modeling and Forecasting Realized Range Volatility
  102. Modelling and forecasting wind speed intensity for weather risk management
  103. On the role of risk in the Morningstar rating for mutual funds
  104. A forecast-based comparison of restricted Wishart autoregressive models for realized covariance matrices
  105. Model based Monte Carlo pricing of energy and temperature Quanto options
  106. Model Selection and Testing of Conditional and Stochastic Volatility Models
  107. Forecasting Temperature Indices Density with Time-Varying Long-Memory Models
  108. Contagion Dating through Market Interdependence Analysis and Correlation Stability
  109. On the evaluation of marginal expected shortfall
  111. Thresholds, news impact surfaces and dynamic asymmetric multivariate GARCH
  112. Comparing and Selecting Performance Measures Using Rank Correlations
  113. Market linkages, variance spillovers, and correlation stability: Empirical evidence of financial contagion
  116. Misspecification tests for periodic long memory GARCH models
  117. A generalized Dynamic Conditional Correlation model for portfolio risk evaluation
  118. Periodic Long-Memory GARCH Models
  119. Scalar BEKK and indirect DCC
  120. Dating EU15 monthly business cycle jointly using GDP and IPI
  121. Generalised long-memory GARCH models for intra-daily volatility
  122. Variance (Non) Causality in Multivariate GARCH
  123. Dynamic Asymmetric GARCH
  124. Flexible Dynamic Conditional Correlation multivariate GARCH models for asset allocation
  125. Multivariate Markov switching dynamic conditional correlation GARCH representations for contagion analysis
  126. Identification of long memory in GARCH models
  127. A note on calculating autocovariances of long-memory processes