All Stories

  1. T2Snaker: a Robotic Coach for Table Tennis
  2. From Anime To Reality: Embodying An Anime Character As A Humanoid Robot
  3. HATSUKI : An anime character like robot figure platform with anime-style expressions and imitation learning based action generation
  4. HapticSnakes: multi-haptic feedback wearable robots for immersive virtual reality
  5. Orochi
  6. A Robotic Haptic Feedback Device for Immersive Virtual Reality Applications
  7. Exploring Augmented Reality Interaction for Everyday Multipurpose Wearable Robots
  8. HapticSerpent
  9. VRowser: A Virtual Reality Parallel Web Browser
  10. Clash tanks: An investigation of virtual and augmented reality gaming experience
  11. Pervasive HoloMoL
  12. HoloMoL
  13. WAR Bots: Combining Virtual and Augmented Realities for an Immersive and Enjoyable Gaming Experience
  14. Input Forager
  15. A Mobile VR Input Adaptation Architecture
  16. Providing ambient information as comfortable sound for reducing cognitive overload
  17. Parallel Web Browsing in Tangible Augmented Reality Environments
  18. Filtering visual information for reducing visual cognitive load