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  1. Generation of functional hepatocyte 3D discoids in an acoustofluidic bioreactor
  2. Vasoactive intestinal peptide induces proliferation of human hepatocytes
  3. Neutrophilia, gelatinase release and microvascular leakage induced by human mast cell tryptase in a mouse model: Lack of a role of protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2)
  4. Pro-Inflammatory Actions of the Exodomain Shed From Protease Activated Receptor 2 (PAR-2)
  5. Mast Cell Tryptase as a Stimulus for Upregulation of Adhesion Molecule Expression and Cytokine Release from Endothelial Cells
  6. Mast Cell Chymase: A Useful Serum Marker in Anaphylaxis
  7. Alpha Tryptase: Potential Roles in Inflammation Distinct from those of β-tryptase