All Stories

  1. ICDAR 24: Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval
  2. Overview of the Grand Challenge on Detecting Cheapfakes at ACM ICMR 2024
  3. Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector -- An Agenda for Responsible Innovation through Learning
  4. Immersive Virtual Reality in Child Interview Skills Training
  6. ICDAR’23: Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval
  7. Mask-conditioned latent diffusion for generating gastrointestinal polyp images
  8. A Virtual Reality Talking Avatar for Investigative Interviews of Maltreat Children
  9. RCAD: Real-time Collaborative Anomaly Detection System for Mobile Broadband Networks
  10. ICDAR'22: Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval
  11. Is More Realistic Better? A Comparison of Game Engine and GAN-based Avatars for Investigative Interviews of Children
  12. Towards an AI-driven talking avatar in virtual reality for investigative interviews of children
  13. ICDAR'21
  14. Dutkat: A Multimedia System for Catching Illegal Catchers in a Privacy-Preserving Manner
  15. Multimodal Virtual Avatars for Investigative Interviews with Children
  16. Temperature Forecasting using Tower Networks
  17. Pyramidal Segmentation of Medical Images using Adversarial Training
  19. Reproducibility Companion Paper: Instance of Interest Detection
  20. Reproducibility Companion Paper: Selective Deep Convolutional Features for Image Retrieval
  21. ACM Multimedia BioMedia 2020 Grand Challenge Overview
  22. An Extensive Study on Cross-Dataset Bias and Evaluation Metrics Interpretation for Machine Learning Applied to Gastrointestinal Tract Abnormality Classification
  23. Human Activity Recognition from Multiple Sensors Data Using Multi-fusion Representations and CNNs
  24. Medical Multimedia Systems and Applications
  25. ACM Multimedia BioMedia 2019 Grand Challenge Overview
  26. Using Mr. MAPP for Lower Limb Phantom Pain Management
  27. Bleeding detection in wireless capsule endoscopy videos — Color versus texture features
  28. From Annotation to Computer-Aided Diagnosis
  29. Multimedia and Medicine
  30. OpenVQ
  31. Exploitation of producer intent in relation to bandwidth and QoE for online video streaming services