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  1. How much do parent-child conversations about abuse harm children’s evidence?
  2. Towards an AI-driven talking avatar in virtual reality for investigative interviews of children
  3. Within family patterns of relative parental involvement across two generations of Swedish parents.
  4. Multimodal Virtual Avatars for Investigative Interviews with Children
  5. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law adopts further open science practices and refreshes its commitment to generalizable empirical research.
  6. Adherence to the Revised NICHD Protocol recommendations for conducting repeated supportive interviews is associated with the likelihood that children will allege abuse.
  7. Allegation rates and credibility assessment in forensic interviews of alleged child abuse victims: Comparing the revised and standard NICHD protocols.
  8. Personality development from age 2 to 33: Stability and change in ego resiliency and ego control and associations with adult adaptation.
  9. Inter- and intra-cultural variation in learning-through-participation among Hadza and BaYaka forager children and adolescents from Tanzania and the Republic of Congo
  10. Lawyers’ question content and children’s responses in Scottish criminal courts
  11. The disclosure of alleged child sexual abuse: an investigation of criminal court transcripts from Scotland
  12. An analysis of how the police ‘caution’ is presented to juvenile suspects in England
  13. Psycho-legal researchers’ impact on policies and legal practices: Past and future.
  14. The NICHD protocol: a review of an internationally-used evidence-based tool for training child forensic interviewers
  15. Eliciting Accounts of Alleged Child Sexual Abuse: How Do Children Report Touch?