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  1. A cortical shape-adaptive approach to local gyrification index
  2. Maternal Cortisol Concentrations During Pregnancy and Sex Specific Associations with Neonatal Amygdala Connectivity and Emerging Internalizing Behaviors
  3. Decreased Axon Caliber Underlies Loss of Fiber Tract Integrity, Disproportional Reductions in White Matter Volume, and Microcephaly in Angelman Syndrome Model Mice
  4. A segmentation editing framework based on shape change statistics
  5. Large deep neural networks for MS lesion segmentation
  6. White matter fiber-based analysis of T1w/T2w ratio map
  7. Early brain development in infants at high risk for autism spectrum disorder
  8. The UNC-Wisconsin Rhesus Macaque Neurodevelopment Database: A Structural MRI and DTI Database of Early Postnatal Development
  9. A novel maturation index based on neonatal diffusion tensor imaging reflects typical perinatal white matter development in humans
  10. UNC-Emory Infant Atlases for Macaque Brain Image Analysis: Postnatal Brain Development through 12 Months
  11. Joint Attention and Brain Functional Connectivity in Infants and Toddlers
  12. Cortical gray and subcortical white matter associations in Parkinson's disease
  13. Orthodontic and Orthognathic Surgery Planning Using CBCT
  14. Common and heritable components of white matter microstructure predict cognitive function at 1 and 2 y
  15. Impact of Demographic and Obstetric Factors on Infant Brain Volumes: A Population Neuroscience Study
  16. Maternal choline supplementation in a sheep model of first trimester binge alcohol fails to protect against brain volume reductions in peripubertal lambs
  17. Antenatal depression, treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and neonatal brain structure: A propensity-matched cohort study
  18. Development of cortical shape in the human brain from 6 to 24months of age via a novel measure of shape complexity
  19. STGP: Spatio-temporal Gaussian process models for longitudinal neuroimaging data
  20. Maternal buffering beyond glucocorticoids: impact of early life stress on corticolimbic circuits that control infant responses to novelty
  21. Implications of newborn amygdala connectivity for fear and cognitive development at 6-months-of-age
  22. Enhanced cortical thickness measurements for rodent brains via Lagrangian-based RK4 streamline computation
  23. Autotract: automatic cleaning and tracking of fibers
  24. Multi-object model-based multi-atlas segmentation for rodent brains using dense discrete correspondences
  25. Stage-dependent loss of cortical gyrification as Parkinson disease “unfolds”
  26. Entropy-based particle correspondence for shape populations
  27. Automatic sulcal curve extraction on the human cortical surface
  28. Skeletal shape correspondence via entropy minimization
  29. Shape index distribution based local surface complexity applied to the human cortex
  30. Automatic tissue segmentation of neonate brain MR Images with subject-specific atlases
  31. LOGISMOS-B for primates: primate cortical surface reconstruction and thickness measurement
  32. Shape Abnormalities of the Caudate Nucleus Correlate with Poorer Gait and Balance: Results from a Subset of the LADIS Study
  33. Multi-atlas segmentation with particle-based group-wise image registration
  34. Adolescent binge ethanol treatment alters adult brain regional volumes, cortical extracellular matrix protein and behavioral flexibility
  35. FMEM: Functional mixed effects modeling for the analysis of longitudinal white matter Tract data
  36. Diffusion imaging quality control via entropy of principal direction distribution
  37. Striatal shape in Parkinson's disease
  38. Longitudinal Image Registration With Temporally-Dependent Image Similarity Measure
  39. Magnetic resonance microscopy-based analyses of the neuroanatomical effects of gestational day 9 ethanol exposure in mice
  40. White Matter Microstructure and Atypical Visual Orienting in 7-Month-Olds at Risk for Autism
  41. Multiscale adaptive generalized estimating equations for longitudinal neuroimaging data
  42. Imaging Patients with Psychosis and a Mouse Model Establishes a Spreading Pattern of Hippocampal Dysfunction and Implicates Glutamate as a Driver
  43. A computerized MRI biomarker quantification scheme for a canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  44. Common Variants in Psychiatric Risk Genes Predict Brain Structure at Birth
  45. Adaptive prior probability and spatial temporal intensity change estimation for segmentation of the one-year-old human brain
  46. Alteration to hippocampal shape in cannabis users with and without schizophrenia
  47. Associations between white matter microstructure and infants' working memory
  48. Localized differences in caudate and hippocampal shape are associated with schizophrenia but not antipsychotic type
  49. Frontolimbic neural circuitry at 6 months predicts individual differences in joint attention at 9 months
  50. Semiparametric Bayesian local functional models for diffusion tensor tract statistics
  51. Imaging nigral pathology and clinical progression in Parkinson's disease
  52. Postnatal day 7 ethanol treatment causes persistent reductions in adult mouse brain volume and cortical neurons with sex specific effects on neurogenesis
  53. Trajectories of Early Brain Volume Development in Fragile X Syndrome and Autism
  54. Ethanol-Induced Face-Brain Dysmorphology Patterns Are Correlative and Exposure-Stage Dependent
  55. Prenatal isolated mild ventriculomegaly is associated with persistent ventricle enlargement at ages 1 and 2
  56. Projection Regression Models for Multivariate Imaging Phenotype
  57. White Matter Hyperintensities, Systemic Inflammation, Brain Growth, and Cognitive Functions in Children Exposed to Air Pollution
  58. Quantitative tract-based white matter development from birth to age 2years
  59. Brain Volume Findings in 6-Month-Old Infants at High Familial Risk for Autism
  60. Differences in White Matter Fiber Tract Development Present From 6 to 24 Months in Infants With Autism
  61. White Matter Heritability Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Neonatal Brains
  62. Hippocampal Shape Analysis in Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Subtypes
  63. TwinMARM: Two-Stage Multiscale Adaptive Regression Methods for Twin Neuroimaging Data
  64. Size and shape of the caudate nucleus in individuals with bipolar affective disorder
  65. Intrinsic Regression Models for Medial Representation of Subcortical Structures
  66. The Paradox of Muscle Hypertrophy in Muscular Dystrophy
  68. Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Based Characterization of Brain Neurodevelopment in Primates
  69. Canine models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and their use in therapeutic strategies
  70. Asymmetric bias in user guided segmentations of brain structures
  71. Hippocampal Shape and Volume Changes with Antipsychotics in Early Stage Psychotic Illness
  72. The Translational Role of Diffusion Tensor Image Analysis in Animal Models of Developmental Pathologies
  73. Exposure to severe urban air pollution influences cognitive outcomes, brain volume and systemic inflammation in clinically healthy children
  74. Longitudinal Development of Cortical and Subcortical Gray Matter from Birth to 2 Years
  75. Atlas-Guided Segmentation of Vervet Monkey Brain MRI
  76. Morphometric analysis of subcortical structures in progressive supranuclear palsy: In vivo evidence of neostriatal and mesencephalic atrophy
  77. Clinical application of SPHARM-PDM to quantify temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis
  78. FADTTS: Functional analysis of diffusion tensor tract statistics
  79. Two-stage empirical likelihood for longitudinal neuroimaging data
  80. Three-dimensional quantification of mandibular asymmetry through cone-beam computerized tomography
  81. Twin-Singleton Differences in Neonatal Brain Structure
  82. Combined R2* and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Changes in the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson's Disease
  83. Early Brain Overgrowth in Autism Associated With an Increase in Cortical Surface Area Before Age 2 Years
  84. Brain enlargement and increased behavioral and cytokine reactivity in infant monkeys following acute prenatal endotoxemia
  85. DTI registration in atlas based fiber analysis of infantile Krabbe disease
  86. Shape alterations in the striatum in chorea-acanthocytosis
  87. Automatic skull-stripping of rat MRI/DTI scans and atlas building
  88. Automatic cortical thickness analysis on rodent brain
  89. Efficient, graph-based white matter connectivity from orientation distribution functions via multi-directional graph propagation
  90. Clinical Application of 3D Imaging for Assessment of Treatment Outcomes
  91. Information Filtering for Ultrasound-Based Real-Time Registration
  92. Spatial intensity prior correction for tissue segmentation in the developing human brain
  93. Shape analysis of the neostriatum in subtypes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration: Neuroanatomically significant regional morphologic change
  94. Adolescent Binge Drinking Alters Adult Brain Neurotransmitter Gene Expression, Behavior, Brain Regional Volumes, and Neurochemistry in Mice
  95. Synergy of Image Analysis for Animal and Human Neuroimaging Supports Translational Research on Drug Abuse
  96. Use of High Resolution 3D Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Study Brain White Matter Development in Live Neonatal Rats
  97. Outcome quantification using SPHARM-PDM toolbox in orthognathic surgery
  98. Comparison of Actual Surgical Outcomes and 3-Dimensional Surgical Simulations
  99. Magnetic resonance microscopy-based analyses of the brains of normal and ethanol-exposed fetal mice
  100. Prenatal and Neonatal Brain Structure and White Matter Maturation in Children at High Risk for Schizophrenia
  101. Three-dimensional surgical simulation
  102. Shape analysis of the neostriatum in frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, and controls
  103. Maternal Influenza Infection During Pregnancy Impacts Postnatal Brain Development in the Rhesus Monkey
  104. A linear exponent AR(1) family of correlation structures
  105. Cranial base superimposition for 3-dimensional evaluation of soft-tissue changes
  106. FRATS: Functional Regression Analysis of DTI Tract Statistics
  107. Multi-Object Analysis of Volume, Pose, and Shape Using Statistical Discrimination
  108. Accuracy and Landmark Error Calculation Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography–Generated Cephalograms
  109. Genetic and environmental contributions to neonatal brain structure: A twin study
  110. Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Defines Ethanol-Induced Brain Abnormalities in Prenatal Mice: Effects of Acute Insult on Gestational Day 7
  111. Three-Dimensional Superimposition for Quantification of Treatment Outcomes
  112. Pharyngeal airway volume and shape from cone-beam computed tomography: Relationship to facial morphology
  113. Superposition tridimensionnelle (3-D) sur la base du crâne pour l'évaluation longitudinale des effets de la croissance et du traitement
  114. Rebuttal to Hasan and Pedraza in comments and controversies: “Improving the reliability of manual and automated methods for hippocampal and amygdala volume measurements”
  115. Standardized evaluation methodology and reference database for evaluating coronary artery centerline extraction algorithms
  116. Maturational Trajectories of Cortical Brain Development through the Pubertal Transition: Unique Species and Sex Differences in the Monkey Revealed through Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  117. Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets
  118. Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Defines Ethanol-Induced Brain Abnormalities in Prenatal Mice: Effects of Acute Insult on Gestational Day 8
  119. Shape abnormalities of caudate nucleus in schizotypal personality disorder
  120. A comparison of automated segmentation and manual tracing for quantifying hippocampal and amygdala volumes
  121. Evaluation of atlas based mouse brain segmentation
  122. Intrinsic Regression Models for Manifold-Valued Data
  123. Adjusted Exponentially Tilted Likelihood with Applications to Brain Morphology
  124. Minimum description length with local geometry
  125. Hippocampus Shape Analysis and Late-Life Depression
  126. Accurate and Robust Reconstruction of a Surface Model of the Proximal Femur From Sparse-Point Data and a Dense-Point Distribution Model for Surgical Navigation
  127. Statistical deformable bone models for robust 3D surface extrapolation from sparse data
  128. Asymmetrical ventricular enlargement in Parkinson's disease
  129. Three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography for assessment of mandibular changes after orthognathic surgery
  130. Reduced Relationship to Cortical White Matter Volume Revealed by Tractography-Based Segmentation of the Corpus Callosum in Young Children With Developmental Delay
  131. Advances in Radiologic Image Analysis from MICCAI 2005
  132. Computer-assisted arthroplasty using bioengineered autografts
  133. Image analysis and superimposition of 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography models
  134. A comparison study assessing the feasibility of ultrasound-initialized deformable bone models
  135. Morphometric analysis of lateral ventricles in schizophrenia and healthy controls regarding genetic and disease-specific factors
  136. Evaluation and Initial Validation Studies of Anatomical Structure Morphing
  137. Kernel Regularized Bone Surface Reconstruction from Partial Data Using Statistical Shape Model
  138. Boundary and medial shape analysis of the hippocampus in schizophrenia
  139. New method to assess the registration of CT-MR images of the head
  140. Correction scheme for multiple correlated statistical tests in local shape analysis
  141. A-Mode Ultrasound–Based Registration in Computer-Aided Surgery of the Skull
  142. Medial Models Incorporating Object Variability for 3D Shape Analysis
  143. Shape versus Size: Improved Understanding of the Morphology of Brain Structures
  144. Parametric estimate of intensity inhomogeneities applied to MRI
  145. Brain Morphometry by Distance Measurement in a Non-Euclidean, Curvilinear Space