All Stories

  1. A Robust Model-Free Feature Screening Method for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Data
  2. High-Dimensional Variable Selection With Reciprocal L1-Regularization
  3. A split-and-merge Bayesian variable selection approach for ultrahigh dimensional regression
  4. Weak Convergence Rates of Population Versus Single-Chain Stochastic Approximation MCMC Algorithms
  5. An Overview of Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo
  6. Simulated Stochastic Approximation Annealing for Global Optimization With a Square-Root Cooling Schedule
  7. Use of SAMC for Bayesian analysis of statistical models with intractable normalizing constants
  8. Bayesian site selection for fast Gaussian process regression
  9. Bayesian Peak Picking for NMR Spectra
  10. A Bayesian spatio-temporal geostatistical model with an auxiliary lattice for large datasets
  11. Model-Free Inference for ChIP-Seq Data
  12. Fitting Social Network Models Using Varying Truncation Stochastic Approximation MCMC Algorithm
  13. A fast multilocus test with adaptive SNP selection for large-scale genetic-association studies
  14. Statistical Properties of Horizontally Oriented Plates in Optically Thick Clouds From Satellite Observations
  15. A Monte Carlo Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm for Sampling from Distributions with Intractable Normalizing Constants
  16. Bayesian Detection of Causal Rare Variants under Posterior Consistency
  17. Bayesian Subset Modeling for High-Dimensional Generalized Linear Models
  18. Sea Surface Temperature Modeling using Radial Basis Function Networks With a Dynamically Weighted Particle Filter
  19. A Resampling-Based Stochastic Approximation Method for Analysis of Large Geostatistical Data
  20. Stochastic approximation Monte Carlo importance sampling for approximating exact conditional probabilities
  21. Population SAMC vs SAMC: Convergence and Applications to Gene Selection Problems
  22. Bayesian analysis for exponential random graph models using the adaptive exchange sampler
  23. Bayesian Analysis of Geostatistical Models With an Auxiliary Lattice
  24. Intrinsic Regression Models for Medial Representation of Subcortical Structures
  25. A Flexible Bayesian Model for Studying Gene–Environment Interaction
  26. Explicitly integrating parameter, input, and structure uncertainties into Bayesian Neural Networks for probabilistic hydrologic forecasting
  27. Folding small proteins via annealing stochastic approximation Monte Carlo
  28. BCL-2 (-938C > A) polymorphism is associated with breast cancer susceptibility
  29. Stochastic Generalized Method of Moments
  30. Robust Clustering Using Exponential Power Mixtures
  31. Bayesian Modeling of ChIP‐chip Data Through a High‐Order Ising Model
  32. Trajectory averaging for stochastic approximation MCMC algorithms
  33. A double Metropolis–Hastings sampler for spatial models with intractable normalizing constants
  34. Advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
  35. Longitudinal functional principal component modelling via Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo
  36. Annealing evolutionary stochastic approximation Monte Carlo for global optimization
  37. Modeling the Relationship Between EDI Implementation and Firm Performance Improvement With Neural Networks
  38. Monte Carlo dynamically weighted importance sampling for spatial models with intractable normalizing constants
  39. Bayesian phylogeny analysis via stochastic approximation Monte Carlo
  40. Bayesian modeling of ChIP-chip data using latent variables
  41. Improving SAMC using smoothing methods: Theory and applications to Bayesian model selection problems
  42. On the use of stochastic approximation Monte Carlo for Monte Carlo integration
  43. Learning Bayesian networks for discrete data
  44. Estimating uncertainty of streamflow simulation using Bayesian neural networks
  45. Bayesian Analysis of High Dimensional Classification
  46. Crash Injury Severity Analysis Using Bayesian Ordered Probit Models
  47. Annealing Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for Global Optimization
  48. Convergence of stochastic approximation algorithms under irregular conditions
  49. Adaptive evolutionary Monte Carlo algorithm for optimization with applications to sensor placement problems
  50. Phylogenetic tree construction using sequential stochastic approximation Monte Carlo
  51. Inflammatory Gene Haplotype-Interaction Networks Involved in Coronary Collateral Formation
  52. Continuous Contour Monte Carlo for Marginal Density Estimation With an Application to a Spatial Statistical Model
  53. Annealing stochastic approximation Monte Carlo algorithm for neural network training
  54. Use of SVD-based probit transformation in clustering gene expression profiles
  55. Dynamic agglomerative clustering of gene expression profiles
  56. Stochastic Approximation in Monte Carlo Computation
  57. Stochastic Approximation Algorithms for Estimation of Spatial Mixed Models
  58. 18 Stochastic Approximation Algorithms for Estimation of Spatial Mixed Models
  59. Statistical and Computational Inverse Problems
  60. A Theory on Flat Histogram Monte Carlo Algorithms
  61. A Generalized Wang–Landau Algorithm for Monte Carlo Computation
  62. Determination of normalizing constants for simulated tempering
  63. Evidence Evaluation for Bayesian Neural Networks Using Contour Monte Carlo
  64. Efficient MCMC estimation of discrete distributions
  65. Bayesian neural networks for nonlinear time series forecasting
  66. Generalized1∕k-ensemble algorithm
  67. Annealing contour Monte Carlo algorithm for structure optimization in an off-lattice protein model
  68. Search for Haplotype Interactions That Influence Susceptibility to Type 1 Diabetes, through Use of Unphased Genotype Data
  69. An Effective Bayesian Neural Network Classifier with a Comparison Study to Support Vector Machine
  70. Use of sequential structure in simulation from high-dimensional systems
  71. Dynamically Weighted Importance Sampling in Monte Carlo Computation
  72. Some connections between Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods for regression model selection
  73. Evolutionary Monte Carlo for protein folding simulations
  74. Real-Parameter Evolutionary Monte Carlo With Applications to Bayesian Mixture Models
  75. A Theory for Dynamic Weighting in Monte Carlo Computation
  76. The Multiple-Try Method and Local Optimization in Metropolis Sampling
  77. Dynamic weighting Monte Carlo for constrained floorplan designs in mixed signal application
  78. Dynamic weighting in simulations of spin systems
  79. Relaxed simulated tempering for VLSI floorplan designs
  80. Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning
  81. Dynamic weighting Monte Carlo for constrained floorplan designs in mixed signal application