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  1. PIC simulations of stable surface waves on a subcritical fast magnetosonic shock front
  2. Three-dimensional structure and stability of discontinuities between unmagnetized pair plasma and magnetized electron-proton plasma
  3. Two-dimensional particle simulation of the boundary between a hot pair plasma and magnetized electrons and protons: Out-of-plane magnetic field
  4. Preferential acceleration of positrons by a filamentation instability between an electron–proton beam and a pair plasma beam
  5. Collisionless Rayleigh–Taylor-like instability of the boundary between a hot pair plasma and an electron–proton plasma: The undular mode
  6. Change of a Weibel-type to an Alfvénic shock in pair plasma by upstream waves
  7. Collisionless tangential discontinuity between pair plasma and electron–proton plasma
  8. Simulation studies of temperature anisotropy driven pair-Alfvén and aperiodic instabilities in magnetized pair plasma
  9. Structure of a collisionless pair jet in a magnetized electron–proton plasma: flow-aligned magnetic field
  10. Cocoon formation by a mildly relativistic pair jet in unmagnetized collisionless electron-proton plasma
  11. Quasi-perpendicular fast magnetosonic shock with wave precursor in collisionless plasma
  12. Expansion of a mildly relativistic hot pair cloud into an electron-proton plasma
  13. Impact of the electron to ion mass ratio on unstable systems in particle-in-cell simulations
  14. One-dimensional thermal pressure-driven expansion of a pair cloud into an electron-proton plasma
  15. Expansion of a radially symmetric blast shell into a uniformly magnetized plasma
  16. Experimental Observation of a Current-Driven Instability in a Neutral Electron-Positron Beam
  17. Electrostatic shock waves in the laboratory and astrophysics: similarities and differences
  18. Electrostatic and magnetic instabilities in the transition layer of a collisionless weakly relativistic pair shock
  19. Emergence of MHD structures in a collisionless PIC simulation plasma
  20. Expansion of a radial plasma blast shell into an ambient plasma
  21. Departure from MHD prescriptions in shock formation over a guiding magnetic field
  22. Hierarchy of instabilities for two counter-streaming magnetized pair beams: Influence of field obliquity
  23. Simulation study of the formation of a non-relativistic pair shock
  24. Experimental Observation of Thin-shell Instability in a Collisionless Plasma
  25. The interplay of the collisionless non-linear thin-shell instability with the ion acoustic instability
  26. Particle-in-cell simulation study of a lower-hybrid shock
  27. Theory of the formation of a collisionless Weibel shock: pair vs. electron/proton plasmas
  28. The microphysics of collisionless shock waves
  29. Thin-shell instability in collisionless plasma
  30. Shocks in unmagnetized plasma with a shear flow: Stability and magnetic field generation
  31. Overview of laser-driven generation of electron–positron beams
  32. Particle-in-cell simulation study of the interaction between a relativistically moving leptonic micro-cloud and ambient electrons
  33. Evolution of slow electrostatic shock into a plasma shock mediated by electrostatic turbulence
  34. Laser-driven generation of collimated ultra-relativistic positron beams
  35. Modification of the formation of high-Mach number electrostatic shock-like structures by the ion acoustic instability
  36. Microphysics of Cosmic Plasmas: Hierarchies of Plasma Instabilities from MHD to Kinetic
  37. Table-Top Laser-Based Source of Femtosecond, Collimated, Ultrarelativistic Positron Beams
  38. Time-Resolved Characterization of the Formation of a Collisionless Shock
  39. A table-top laser-based source of short, collimated, ultra-relativistic positron beams
  40. Parametric study of non-relativistic electrostatic shocks and the structure of their transition layer
  41. Microphysics of Cosmic Plasmas: Hierarchies of Plasma Instabilities from MHD to Kinetic
  42. Magnetic instability in a dilute circular rarefaction wave
  43. Dynamics of Self-Generated, Large Amplitude Magnetic Fields Following High-Intensity Laser Matter Interaction
  44. Simulation of relativistically colliding laser-generated electron flows
  45. Particle simulation study of electron heating by counter-streaming ion beams ahead of supernova remnant shocks
  46. Weibel-Induced Filamentation during an Ultrafast Laser-Driven Plasma Expansion
  47. PIC simulation of a thermal anisotropy-driven Weibel instability in a circular rarefaction wave
  48. Magnetic field suppression in collision-less shocks generated during the expansion of a dense plasma into a rarefied medium
  49. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation of the expansion of a plasma into a rarefied medium
  50. Generation of a Purely Electrostatic Collisionless Shock during the Expansion of a Dense Plasma through a Rarefied Medium
  51. Multidimensional electron beam-plasma instabilities in the relativistic regime
  52. Magnetic field amplification and electron acceleration to near-energy equipartition with ions by a mildly relativistic quasi-parallel plasma protoshock
  53. Recent progresses in relativistic beam-plasma instability theory
  54. Magnetic vortex growth in the transition layer of a mildly relativistic plasma shock
  55. Multidimensional Simulations of Magnetic Field Amplification and Electron Acceleration to Near-Energy Equipartition With Ions by a Mildly Relativistic Quasi-Parallel Plasma Collision
  56. Shock creation and particle acceleration driven by plasma expansion into a rarefied medium
  57. PIC simulations of the temperature anisotropy-driven Weibel instability: analysing the perpendicular mode
  59. Progress in proton radiography for diagnosis of ICF-relevant plasmas
  60. The application of laser-driven proton beams to the radiography of intense laser–hohlraum interactions
  61. How large can the electron to proton mass ratio be in particle-in-cell simulations of unstable systems?
  62. Simulation of a collisionless planar electrostatic shock in a proton–electron plasma with a strong initial thermal pressure change
  63. Observation and characterization of laser-driven phase space electron holes
  64. Particle-in-cell simulation of a mildly relativistic collision of an electron-ion plasma carrying a quasi-parallel magnetic field
  65. Electric field generation by the electron beam filamentation instability: filament size effects
  66. The filamentation instability driven by warm electron beams: statistics and electric field generation
  67. One-dimensional particle simulation of the filamentation instability: Electrostatic field driven by the magnetic pressure gradient force
  68. PIC simulations of the thermal anisotropy-driven Weibel instability: field growth and phase space evolution upon saturation
  69. Resonant Weibel instability in counterstreaming plasmas with temperature anisotropies
  70. Simulation study of the filamentation of counter-streaming beams of the electrons and positrons in plasmas
  72. Electromagnetic turbulence driven by the mixed mode instability
  73. Relativistic electron beam driven instabilities in the presence of an arbitrarily oriented magnetic field
  74. Two-dimensional PIC simulations of ion beam instabilities in Supernova-driven plasma flows
  75. Electron surfing acceleration by mildly relativistic beams: wave magnetic field effects
  76. Suppression of the filamentation instability by a flow-aligned magnetic field: testing the analytic threshold with PIC simulations
  77. Ions motion effects on the full unstable spectrum in relativistic electron beam plasma interaction
  78. Comparing electrostatic instabilities driven by mildly and highly relativistic proton beams
  79. The plasma filamentation instability in one dimension: nonlinear evolution
  80. Aspects of self-similar current distributions resulting from the plasma filamentation instability
  81. Nonlinear aspects of the solar coronal heating
  82. Theory and simulations of nonlinear kinetic structures in plasmas
  83. Two-stream instability in collisionless shocks and foreshock
  84. Evolution of the fastest-growing relativistic mixed mode instability driven by a tenuous plasma beam in one and two dimensions
  85. Particle-in-cell simulations of plasma slabs colliding at a mildly relativistic speed
  86. Electron surfing acceleration by the electron two-stream instability in a weak magnetic field
  87. Oblique electromagnetic instabilities for a hot relativistic beam interacting with a hot and magnetized plasma
  88. Electrostatic pair creation and recombination in quantum plasmas
  89. Formation of electrostatic structures by wakefield acceleration in ultrarelativistic plasma flows: Electron acceleration to cosmic ray energies
  90. Stabilisation of BGK modes by relativistic effects
  91. Instability and dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled laser beams in a plasma
  92. Theoretical and simulation studies of relativistic ion holes in astrophysical plasmas
  93. Electron surfing acceleration in oblique magnetic fields
  94. Particle-in-cell simulation studies of the non-linear evolution of ultrarelativistic two-stream instabilities
  95. On the ultrarelativistic two-stream instability, electrostatic turbulence and Brownian motion
  96. Phase speed of electrostatic waves: the critical parameter for efficient electron surfing acceleration
  97. Numerical simulation and visualization of stochastic and ordered electron motion forced by electrostatic waves in a magnetized plasma
  98. Simulation study of surfing acceleration in magnetized space plasmas
  99. Particle Simulation of an Ultrarelativistic Two-Stream Instability
  100. Surfatron and stochastic acceleration of electrons in astrophysical plasmas
  101. Electron acceleration by fast electrostatic waves moving orthogonally across a magnetic field
  102. Proton phase space vortices generated by powerful beam driven electrostatic waves
  103. Visualization of 4-D particle data sets
  104. Electron acceleration to energies beyond GeV by a relativistic ion beam instability
  105. Streaming instabilities driven by mildly relativistic proton beams in plasmas
  106. Connecting Shock Velocities to Electron-Injection Mechanisms
  107. Particle-in-cell simulations of electron acceleration by a simple capacitative antenna in collisionless plasma
  108. Three-dimensional visualization of electron acceleration in a magnetized plasma
  109. Surfatron and Stochastic Acceleration of Electrons at Supernova Remnant Shocks
  110. Interactive visualization of particle-in-cell simulations