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  1. Generation of 100-TW half-cycle zeptosecond x-ray pulses in the cascaded regime
  2. Beam-driven electron-acoustic waves in auroral region of magnetosphere with superthermal trapped electrons
  3. The generation of whistler, lower hybrid, and magnetosonic waves by satellites passing through ionospheric magnetic field aligned irregularities
  4. PIC simulation of a nonoscillatory perturbation on a subcritical fast magnetosonic shock wave
  5. Electromagnetic Vector Sensor Satellite for Detection of Harmful Space Debris
  6. Role of spontaneous thermal emissions in inflationary laser Raman instability
  7. Anomalous hot electron generation via stimulated Raman scattering in plasma with up-ramp density profiles
  8. PIC simulations of stable surface waves on a subcritical fast magnetosonic shock front
  9. Plasma dynamics at the Schwinger limit and beyond
  10. Giant isolated half-cycle attosecond pulses generated in coherent bremsstrahlung emission regime
  11. Electron heating mechanisms at quasi-perpendicular shocks - revisited with Magnetospheric Multiscale measurements
  12. The role of transient plasma photonic structures in plasma-based amplifiers
  13. Ultrahigh-amplitude isolated attosecond pulses generated by a two-color laser pulse interacting with a microstructured target
  14. Ultrahigh-Amplitude Isolated Attosecond Pulses Generated in the Transmission Regime from Ultrathin Foil
  15. Design and Characterisation of a Helicon Apparatus for Investigations of Parametric Instabilities in Magnetised Plasma
  16. Controlled beat-wave Brillouin scattering in the ionosphere
  17. Ion acceleration to 100 keV by the ExB wave mechanism in collision-less shocks
  18. Large Helicon Apparatus for Parametric Microwave Coupling Experiments in a Magnetised Plasma
  19. Local Acceleration of Protons to 100 keV in a Quasi‐Parallel Bow Shock
  20. Magnetic field amplification by high power lasers in underdense plasma
  21. Stochastic and Quasi-adiabatic Electron Heating in Quasi-parallel Shocks
  22. Observation of electron cyclotron harmonic emissions due to electrostatic instabilities in mirror-confined plasma
  23. Quasi-adiabatic and Stochastic Heating and Particle Acceleration at Quasi-perpendicular Shocks
  24. Particle-in-cell simulation of plasma-based amplification using a moving window
  25. Quantum Faraday excitations in degenerate electron-ion plasma
  26. Towards a high efficiency amplifier based on Raman amplification
  27. Neutrino-driven Instability of Ion Acoustic Waves in an Ultrarelativistic Degenerate Plasma
  28. High-Power Laser-Plasma Interaction
  29. Large-scale numerical simulation of ionospheric Langmuir turbulence excited by a radio frequency electromagnetic wave
  30. Simulations of the Generation of Energetic Electrons and the Formation of Descending Artificial Plasma Layers During HF Heating at Arecibo
  31. Time-dependent variational approach for Bose–Einstein condensates with nonlocal interaction
  32. Landau damping of dust acoustic solitary waves in nonthermal plasmas
  33. Semiclassical fluid model of nonlinear plasmons in doped graphene
  34. Two-Dimensional Vlasov Simulations of Fast Stochastic Electron Heating in Ionospheric Modification Experiments
  35. Vlasov simulations of electron acceleration by radio frequency heating near the upper hybrid layer
  36. Pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons near electromagnetic ion cyclotron resonances in diverging magnetic fields
  37. Slow test charge response in a dusty plasma with Kappa distributed electrons and ions
  38. Electromagnetic cyclotron instabilities in bi-Kappa distributed plasmas: A quasilinear approach
  39. Hydrodynamic theory of partially degenerate electron–hole fluids in semiconductors
  40. Electrostatic electron cyclotron instabilities near the upper hybrid layer due to electron ring distributions
  41. Generation of ELF waves during HF heating of the ionosphere at midlatitudes
  42. Generation of whistler waves by continuous HF heating of the upper ionosphere
  43. Finite temperature static charge screening in quantum plasmas
  44. Simulations of ionospheric turbulence produced by HF heating near the upper hybrid layer
  45. Nonlinear plasmonics in a two-dimensional plasma layer
  46. On the correct implementation of Fermi–Dirac statistics and electron trapping in nonlinear electrostatic plane wave propagation in collisionless plasmas
  47. Pseudorelativistic laser-semiconductor quantum plasma interactions
  48. Artificial ionospheric layers driven by high‐frequency radiowaves: An assessment
  49. HF wave propagation and induced ionospheric turbulence in the magnetic equatorial region
  50. Low-Frequency Waves in HF Heating of the Ionosphere
  51. Solar coronal electron heating by short-wavelength dispersive shear Alfvén waves
  52. Numerical study of upper hybrid to <i>Z</i>-mode leakage during electromagnetic pumping of groups of striations in the ionosphere
  53. Slowly moving test charge in two-electron component non-Maxwellian plasma
  54. A new two-stream instability mode in magnetized quantum plasma
  55. Nonlinear evolution of the electromagnetic electron-cyclotron instability in bi-Kappa distributed plasma
  56. Numerical study of anomalous absorption of O mode waves on magnetic field-aligned striations
  57. Instability of a thin conducting foil accelerated by a finite wavelength intense laser
  58. Laser acceleration of protons using multi-ion plasma gaseous targets
  59. Incidence angle dependence of Langmuir turbulence and artificial ionospheric layers driven by high-power HF-heating
  60. A nonlinear model for magnetoacoustic waves in dense dissipative plasmas with degenerate electrons
  61. Padma Kant Shukla
  62. Trapping and instability of directional gravity waves in localized water currents
  63. Spot size dependence of laser accelerated protons in thin multi-ion foils
  64. One-dimensional rarefactive solitons in electron-hole semiconductor plasmas
  65. Ion shock acceleration by large amplitude slow ion acoustic double layers in laser-produced plasmas
  66. Preface
  67. Modulational instability of spin modified quantum magnetosonic waves in Fermi-Dirac-Pauli plasmas
  68. Dressed ion acoustic solitary waves in quantum plasmas with two polarity ions and relativistic electron beams
  69. Enhancement of proton energy by polarization switch in laser acceleration of multi-ion foils
  70. Three dimensional electrostatic solitary waves in a dense magnetoplasma with relativistically degenerate electrons
  71. An electromagnetic gamma-ray free electron laser
  72. Preface
  73. Acceleration of solar wind ions to 1 MeV by electromagnetic structures upstream of the Earth's bow shock
  74. Ion acceleration by Alfvén waves on auroral field lines
  76. Padma Kant Shukla 1950–2013
  77. Quantum-electrodynamical parametric instability in the incoherent photon gas
  78. Generation of quasi-monoenergetic protons from thin multi-ion foils by a combination of laser radiation pressure acceleration and shielded Coulomb repulsion
  79. Instability and dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled intense laser beams in a quantum plasma
  80. Clustering of ions at atomic dimensions in quantum plasmas
  81. Relativistic x-ray quantum free-electron lasers: a collective Klein–Gordon model
  82. Nonlinear dynamics of large-amplitude dust acoustic shocks and solitary pulses in dusty plasmas
  83. Generation of ELF and ULF electromagnetic waves by modulated heating of the ionospheric F2 region
  84. Numerical modeling of artificial ionospheric layers driven by high-power HF heating
  85. Negative energy waves and quantum relativistic Buneman instabilities
  86. Stimulated scattering of electromagnetic waves carrying orbital angular momentum in quantum plasmas
  87. Erratum: Novel Attractive Force between Ions in Quantum Plasmas [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 165007 (2012)]
  88. Nonlinear propagation of coherent electromagnetic waves in a dense magnetized plasma
  89. Relativistic x-ray free-electron lasers in the quantum regime
  90. Erratum: Novel Attractive Force Between Ions in Quantum Plasmas [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 165007 (2012)]
  91. Relativistic Klein-Gordon-Maxwell multistream model for quantum plasmas
  92. Novel Attractive Force between Ions in Quantum Plasmas
  93. Attenuation of whistler waves through conversion to lower hybrid waves in the low-altitude ionosphere
  94. Nonlinear relativistic interactions between electromagnetic waves and quantum plasmas
  95. Energy Scaling of Quasi-Monoenergetic Ions Accelrated by Laser Radiation Pressure
  96. The formation of electrostatic shocks in quantum plasmas with relativistically degenerate electrons
  97. Surface plasma rogue waves
  98. Colloquium: Nonlinear collective interactions in quantum plasmas with degenerate electron fluids
  99. Electromagnetic solitary pulses in a magnetized electron-positron plasma
  100. Nonlinear propagation of light in Dirac matter
  101. Large-amplitude Alfvénic shocks in a collisional magnetoplasma
  102. Dark and grey compressional dispersive Alfvén solitons in plasmas
  103. Electron shear-flow-driven instability in magnetized plasmas with magnetic field gradient
  104. Nonlinear beam generated plasma waves as a source for enhanced plasma and ion acoustic lines
  105. Relativistic laser-plasma interactions in the quantum regime
  106. Electrostatic solitary waves in a quantum plasma with relativistically degenerate electrons
  107. Recent developments in quantum plasma physics
  108. Magnetization of electron–positron plasmas by Laguerre–Gaussian light beams
  109. Numerical Investigation of the Instability and Nonlinear Evolution of Narrow-Band Directional Ocean Waves
  110. Electromagnetic wave equations for relativistically degenerate quantum magnetoplasmas
  111. Preface
  112. Magnetization of a quantum plasma by photons
  113. Numerical Simulations of the Fourier-Transformed Vlasov-Maxwell System in Higher Dimensions—Theory and Applications
  114. Nonlinear aspects of quantum plasma physics
  115. Full-scale simulation study of stimulated electromagnetic emissions: The first ten milliseconds
  116. Mathematical and physical aspects of controlling the exact solutions of the 3D Gross–Pitaevskii equation
  117. Magnetization of plasmas
  118. Arbitrary amplitude dust ion-acoustic shock waves in a dusty plasma with positive and negative ions
  119. Dispersion properties of electrostatic oscillations in quantum plasmas
  120. Solitary waves and double layers in a dusty electronegative plasma
  121. Penetration of ELF currents and electromagnetic fields into the Earth's equatorial ionosphere
  122. Laser acceleration of monoenergetic protons via a double layer emerging from an ultra-thin foil
  123. Numerical study of the magnetic electron drift vortex mode turbulence in a nonuniform magnetoplasma
  124. Solar coronal heating by plasma waves
  125. Dynamics of nonlinearly interacting magnetic electron drift vortex modes in a nonuniform plasma
  126. Evolution of rogue waves in interacting wave systems
  127. Nonlinear saturation of the Weibel instability in a dense Fermi plasma
  128. Parallelization of a Vlasov–Maxwell solver in four-dimensional phase space
  129. Colloquium: Fundamentals of dust-plasma interactions
  130. Laser acceleration of monoenergetic protons in a self-organized double layer from thin foil
  131. Laser Radiation Pressure Acceleration of Monoenergetic Protons in an Ultra-Thin Foil
  132. Nonlinear Aspects of Quantum Plasma Physics: Nanoplasmonics and Nanostructures in Dense Plasmas
  133. Two Dimensional Inhomogeneous Magnetic Electron Drift Modes
  134. Phase-space structures in quantum-plasma wave turbulence
  135. Correction to “HF radio wave acceleration of ionospheric electrons: Analysis of HF-induced optical enhancements”
  136. Angular momentum transport produced by shear flow driven drift waves in a collisional magnetoplasma
  137. Ion solitary waves in a dense quantum plasma
  138. Numerical and theoretical study of Bernstein modes in a magnetized quantum plasma
  139. Numerical study of mode conversion between lower hybrid and whistler waves on short-scale density striations
  140. HF radio wave acceleration of ionospheric electrons: Analysis of HF-induced optical enhancements
  141. Nonlinear quantum fluid equations for a finite temperature Fermi plasma
  142. Full-scale simulation study of the generation of topside ionospheric turbulence using a generalized Zakharov model
  143. Electron heating by the magnetic field-aligned electron–cyclotron waves in plasmas
  144. Three-dimensional instability of two nonlinearly coupled electromagnetic waves in a plasma
  145. Three-dimensional electrostatic waves in a nonuniform quantum electron–positron magnetoplasma
  146. Localized plasmons in quantum plasmas
  147. Screening and wake potentials of a test charge in quantum plasmas
  149. Full-scale simulation study of the initial stage of ionospheric turbulence
  150. Zakharov simulation study of spectral features of on-demand Langmuir turbulence in an inhomogeneous plasma
  151. Localization of intense electromagnetic waves in plasmas
  152. Nonlinear Theory for a Quantum Diode in a Dense Fermi Magnetoplasma
  153. Front Matter for Volume 1061
  154. A nonuniform nested grid method for simulations of RF induced ionospheric turbulence
  155. Three-Dimensional EMHD Simulation Studies of Nonlinear Magnetic Structures in Magnetized Plasmas
  156. Magnetosonic solitons in a fermionic quantum plasma
  157. Linear and nonlinear low-frequency electrostatic waves in a nonuniform pair-ion-dust magnetoplasma
  158. Reply to comment by N. A. Gondarenko et al. on “Simulation study of the interaction between large-amplitude HF radio waves and the ionosphere”
  159. Dynamics of Whistler Spheromaks in Magnetized Plasmas
  160. Theory for two-dimensional electron and ion Bernstein–Greene–Kruskal modes in a magnetized plasma
  161. Nonlinear Interactions between Electromagnetic Waves and Electron Plasma Oscillations in Quantum Plasmas
  162. Outflow boundary conditions for the Fourier transformed three-dimensional Vlasov–Maxwell system
  163. Simulation study of magnetic holes at the Earth's collisionless bow shock
  164. Theoretical and numerical studies of relativistic ion and electron holes in plasmas
  165. Nonlinear instability and dynamics of polaritons in quantum systems
  166. Simulation study of the interaction between large-amplitude HF radio waves and the ionosphere
  167. Collective nonlinear dust–plasma interactions
  168. Quantum-Electrodynamical Photon Splitting in Magnetized Nonlinear Pair Plasmas
  169. Electron parallel velocity and temperature gradient driven electrostatic fluctuations in nonuniform magnetoplasmas
  170. Nonlinear aspects of the solar coronal heating
  171. Theory and simulations of nonlinear kinetic structures in plasmas
  172. Two-stream instability in collisionless shocks and foreshock
  173. Theory of rf-driven plasma sheath
  174. Instability and dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled laser beams in a two-temperature electron plasma
  175. Particle-in-cell simulations of plasma slabs colliding at a mildly relativistic speed
  176. Response to “Comment on ‘Electron parallel-flow shear driven low-frequency electromagnetic modes in collisionless magnetoplasma’ ” [Phys. Plasmas 13, 094701 (2006)]
  177. Instability and Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting Water Waves
  178. Formation and dynamics of relativistic electromagnetic solitons in plasmas containing high-and low-energy electron components
  179. Formation and Dynamics of Dark Solitons and Vortices in Quantum Electron Plasmas
  180. Electrostatic pair creation and recombination in quantum plasmas
  181. Formation of electrostatic structures by wakefield acceleration in ultrarelativistic plasma flows: Electron acceleration to cosmic ray energies
  182. Kinetic effects on relativistic solitons in plasmas
  183. Dynamics of relativistic laser pulses in plasmas
  184. Instability and dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled laser beams in a plasma
  185. Electron parallel-flow shear driven low-frequency electromagnetic modes in collisionless magnetoplasma
  186. Theoretical and simulation studies of relativistic ion holes in astrophysical plasmas
  187. Electron surfing acceleration in oblique magnetic fields
  188. Dynamics of self-gravitating dust clouds and the formation of planetesimals
  189. Radiation condensation instability of compressional electromagnetic modes in magnetoplasmas containing charged dust impurities
  190. Kinetic electrostatic structures in current-carrying pair plasmas
  191. Response to “Comment on ‘On the theory of plasma-wall transition layers’ [Phys. Plasmas 13, 024701 (2006)]
  192. Parallel electron velocity shear instability in a magnetized plasma
  193. Formation and dynamics of coherent structures involving phase-space vortices in plasmas
  194. Parametric instabilities and localization of nonlinearly coupled electromagnetic modes in astrophysical dusty plasmas
  195. Amplitude modulation of whistlers by modified ion-cyclotron perturbations in plasmas
  196. Nonlinearly coupled whistlers and dust-acoustic perturbations in dusty plasmas
  197. Nonlinear instability and saturation of linearly stable current-carrying pair plasmas
  198. Three-dimensional dynamics of nonlinear whistlers in plasmas
  199. Theory of relativistic phase-space holes in a hot-electron-positron-ion plasma
  200. Theory of the plasma sheath in a magnetic field parallel to the wall
  201. The parallel implementation of the one-dimensional Fourier transformed Vlasov–Poisson system
  202. Formation and dynamics of finite amplitude localized pulses in elastic tubes
  203. Theory of relativistic electron holes in hot plasmas
  204. Simulation study of surfing acceleration in magnetized space plasmas
  205. Structure formation by modulational interactions between lower-hybrid and dispersive Alfvén waves
  206. The intense radiation gas
  207. Linear self-focusing of whistlers in plasmas
  208. Solitary phase-space holes in pair plasmas
  209. Low-frequency compressional electromagnetic waves in a nonuniform dusty magnetoplasma
  210. Relativistic self-compression approaching the Schwinger limit
  211. Localization of Intense Electromagnetic Waves in a Relativistically Hot Plasma
  212. The dynamics of electron and ion holes in a collisionless plasma
  213. Formation of large-amplitude dust ion-acoustic shocks in dusty plasmas
  214. Self‐consistent Studies of Electron Acceleration to Ultrarelativistic Energies by Upper Hybrid Waves
  215. Nonlinear effects associated with dispersive Alfvén waves in plasmas
  216. Dust-acoustic solitary and shock waves in a strongly coupled liquid state dusty plasma with a vortex-like ion distribution
  217. Potential around a dust grain placed in the plasma sheath
  218. Electron acceleration to energies beyond GeV by a relativistic ion beam instability
  219. Theoretical and numerical studies of density modulated whistlers
  220. Three-dimensional electroacoustic solitary waves induced by ion holes in magnetized plasmas
  221. On the theory of plasma-wall transition layers
  222. Nonlinear effects associated with interactions of intense photons with a photon gas
  223. Dynamics of Electron Holes in an Electron–Oxygen-Ion Plasma
  224. Dust acoustic shock waves
  225. Nonlinear model for magnetosonic shocklets in plasmas
  226. Vacuum compression of trapped electromagnetic waves
  227. 3D electron-acoustic solitary waves introduced by phase space electron vortices in magnetized space plasmas
  228. Streaming instabilities driven by mildly relativistic proton beams in plasmas
  229. Nonlinear dynamics of intense laser pulses in a pair plasma
  230. Production of Nonisothermal Electrons and Langmuir Waves Because of Colliding Ion Holes and Trapping of Plasmons in an Ion Hole
  231. Self-compression and catastrophic collapse of photon bullets in vacuum
  232. Modulational and Filamentational Instabilities of Intense Photon Pulses and Their Dynamics in a Photon Gas
  233. Connecting Shock Velocities to Electron-Injection Mechanisms
  234. Complete theory for Langmuir envelope solitons in dusty plasmas
  235. Particle-in-cell simulations of electron acceleration by a simple capacitative antenna in collisionless plasma
  236. Localized Kinetic Structures in Magnetized Plasmas
  237. Trapping of Langmuir waves in Ion Holes
  238. Nonlinearly coupled upper-hybrid and magnetoacoustic waves in collisional magnetoplasmas
  239. Analytical and simulation studies of nonlinear effects caused by upper-hybrid waves in plasmas
  240. Numerical modelling of the two-dimensional Fourier transformed Vlasov–Maxwell system
  241. Theory of Cavitons in Complex Plasmas
  242. Simulation study of radiation generation by upper-hybrid waves in space plasmas
  243. Trapping of plasmons in ion holes
  244. Outflow Boundary Conditions for the Fourier Transformed Two-Dimensional Vlasov Equation
  245. Linear wave dispersion laws in unmagnetized relativistic plasma: Analytical and numerical results