All Stories

  1. The challenge of remote treatment in neuropsychological intervention for reading and spelling in dyslexia: A prospective observational cohort study
  2. Validation of a Web App Enabling Children with Dyslexia to Identify Personalized Visual and Auditory Parameters Facilitating Online Text Reading
  3. New Digital Technologies for Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  4. Intergenerational longitudinal associations between parental reading/musical traits, infants’ auditory processing, and later phonological awareness skills
  5. Evaluating the role of word-related parameters in the discriminative power of a novel nonword repetition task for bilingual children
  6. Long-Lasting Effects of Changes in Daily Routine during the Pandemic-Related Lockdown on Preschoolers’ Language and Emotional–Behavioral Development: A Moderation Analysis
  7. Learning and Well-Being in Multilingual Adolescents with Italian as L2: A Comparison with Monolingual Peers with and without a Learning Disorder
  8. Associations between Dietary Intake, Blood Levels of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Reading Abilities in Children
  9. Revisiting Multifactor Models of Dyslexia: Do They Fit Empirical Data and What Are Their Implications for Intervention?
  10. Remote Screening for Developmental Language Disorder in Bilingual Children: Preliminary Validation in Spanish–Italian Speaking Preschool Children
  11. A Nonword Repetition Task Discriminates Typically Developing Italian-German Bilingual Children From Bilingual Children With Developmental Language Disorder: The Role of Language-Specific and Language-Non-specific Nonwords
  12. FORDYSVAR: Book on specific learning difficulties in reading
  13. FORDYSVAR EBOOK: Best practices and technological resources for students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs)
  14. FORDYSVAR EBOOK: Best practices and technological resources for students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs)
  15. Direct and Indirect Effects of Blood Levels of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids on Reading and Writing (Dis)Abilities
  16. Remote Dyslexia Screening for Bilingual Children
  17. Remote Neuropsychological Intervention for Developmental Dyslexia with the Tachidino Platform: No Reduction in Effectiveness for Older Nor for More Severely Impaired Children
  18. New Educational Technologies and Their Impact on Students' Well-being and Inclusion Process
  19. Towards Consensus on Good Practices for the Use of New Technologies for Intervention and Support in Developmental Dyslexia: A Delphi Study Conducted among Italian Specialized Professionals
  20. Editorial: New Educational Technologies and Their Impact on Students' Well-Being and Inclusion Process
  21. Speech and Language Therapy Service for Multilingual Children: Attitudes and Approaches across Four European Countries
  22. Detection without further processing or processing without automatic detection? Differential ERP responses to lexical-semantic processing in toddlers at high clinical risk for autism and language disorder
  23. Developmental Language Disorder: Early Predictors, Age for the Diagnosis, and Diagnostic Tools. A Scoping Review
  24. The Effectiveness of Interventions for Developmental Dyslexia: Rhythmic Reading Training Compared With Hemisphere-Specific Stimulation and Action Video Games
  25. The processing of rhythmic structures in music and prosody by children with developmental dyslexia and developmental language disorder
  26. Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality as a Tool to Improve Cognitive and Social Abilities in Preschool Children
  27. Developmental Differences in the Relationship Between Visual Attention Span and Chinese Reading Fluency
  28. Tell Me a Story: Socio-Emotional Functioning, Well-Being and Problematic Smartphone Use in Adolescents With Specific Learning Disabilities
  29. ORCA.IT: A New Web-Based Tool for Assessing Online Reading, Search and Comprehension Abilities in Students Reveals Effects of Gender, School Type and Reading Ability
  30. Pitch as the Main Determiner of Italian Lexical Stress Perception Across the Lifespan: Evidence From Typical Development and Dyslexia
  31. When prosody meets syntax: The processing of the syntax-prosody interface in children with developmental dyslexia and developmental language disorder
  32. Specific conditions for a selective deficit in memory for order in children with dyslexia
  33. Giok the Alien: An AR-Based Integrated System for the Empowerment of Problem-Solving, Pragmatic, and Social Skills in Pre-School Children
  34. Revisiting Strephosymbolie: The Connection between Interhemispheric Transfer and Developmental Dyslexia
  35. A tapping device for recording and quantitative characterization of rhythmic/auditory sequences
  36. Exploring the learnability and usability of a near field communication-based application for semantic enrichment in children with language disorders
  37. Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations
  38. Giok
  39. Rhythmic Reading Training (RRT)
  40. Improving reading skills in students with dyslexia: the efficacy of a sublexical training with rhythmic background
  41. Developmental Dyslexia With and Without Language Impairment: ERPs Reveal Qualitative Differences in Morphosyntactic Processing
  42. Impact of a NFC-Based Application with Educational Purposes on Children Affected by Language Disorders
  43. Processing Sentences with Literal versus Figurative Use of Verbs: An ERP Study with Children with Language Impairments, Nonverbal Impairments, and Typical Development
  44. The DCDC2/intron 2 deletion and white matter disorganization: Focus on developmental dyslexia
  45. Age, dyslexia subtype and comorbidity modulate rapid auditory processing in developmental dyslexia
  46. NFC-based application with educational purposes
  47. Characterizing the morphosyntactic processing deficit and its relationship to phonology in developmental dyslexia
  48. Specific profiles of neurocognitive and reading functions in a sample of 42 Italian boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  49. Event-related potentials reveal anomalous morphosyntactic processing in developmental dyslexia
  50. Syllables per second versus seconds per syllable when measuring reading speed
  51. Neurocognitive Profiles in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Gene Mutation Site
  52. Neuropsychological Treatment of Dyslexia: Does Type of Treatment Matter?
  53. Multisensory Spatial Attention Deficits Are Predictive of Phonological Decoding Skills in Developmental Dyslexia
  54. A common generalized perceptual strategy? The evidence from dyslexics
  55. Cross-modal perceptual learning as demonstrated in dyslexics
  56. The effects of audiobooks on the psychosocial adjustment of pre-adolescents and adolescents with dyslexia
  57. Perception of Non-Verbal Auditory Stimuli in Italian Dyslexic Children
  58. Fluency remediation in dyslexic children: does age make a difference?
  59. Wide and Diffuse Perceptual Modes Characterize Dyslexics in Vision and Audition
  60. Association of short-term memory with a variant within DYX1C1 in developmental dyslexia
  61. Evaluation of narrative abilities in patients suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  62. Indicators of theory of mind in narrative production: a comparison between individuals with genetic syndromes and typically developing children
  63. The relationship between visuo-spatial attention and nonword reading in developmental dyslexia
  64. Effects of visual hemisphere-specific stimulation versus reading-focused training in dyslexic children
  65. Impulsivity in depressed children and adolescents: A comparison between behavioral and neuropsychological data
  66. Tachistoscopic treatment of dyslexia changes the distribution of visual–spatial attention
  67. A family-based association study does not support DYX1C1 on 15q21.3 as a candidate gene in developmental dyslexia
  68. An Assessment of Transmission Disequilibrium Between Quantitative Measures of Childhood Problem Behaviors and DRD2/Taql and DRD4/48bp-Repeat Polymorphisms
  69. Wider recognition in peripheral vision common to different subtypes of dyslexia
  70. Hemispheric, attentional, and processing speed factors in the treatment of developmental dyslexia
  71. The time course of attentional focusing in dyslexic and normally reading children
  72. No evidence for association and linkage disequilibrium between dyslexia and markers of four dopamine-related genes
  73. Auditory and visual automatic attention deficits in developmental dyslexia
  74. The role of visuospatial attention in developmental dyslexia: evidence from a rehabilitation study
  75. Orienting of visual attention in dyslexia: evidence for asymmetric hemispheric control of attention
  76. Callosal Transfer in Different Subtypes of Developmental Dyslexia
  77. The spatial distribution of visual attention in developmental dyslexia
  78. A cultural effect on brain function