All Stories

  1. All is Noise
  2. Minecraft for Remote Learning of Computational Thinking in Pandemic Times
  3. eXtended Reality (XR) Experiences in Museums for Cultural Heritage: A Systematic Review
  4. Developing an eXtended Reality platform for Immersive and Interactive Experiences for Cultural Heritage: Serralves Museum and Coa Archeologic Park
  5. Art in the Digital during and after Covid: Aura and Apparatus of Online Exhibitions
  6. Aplicações móveis para o turismo cultural: Caminhos de Santiago
  7. Mobile Applications in Cultural Heritage Context
  8. The Presence of the Uncanny Valley Between Animation and Cinema
  9. The apprentice gaze app with three augmented reality experience on Serralves Museum
  11. Viabilidade da monitorização da intervenção psicoterapêutica com adolescentes com recurso a aplicações móveis
  12. Rate-Distortion Analysis for H.264/AVC Video Statistics
  13. A novel approach to joint video coding
  14. Statistical multiplexing of H.264 programs
  15. Smoothing of MPEG multi-program video coding for packet networks
  16. The ATLANTIC news studio: Reference model and field trial
  17. Dynamic multiplexing for digital TV broadcasting
  18. Analysis of a two step MPEG video system
  19. <title>Dynamic bandwidth allocation for an MPEG-2 multiencoder video system</title>
  20. Block matching algorithms in MPEG video coding
  21. Analysis of a joint video coding system
  22. Joint control of MPEG VBR video over ATM networks
  23. Analysis of a two step MPEG video system